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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) validation (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: validation

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt286 - : My proposed approach for validation in language classrooms comprises three major stages: The first stage relates to the congruence between curriculum objectives and the design of tests ; the second stage is a close analysis of already-made instruments and the use of basic statistics; the last stage collects feedback to examine the consequences of using tests.

paper CO_Íkalatxt282 - : Pour ces raisons, nous pensons que les critères d’évaluation doivent être révisés et validés en concertation avec un enseignant présent dans le lmooc, cela afin de vérifier leurs qualités linguistiques et méthodologiques et d’encourager les étudiants à donner un feedback au lieu de se contenter de donner des notes à leurs pairs. Cette validation est avantageuse pour l’étudiant expert et l’étudiant apprenti : le premier peut être formé et outillé de procédés d’évaluation fiable et le fait de disposer de ces outils réduit son sentiment d’hésitation ou de manque de confiance à participer à l’évaluation, faute de compétence linguistique suffisante ou de formation à l’évaluation . Quant à l’étudiant apprenti, la validation par un enseignant peut garantir un feedback complet et qualitatif.

paper UY_ALFALtxt204 - : Norbury, Courtenay, Marysia Nash, Guillian Baird y Dorothy Bishop. 2004. Using a parental checklist to identify diagnostic groups in children with communication impairment: A validation of the children’s communication checklist-2, International Journal of Language and Communication Impairments ,39: 345-364 . (en línea) Disponible en [164]https://doi.org/10.1080/13682820410001654883 [ [165]Links ]

paper corpusSignostxt389 - : Este trabajo fue realizado con el apoyo parcial del gobierno de México (CONACYT, SNI), del IPN, México (proyectos SIP 20120418, 20131441, 20131702; COFAA, PIFI), del proyecto 122030 CONACYT-DST India “Answer Validation through Textual Entailment”, y del proyecto 269180 de la comunidad europea: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-IRSES “Web Information Quality - Evaluation Initiative (WIQ-EI )”.

Evaluando al candidato validation:

1) évaluation: 3
2) feedback: 3 (*)
3) communication: 3 (*)
4) étudiant: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 185
Docs: 98
Nombre propio: 1 / 185 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.550 = (2 + (1+3.70043971814109) / (1+7.53915881110803)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: “were reported to have increased their awareness of their own status as bilinguals and to have acquired a deeper appreciation and validation for their own bilingualism and gratitude for the opportunity to give back to their own community” (^[116]Tocaimaza-Hatch & Walls, 2017: 60).
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: 5. Asención, Y. (2004). Validation of reading-to-write assessment tasks performed by second language learners. Tesis doctoral no publicada, Northern Arizona University, Arizona.
: 5. Cella, D., Hernández, L., Bonomi, A. E., Corona, M., Vacquero, M., Shiomoto, G. y Báez, L. (1998). Spanish language translation and initial validation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy quality-of-life instrument. Medical Care, 36(9), 1407-1408.
: Bachman, L. & Palmer, A. (1989). The construct validation of self-ratings of communicative language ability. Language Testing 6, 14-25.
: Body, R., & Perkins, M. (2004) Validation of Linguistic Analyses in Narrative Discourse after Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury, 18(7), 707-724.
: Buty, C. y Plantin, C. (2008). Variété des modes de validation des arguments en classe de sciences. En C. Buty y C. Plantin (Eds.), Argumenter en classe de sciences. Du débat à l’apprentissage (pp. 235-280). Lyon: Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique.
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: Fitzpatrick, Tess y Clenton, Jon (2010). The challenge of validation: Assessing the performance of a test of productive vocabulary. Language Testing, 27(4), 537-554.
: Furthermore, it was not until the emergence of the reflections of the Edinburgh School and Barnes and Bloor's (1982) observations in favor of relativism that the link between production and validation of scientific knowledge to socio-cultural context was achieved.
: Green, J. (2000, December). Standards for validation. National Council on Measurement Newsletter, 8, 4, 8.
: Guanfang, C. (2012). Measuring authorial voice strength in L2 argumentative writing: the development and validation of an analytic rubric. Language Testing, 30(2), 201-230.
: Güven, M. (2008). Development of learning strategies scale: Study of validation and reliability. World Applied Sciences Journal, 4(1), 31-36.
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: Lavelle, E. (1993) "Development and validation of an inventory to assess processes in college composition", British Journal of Educational Psychology, 63.
: Lipez, A., Janssen, G. (2010). Validation study for Colombias ECAES exam. Revista Lenguaje, 38(2), 423 448.
: Lordán, E., Solé, I. & Beltran, F. S. (2015). Development and initial validation of a questionnaire to assess the reading beliefs of undergraduate students: The Cuestionario de Creencias sobre la Lectura. Journal of Research in Reading, 40(1), 37-56.
: Low, G. (2015). A practical validation model for researching elicited metaphor. En W. Wan y G. Low (Eds.), Elicited Metaphor Analysis in Educational Discourse (pp. 15-37). Ámsterdam: John Benjamins.
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: López, A., & Janssen, G. (2010). Validation study for Colombia's ECAES exam. Revista Lenguaje, 38(2), 423-448.
: Mavrinac, M., Brumini, G., Bilic-Zulle, L., & Petrovecki, M. (2010). Construction and validation of attitudes toward plagiarism questionnaire. CMJ, 51(3), 195-210.
: Mendoza, A. y Knoch, U. (2018). Examining the validity of the analytic rating scale for a Spanish test for academic purposes using the argument-based approach to validation. Assessing Writing, 35, 41-55.
: Messick, S (1989) Meaning and Values in Test Validation: The Science and Ethics of Assessment. Educational Researcher 18 (2), 5-11.
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: Muñoz, T., Alvarez, M., Casals, S., Gaviria, S., & Palacio, M. (2003). Validation of an oral assessment tool for classroom use. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, (5), 139-157.
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: The document set used for validation was made up of 205 online articles taken from three of the most important Colombian newspapers (El Tiempo^[66]^6 = 56, El Espectador^[67]^7 = 65, El Colombiano^[68]^8 = 84).
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