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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) theme (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: theme

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paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt512 - : Language competence and critical argumentation were also developed when learners were requested to answer the question: What is the main theme in the poem? after reading either one of two poems in one class session: “Some keep the Sabbath going to church” (^[84]Dickinson, 1961) and “I Hear America Singing” (^[85]Whitman, 2006). Learners had the whole class session (March 14) to embark on the individual reading transaction and write a free response on the theme of the poems:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt154 - : Theme and thematic progression in learner English: A literature review^1

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt154 - : Wei (2013a) investigated how intermediate Chinese English learners used Themes differently from advanced Chinese English learners in their English speech. The corpus consisted of comparable spoken data of intermediate Chinese English learners, advanced Chinese English learners, and English native speakers. Halliday's (2000) model of thematic organization was used to analyze the gathered data for Theme types and Theme markedness. The results of the study revealed that as the length of time learning English increases, the learners became better at making Theme choices: they displayed closer performance to native speakers in Theme choices in terms of the frequency of topical Themes, textual Themes, interpersonal Themes, and Theme markedness .

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt132 - : Ironically enough, Sanchez-Escobar (2012) presented the information in a way that undermines his overall theme: coherence . Rather than presenting a term and its definition, for example, he concentrated on introducing an author and his or her contributions to a term rather than constructing a working definition for the term and using a variety of authors to supplement it.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt25 - : In order of frequency, the students we surveyed opted for themes in the areas of pedagogy, translation, linguistics, and literature. Those interested in pedagogy did so with the purpose of innovating in a given context and, thus, chose themes concerning curric ular proposals, materials design, exploration of teaching practices, and to a lesser extent, teacher education. Teaching is the area most students like to inquire about and acknowledge the many possibilities it has to investigate. This is confirmed by one of the participants who, when asked why he chose the theme for the monograph, said: "Because I like teaching and I thought there was a wide field to investigate ." (S31, survey).

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt58 - : Studies in SLA from the socio-cultural perspective are based on the work of Vigotsky (1978) in which three main themes are identified: mediation, social learning and genetic analysis . Mediation describes how tools and signs transform human action and infuence the way people perceive the world. In this sense, language is perceived as the most powerful mediational tool because through the use of words different things can be accomplished (Lantolf, 2000). Social learning is explained by the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) metaphor. The ZPD is defned as "the distance between the actual developmental level as determined by independent problem solving and the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult guidance, or in collaboration with more capable peers" (as cited in Lantolf and Thome, 2005). The last theme identified in the Vigotskian framework, genetic analysis, underscores the importance of looking for causes, genesis or origins and histories to

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt43 - : The expository essay in English is a key gatekeeping milestone as students seek to move from one level of schooling to the next (Schleppegrell, 2004). Using Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), this study analyzes a Chinese college student's expository essay written on a nationwide English examination in China. Two aspects of theme in the textual metafunction will be examined: theme markedness and theme progression (Eggins, 1994 ; Halliday, 1994). These components are further explored through a parallel analysis of an expository essay written by a North American freshman. This comparative theme analysis highlights areas in pedagogy that should be attended to if EFL students are to get more sophisticated control over important features of expository writing.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt43 - : This study uses systemic functional linguistics (SFL) to analyze a Chinese college student's expository essay for a nationwide English examination. The study also compares the expository essay written by the Chinese college student to that written by an American freshman. This comparison is carried out in order to investigate linguistic differences in the way the students realize the expository genre in general and the theme of clauses in particular. Theme is an element of the textual metafunction, an important conceptualization for SFL, the framework for this study. With the textual metafunction as the focus, two aspects of theme will be examined: theme markedness and theme progression .

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt43 - : Thus, the textual meaning organizes the other two kinds of meaning through the system of theme and in doing so expresses both semantic and discursive meaning. The two aspects of theme realization that are related to the present research are: theme markedness and theme progression . Theme, as defined by SFL linguists, is the point of departure in a clause and rheme is the rest of the clause. For example, in the following clause written by the American student for this study, she writes: Dishonesty takes many forms in today's society. Thefirst word is an unmarked experiential theme because the writer has confated the subject of the clause with its point of departure. However,often writers may use a variety of other 'marked' themes to start a clause such as a circumstance or an interpersonal comment.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt43 - : The analysis of themes also shows that the Chinese student refects on honesty as a big social problem whereas the American student also does so but also pays specific attention to cases that illustrate them. In Diana's essay, apart from "people" which appears once as theme, the following specific expressions appear as themes too: each lie or evasive maneuver ; say the child breaks a vase and when the parents ask what happened; someone who steals; his actions; The robbery. While in the Chinese student's essay, people; they; we (all of them refer generally) as well as in today's commercial world; on campus; in job market are used as themes.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt44 - : [2] número9 [3]EFL Chinese Students and High Stakes Expository Writing: A Theme Analysis [4]Broadening Minds: Exploring Intercultural Understanding in Adult EFL Learners [5] índice de autores [6]índice de materia [7]búsqueda de artículos [8]Home Page [9]lista alfabética de revistas

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt41 - : Global comprehension was also verifed by the second question - What is the theme of the ad? In this question the results in the two formats are very similar (hypertext: 67%, continuous: 63% of satisfactory answers). The students were expected to identify the theme, which is the original sin, as it can be seen in the following examples:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt140 - : -Student 1: well eh…(:::) the jungle book, the jungle book eh…it was very funny (:::) first of all I think that the theme of the story is like everyone is a special way depends on others, eh for example I depend from my parents because they give me… they give me popular things eh… the things like (:: ) so, eh… also the teachers we depend on them because they decided what we work or not, eh if what we are saying is true, or if what we are saying is not true. So I think that the theme basically is that, that everyone depends from another thing or person.

paper CO_Íkalatxt158 - : First theme of deep culture: social prejudice and social injustice .

paper CO_Íkalatxt158 - : Second theme of deep culture: cultural domination and cultural loss .

paper CO_Íkalatxt158 - : Third theme of deep culture: female and male roles based on cultural constructs of femininity and masculinity .

paper CO_Íkalatxt322 - : For the context factor, the data revealed critical incidents during the final stage around a rooted theme: the reality in public schools . For instance, Javier changed the perception he had of public-school teachers. In the end, he had a more positive attitude towards their work and a more critical attitude towards the educational system. This implies that he moved from idealizing teachers to a survival phase in a public-school context which consumed his energy; and from there, to a disillusionment phase when he emphasized on public schools lacking the minimum elements required to teach, resulting in an educational system with disinterested students. Data showed preservice teachers having little or no control over their surroundings, as if they could do nothing to transform the conditions. This suggests their need for reconciliation with the external world through the acceptance of the context.

paper CO_Íkalatxt45 - : *** ÓscarTorresVera,UniversitéParis13.Professeuragrégéd'espagnol,enseigne en Licence et Master (MIA, Management International des Assurances). Auteur du manuel de traduction: Le theme espagnol: de la phrase au texte (Paris, Ellipses ). Courrier électronique: [27]o.torresvera@yahoo.fr

paper CO_Íkalatxt42 - : I developed the items in the first theme based on concerns that former PSTs and PAs have raised in our program which related to the following: action research in preservice teacher education ; identification with the role of teacher-researcher; preparation with the skills of picking a topic, and coming up with a research question; personal interest in the topic and question; scope of the topic and question; and duration of the seminar for these two skills. The items in the second theme were related to the methodological strategies proposed by the scholars in my literature review. The third theme included items resulting from: an analysis of the first-semester practicum syllabi; findings of a research study in Colombia related to the role of the university advisor in facilitating graduate students' action research projects (Frodden, 1999); and from roles that I had assumed in my experience. For the second and third theme, an ''other'' response category was provided as recommended by Genesee

paper PE_Lexistxt125 - : Queremos ahora centrarnos en uno de los eventos comunicativos más importantes de las disposiciones testamentarias: la transferencia de bienes. Lingüísticamente, la transferencia es un evento en el que “an agent transfers a theme from his/her own custody to that of a recipient” (^[75]Andrews 2007: 158 ). En términos sintácticos, estos son verbos que llamamos ditransitivos, una subclase de los verbos transitivos que se caracterizan por presentar “two objects, or at least two nonsubject arguments” (^[76]Dryer 2007: 253). Los eventos de transferencia, entonces, aparecerán en los documentos descritos por verbos parecidos a ‘dar’ en español y variarán léxica y sintácticamente según la relación que establezcan con los argumentos A, T y R; es decir, su variación se corresponderá con la forma en que se pone en perspectiva una parte del evento básico de transferencia.

paper VE_Letrastxt37 - : This research attempts to study the identity process through the anecdote, the remembrance and the memoir in the works of Ana Teresa Torres El exilio del tiempo y Doña Inés contra el olvido. Throughout the years, it has been noticed, writers with wonderful and lively pens have emerged and made literature a Latin-American boom. The so-called post-modernity has involved a new culture and a political strength in Latin-American writers of the 80s and 90s. This new culture is founded on the female figure. In this sense, the theme to be developed throughout this documentary research deals with that seldom mentioned world of Latin-American Literature: the search for identity by means of the anecdote and the memoir .

paper VE_Letrastxt68 - : The aim of this research work is to analyze the construction of semantic microstructure and macrostructure in expository texts produced by university students, on the basis of the use of grammatical procedures known as the pro-forms. The theory is supported on the concepts: semantic microstructure and macrostructure (van Dijk and Kintsch 1983, 1992); mechanism of cohesion and thematic progression (Calsamiglia and Tusón, 1999); expository text (Álvarez, 1996, 2001); and social and communicative character of the written text (Aguillón and Palencia, 2004). After applying and intervention plan on such procedures for written production, students were asked to write an expository text, where they could demonstrate the skills acquired for its production. The results indicate that students are capable to keep the theme without digressions, but they fail in the production of the textual microstructure: they ignore or inadequately employ cohesion mechanisms . Also, the subjects have shown skills for

paper corpusSignostxt595 - : The function of Theme in Spanish: Means of realization from the trinocular perspective of Systemic Functional Linguistics

paper corpusSignostxt595 - : Arús, J. ([2006] 2010). On Theme in English and Spanish: A comparative study . En E. Swain (Ed.), Thresholds and Potentialities of Systemic Functional Linguistics: Multilingual, Multimodal and Other Specialised Discourses (pp. 23-48). Trieste: EUT. [ [210]Links ]

paper corpusSignostxt500 - : . Thus, for instance, the thematic role Theme is defined as ‘Entity that undergoes a cognitive process’ if it belongs to the metaconcept #COGNITION, as ‘Entity that creates another entity’ if it belongs to #CREATION, or as ‘Entity that changes its place or position’ if it belongs to #MOTION ([55]http://www .fungramkb.com/resources/papers/tutorial2.pdf).

paper corpusSignostxt277 - : Transitivity, mood and theme in Spanish: A first analysis in terms of Cardiff Grammar

Evaluando al candidato theme:

2) expository: 11 (*)
5) learners: 8 (*)
8) essay: 7 (*)
11) textual: 6 (*)
16) clause: 4 (*)
19) literature: 4
20) thematic: 4

Lengua: eng
Frec: 389
Docs: 173
Nombre propio: 6 / 389 = 1%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 119
Puntaje: 5.676 = (5 + (1+5.49185309632967) / (1+8.60733031374961)));
Rechazado: muy disperso; muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 14. Firbas, Jan (1966) On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis. Philologica praguensia. Nro. 8, 239-256.
: 17. Janzen, J. (2001). Strategic reading on a sustained content theme. En J. Murphy y P. Byrd (coords.), Understanding the courses we teach: Local perspectives on English language teaching (pp. 369-389). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
: 21. Halliday, M. (1967). Notes on transitivity and theme in English. Part 2. En Journal of Linguistics, 177-274.
: 21. Janzen, J. (2001). Strategic reading on a sustained content theme. En J. Murphy y P. Byrd (coords.), Understanding the courses we teach: Local perspectives on English language teaching (pp. 369-389). Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.
: 4 Nos referimos en todo al artículo al tema en el sentido de topic, y no de theme. Para una distinción entre los dos conceptos, véase Brown y Yule (1983).
: 5. Halliday, Michael. 1967. Notes on transitivity and theme in English, Part II. Journal of Linguistics 3. 199-244.
: Anscombre, J. -C. (1990). Theme, espace discursif et représentations événementielles. En J.-C. Anscombre & G. Zaccharia (Eds.), Fonctionnalisme et pragmatique: á propos de la notion de théme (pp. 43-150). Milan: Unicopli.
: Arús, J. (2017). Theme in Spanish. En T. Bartlett & G. O'Grady (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics (pp.194-212). Londres/ Nueva York: Routledge.
: Cummings, M. (2003). The role of theme and rheme in contrasting methods of organization of texts. In Butler, C. (Ed.) Dynamics of language use: Functional and contrastive perspectives (129-154). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Downing, A. (1991). An alternative approach to Theme: A Systemic-Functional perspective, Word, 40(2), 119-43.
: Firbas J. (1964). On defining the theme in functional sentence analysis. Travaux Linguistiques de Prague, 1, 267-280.
: Forey, G. & Sampson, N. (2017). Textual metafunction and Theme. En T. Bartlett & G. O'Grady (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics (pp. 131-145). Londres/Nueva York: Routledge.
: Fries, P. (1983). On the status of theme in English: Arguments from discourse. En J. Petöf & E. Sözer (Eds.), Micro and macro connexity of texts. Papers in Textlinguistics 45 (pp. 116-152). Hamburg: Helmut Buske Verlag.
: Fries, P. H. (1981). On the status of Theme in English: Arguments from discourse. Forum Linguisticum, 6(1), 1-38.
: Halliday, M. (1967/8). Notes on transitivity and theme in English 1-3. Journal of Linguistics, 3-4.
: Halliday, M. A. (1967b). Notes on Transitivity and Theme in English: Part 2. Journal of Linguistics , 3(2), 199-244.
: Hawes, T., & Thomas, S. (2012). Theme choice in EAP and media language. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 11, 175-183.
: Herriman, J. (2011). Themes and theme progression in Swedish advanced learners' writing in English. Nordic Journal of English Studies, 10, 1-28.
: Huang, G. (1996). Experiential enhanced theme in English. En M. Berry, C. Butler, R. Fawcett & G. Huang (Eds.), Meaning and Form: Systemic Functional Interpretations (Meaning and Choice in Language: Studies for Michael Halliday) (pp. 65-81). Norwood, NJ: Ablex.
: Huang, G. (2002). Enhanced theme in English: Its structures and functions. Shangxi: Shangxi Educational Press.
: Jalilifar, A. (2010b). The status of Theme in applied linguistics articles. Asian ESP Journal, 2, 7-39.
: Jing, W. (2014). Theme and thematic progression in learner English: A literature review. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 16(1). 67-80.
: Kim, M-H. (1993). The interaction of global and local theme in English narrative. Korea: Hanshin.
: Kintsch, W. (2002) On the notions of theme and topic in psychological process models of text comprehension. En Louwerse, M. y van Peer, W. (Eds.) Thematics, Interdisciplinary Studies. 157-170. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
: Liu, J.X., & Liu, L. (2013). An empirical study on the application of theme theory in the field of writing pedagogy, English Language Teaching, 6(5), 117-128.
: Martin, J. R. (1992a). Theme, method of development and existentiality: The price of reply. Occasional Papers in Systemic Linguistics, 6, 147-183.
: Martinez, I. A. (2003). Aspects of theme in the method and discussion sections of biology journals in English. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 2(2), 103-123.
: McCabe, A. (1999). Theme and thematic patterns in Spanish and English history texts. Tesis Doctoral, Aston University, Birmingham, Inglaterra.
: Moyano, E. (2016). Theme in English and Spanish: Different means of realization for the same textual function. English Text Construction, 9(1), 190-220.
: North, S. (2005). Disciplinary variation in the use of theme in undergraduate essays. Applied Linguistics, 26 (3), 431-452.
: Phillipson, R. (2000). English in the new world order: Variation on a theme of linguistic imperialism and “world” English. En T. Ricento (Ed.), Ideology, Politics and Language Policies: Focus on English (pp. 87-106). Ámsterdam: John Benjamins.
: Pringle, David (2000) “What is this Thing called Space Opera?” En Space and Beyond: The Frontier Theme in Science Fiction. Ed., Gary Westfahl. Westport: Greenwood Press, 35-47.
: Pérez de Cabrera, L. B. (2012). Comparative study of theme functions in Spanish and English academic essays. Científica, 13, 55-70.
: Qian, Y., Andrés Ramírez, J., & Harman, R. (2007). EFL Chinese students and high stakes expository writing: A theme analysis. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 9, 99-125.
: Rose, D. (2001). Some variation in Theme across languages. Functions of Language, 8(1), 109-145.
: Taboada, M. (1995). Theme markedness in English and Spanish: A Systemic-Functional approach. Tesis Doctoral, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, España.
: The previous example shows the new information or rheme being picked up as given information or theme in the subsequent clause. This zig-zag pattern is used to achieve "cohesion in the text by building on newly introduced information" (Eggins, 1994 p. 304).
: Thompson, G. & Thompson, S. (2009). Theme, Subject and the Unfolding of Text. En G. Forey & G. Thompson (Eds.), Text Type and Texture. In Honour of Flo Davies (pp. 45-69). Londres: Equinox.
: Thomson, J. (2005). Theme analysis of narratives produced by children with and without Specific Language Impairment. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 19 (3), 175-190.
: Ventola, E. (1994). Finnish writers' academic English: Problems with reference and theme. Functions of Language, 1(2), 261-293.
: Wang, L. (2007). Theme and rheme in the thematic organization of text: Implications for teaching academic writing. Asian EFL Journal, 9(1), 164-176.
: Wei, J. (2013a). Corpus-based research on the development of theme choices in Chinese learners' English speech. Journal of Education and Practice, 4(16), 38-45.