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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) tesol (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: tesol

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt167 - : TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Others Languages .

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt28 - : Stoller, Fredricka L. (2002). Content-Based Instruction: A Shell for Language Teaching or a Framework for Strategic Language and Content Learning? TESOL 2002, Salt Lake City, UT [35]http://www .carla.umn.edu/cobaltt/modules/strategies/stoller.html. [ [36]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt187 - : (2) Admittedly, there are a growing number of studies in applied linguistics conducted by Chilean researchers in different areas related to TESOL: blended learning (Bañados, 2013 ), writing (Pichihueche, 2012), EAP reading (Ibáñez, 2008), listening (Vásquez & Vivanco, 2015), help options in listening materials in CALL (Cárdenas-Claros & Gruba, 2014; Cárdenas-Claros & Oyanedel, 2015), multimodal learning and its implications for TEFL (Farías, Obilinovic, & Orrego, 2013), oral assessment (Baitman & Véliz, 2013), teaching models of English pronunciation (Véliz, 2011), student beliefs in language teaching education (Ochoa et al., 2014), primary school students' beliefs on the learning of English (Díaz & Morales, 2015), drama as a teaching method(Lizasoain, Ortiz de Zárate, Walper, & Yilorm,2012), ICTs in rural education Lizasoain & Becchi, 2014), and automatic intonation assessment (Arias, Becerra, & Vivanco, 2010). However, to the best of my knowledge, in the last decade little research on

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt288 - : Li, M. (2020). Multimodal pedagogy in TESOL teacher education: students’ perspectives . System, 94, 102337. [ [62]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt69 - : In essence, according to Lin, Wang, Akamatsu, and Riazi, (2004) the paradigm shift from doing TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) to doing TEGCOM (Teaching English for Glocalized Communication), requires a series of central research goals: (a ) a deeper understanding of diverse local pedagogical practices and beliefs that are socioculturally based; (b) a deeper understanding of issues relating to "agency, identity, ownership, appropriation, resistance, and English language learning, teaching, and use in diverse sociocultural contexts " (2004, p.218); (c) a deeper understanding of various cross-cultural encounters in a range of sociocultural settings.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt119 - : Schleppegrell, M., Achugar, M., & Oteiza, T. (2004). The grammar of history: Enhancing content-based instruction through a functional focus on language. TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect, 38(1 ), 67-93. [ [117]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt300 - : Concretely, Pennycook maintains that ELT echoes constructions of colonialism through the native speaker/non-native speaker dichotomy, as well as the images of self and other. Additionally, he claims that ELT theories and practices enact cultures and ideologies of the global north that are in fact outcomes of colonialism. With this in mind, ^[45]Pennycook (1998) and authors such as ^[46]Sekhar (2012) and ^[47]Hsu (2017) have pointed out that applied linguistics and TESOL suffer from a loud absence of discussion about colonialism, as these two disciplines have not undertaken major research studies about:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt269 - : Henao, E. A. (2015a). From reading lyrics to the creation of multimodal texts: Reading the word and the world with young learners from a public high school in Colombia. Paper presented at TESOL Colombia I: Innovations in language learning and teaching, Universidad de la Sabana, Chía, Colombia . [ [122]Links ]

paper CO_Lenguajetxt148 - : Con respecto a la zona geográfica donde se realizaron los estudios se observa que un estudio fue hecho en Hong Kong; dos en Australia; dos en Turquía; uno en Indonesia; cuatro en Colombia; uno en la Republica Checa; uno en México; cuatro en Turquía; uno en Corea; uno en Filipinas; uno en Estados Unidos; dos estudios se realizaron de manera interinstitucional, uno de ellos entre universidades en Colombia y Canadá, otro entre Estados Unidos, México y Canadá, y uno con estudiante del TESOL de cinco países: Malasia, China, Alemania, Tailandia, Singapur e Indonesia .

paper CO_Íkalatxt158 - : [34]1. TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages .

paper CO_Íkalatxt29 - : Numerous examples of praxis can be found in published accounts of teacher research and action research, particularly from the practical-deliberative and critical emancipatory traditions. A text that offers a range of examples of teacher praxis, within and outside of formalized projects is The TESOL Quarterly dialogues: Rethinking issues of language, culture and power (Sharkey & Johnson, 2003 ). The collection was designed to highlight teachers' knowledge of their classrooms as they engaged in intellectual inquiry. The text is a series of dialogues on ten different articles (included on a CD) originally published in the TESOL Quarterly, all of which reflect critical sociocultural approaches to language education. Educators at various points in their career wrote of how an article caused them to rethink or reconceptualize language teaching and/ or learning. Then, the author(s) of the original articles responded to these readers' ideas, often remarking on how participating in the dialogues

paper CO_Íkalatxt29 - : 7. Chacon, C. & Álvarez, L. (2003). Dialogues around Brutt-Griffler, J. & Samimy, K. (1999). Revisiting the colonial in the post colonial: Critical praxis for nonnative-English-speaking teachers in a TESOL program. In Sharkey & Johnson (Eds.). The TESOL Quarterly dialogues: Rethinking issues of language, culture, and power . Alexandria, VA: TESOL. [ [34]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt81 - : The divide between research and teaching, two areas that are ostensibly dependent upon one another, where sound research is supposed to lead to effective teaching, and effective teachers, is a matter that has teemed beneath much scholarship for decades. Richards presciently observed that the professionalization of TESOL brought with it an expansion of theoretical concepts and research issues that at that time (and today, I would argue) constitute much of the field but that few of those engaged in this knowledge base ''would claim any direct relations between the work and their preparation of language teachers'' (1987: 212 ). Nearly thirty years later, the disconnection persists and has become more difficult to identify because it is often ignored. One of the root causes for the disconnection, according to Vick (2006), is the ambiguity of teacher education programs in general which are asked to satisfy two sets of requirements, that of the schools that expect their existing vacancies to be

paper CO_Íkalatxt31 - : 10. Chacón, C; Alvarez, L.C; Brutt-Griffler, J; and Samimy, K. (2003). Dialogues around ''Revisiting the Colonial in the Post-colonial: Critical Praxis for Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers in a TESOL Program. In ''Sharkey, J. and Jonson, K. (2003) (eds). The TESOL Quarterly Dialogs: Rethinking Issues of Language, Culture, and Power, 141-150 . [ [36]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt203 - : ^^1BA, Romance Languages and Education, Boston College, Ed.M., TESL, Boston University, Ed. D. Reading and Language, Harvard University. Chair of the TESOL Master's Program, Simmons College Mailing address: Simmons 300 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 E-mail: paul .abraham@simmons.edu

paper CO_Íkalatxt1 - : curriculum: Innovations that transform teaching'' (ClavijoOlarte, Guerrero Nieto, Torres Jaramillo, Ramírez Galindo & Torres Mesa, 2004) and ''The professional development of foreign language teacher educators: Another challenge for professional communities'' (González Moncada & Sierra Ospina, 2005). The spirit of these articles is consistent with Suresh Canarajah's assessment of the field's key issues. In TESOL Quarterly's 40th anniversary issue he writes:

paper corpusRLAtxt38 - : Smith, B. 2005. “The relationship between negotiated interaction, learner uptake, and lexical acquisition in task-based computer-mediated communication. En TESOL Quarterly: A Journal for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages and of Standard English as a Second Dialect, 39 (1 ), pp. 33-58. [ [85]Links ]

Evaluando al candidato tesol:

1) teaching: 13 (*)
4) teachers: 8
6) quarterly: 7
7) learning: 6
9) dialogues: 5
10) teacher: 5
12) speakers: 5 (*)
13) praxis: 4
15) critical: 4
16) reading: 4 (*)
17) assessment: 3
18) understanding: 3 (*)
19) colombia: 3
20) colonial: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 677
Docs: 318
Nombre propio: / 677 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 4
Puntaje: 4.693 = (4 + (1+6.20945336562895) / (1+9.40514146313634)));
Rechazado: muy disperso;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 1. Canagarajah, S. (2006). TESOL at forty: What are the issues? TESOL Quarterly, 40 (1), 934.
: 10. Ellis, R. (2006). Current issues in the teaching of grammar: an SLA perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 83-107.
: 10. Tarone, E. (1981). Some thoughts on the notion of the communication strategy. TESOL Quarterly, 15(3), 285-295.
: 11. Nunan, D. (1996). Learner strategy training in the classroom: An action research study. TESOL Journal, 6(1), 35-41.
: 12. Zamel, V. (1976). Teaching composition in the ESL classroom: What we can learn from the research in the teaching of English. TESOL Quarterly, 10, 67-76.
: 14. Clarke, M. (1994). The dysfunctions of the theory/practice discourse. TESOL Quarterly, 28(1), 9-26.
: 14. Coxhead, A. (2000). A new academic word list. TESOL Quarterly, 34(2), 213-238. [Enlace a la lista: [51]http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/resources/academicwordlist/].
: 14. Izumi, S. & Bigelow, M. (2001). Methodological and theoretical issues in testing the effects of focus on form. TESOL Quarterly, 35(1), 181-189.
: 14. Kumaravadivelu, B. (2001). Towards a post method pedagogy. Tesol Quarterly, 35 (4), Winter.
: 14. Sharkey, J., Girolimon, L, Meyer, S., & Proulx, T. (2012). University-community partnerships to support teachers, refugee students and families. Presentation at the 46th Annual TESOL Convention, Philadelphia, PA. March 2012.
: 15. TESOL/NCATE. (2010). TESOL/NCATE standards for the recognition of initial TESOL programs in P-12 ESL teacher education. Alexandria, VA: TESOL
: 16. Chamot, A., & O'Malley, J. (1987). The cognitive academic language learning approach: A bridge to the mainstream. TESOL Quarterly, 21, 227-249.
: 16. Lessard-Clouston, M. (1997, December). Language learning strategies: An overview for L2 teachers. The Internet TESOL Journal, 1-23.
: 17. Guilloteaux, M. J y Dörnyei, Z. ( 2008). Motivating language learners: A classroom-oriented investigation of the effects of motivational strategies on student motivation. TESOL Quarterly, 42 ( 1), 55-77.
: 17. Johns, A. (1986). Coherence and academic writing: some definitions and suggestions for teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 247–266.
: 17. Kamhi-Stein, L. D. (2003). Reading in two languages: How attitudes toward home language and beliefs about reading affect the behaviors of ''underprepared L2 college readers''. TESOL Quarterly, 37(1), 35-71.
: 18. O'Malley, J. M., Chamot, A. U., Stewner-Mazanares, G., Russo, R. & Kupper, L. (1985). Learning strategies applications with students of English as a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 19, 285-296.
: 18. Panova, I., y Lyster, R. (2002). Patterns of feedback and uptake in an adult ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 36, 573-595.
: 19. Fang, X. & Warschauer, M. (2004). Technology and curricular reform in China: A case study. TESOL Quarterly, 38(2), 301-323.
: 19. Liebman-Kleine, J. (1986). In defense of teaching process in ESL composition. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 783–788.
: 2. Auerbach, E. & Paxton, D. (1997). It's not the English thing: bringing reading research into the classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 31, 237-261.
: 2. Brinton, D. y Jensen, L. ( 2002). Appropriating the adjunct model: English for Academic Purposes at the university level. En J. Crandall y D. Kaufman (Comps), Contentbased instruction in higher education settings (pp. 125-137). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
: 20. LeBlanc, R. & Painchaud, O. (1985). Self-Assessment as a Second Language Instrument. TESOL Quarterly, 19(4), 673-687.
: 20. Mendonca, C., & Johnson, K. (1994). Peer review negotiations: Revision activities in ESL writing instruction, TESOL Quarterly, 28, 745–769.
: 21. Hancock, M. (1997). Behind classroom code switching: layering and language choice in L2 learner interaction. TESOL Quarterly, 31(2), 217-235.
: 21. Kern, R. (2006). Perspectives on technology in learning and teaching languages. Tesol Quarterly. 40 (1), 183-205.
: 23. Lopriore, L. (2006). The Long and Winding Road. A Profile of Italian Primary EFL Teachers. In M. McCloskey, J. Orr & M. Dolitsky. (Eds.), Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Primary School, (pp. 59-82). Alexandria, Virginia: TESOL Publications.
: 23. Nunan, D. (1996). Learner strategy training in the classroom: An action research study. TESOL Journal, 6(1), 35-41.
: 24. Davis, K. A. (1995). Qualitative theory and methods in Applied Linguistics research. TESOL Quarterly, 29 (3), 427-453.
: 24. Nunan, D. (2001), English as a global language. TESOL Quarterly, 35, 605–606. doi:10.2307/3588436
: 26. Freedman, Aviva. 1999. Beyond the text: Towards understanding the teaching and learning of genres. TESOL Quarterly 33, 4. 764-767.
: 26. Green, J. M., & Oxford, R. L. (1995). A closer look at learning strategies, L2 proficiency, and gender. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 261-297.
: 28. Hyon, S. (1996). Genre in three traditions: Implications for ESL. TESOL Quarterly, 30, 693-722.
: 28. Johnson, K.E. (2006). The sociocultural turn and its challenges for second language teacher education. TESOL Quarterly, 40 (1), 235-256.
: 28. Spack, R. (1984). Invention strategies and the ESL college composition student. TESOL Quarterly, 18, 649–670.
: 29. Jenkins, J. (2006). Current Perspectives on Teaching World Englishes and English as a Lingua Franca. TESOL Quarterly, 40, 157-181.
: 3. Anderson, J. H., & Armbruster, B. B. (1985). Study strategies and their implications for textbook design. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 159-173.
: 3. Auerbach, E. (1993). Reexamining English only in the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 27(1), 9-32.
: 3. Bardovi-Harlig, K. (1992). Pragmatics as part of teacher education. TESOL Journal, 1(3), 28-32.
: 3. Block, E. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20(3), 463-494.
: 3. Brutt-Griffler, J. & Samimy, K. (1999). Revisiting the colonial in the post colonial: Critical praxis for nonnative-English-speaking teachers in a TESOL program. TESOL Quarterly, 33, 413-431.
: 3. Butler, Y. G. (2004). What level of English proficiency do elementary school teachers need to attain to teach EFL? Case Studies from Korea, Taiwan and Japan. TESOL Quarterly, 38(2), 245-278.
: 31. Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). TESOL Methods: Changing Traces, Challenging Trends. TESOL Quarterly, 40, 59-81.
: 31. Savignon, S. (1991). Communicative language teaching: State of the art. TESOL Quarterly, 25(2), 261-277.
: 31. Zamel, V. (1976). Teaching composition in the ESL classroom: What we can learn from research in the teaching of English. TESOL Quarterly, 10, 67–76.
: 33. Kumaravadivelu, B. (1994). The Postmethod Condition: (E)merging strategies for second/ foreign language teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 28 (1) 27-48.
: 33. Nunan, D. (2003). The impact of english as a global language on educational policies and practices in the Asia-Pacific region. TESOL Quarterly, 37(4), 589-613.
: 34. Raimes, A. (1983). Tradition and revolution in ESL teaching. TESOL Quarterly, 17(4), 535-552.
: 35. Liu, J. (1999). Nonnative-English-Speaking Professionals in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 33(1) 85-102.
: 38. Sharkey, J. & Johnson, K.E. (2003). The TESOL Quarterly dialogues: Rethinking issues of language, culture, and power. Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
: 4. Brutt-Griffler, J. and Samimy, K. (1999). Revisiting the Colonial in the Post-colonial: Critical Praxis for Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers in a TESOL Program. TESOL Quarterly, 33 (3), 413-431.
: 4. Canagarajah, S. (2006). TESOL at forty: What are the issues? TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 9-34.
: 4. Clarke, M. (1994). The dysfunction of the theory/practice discourse. TESOL Quarterly, 28 (1), 9-26.
: 4. Crandall, J. y Kaufman, D. ( 2002). Content-based instruction in higher education settings: Evolving models for diverse contexts. En J. Crandall y D. Kaufman (Comps), Content-based instruction in higher education settings (pp. 1-9). Alexandria, VA: TESOL.
: 40. Nunan, D. (1996). Learner strategy training in the classroom: An action research study. TESOL Journal, 6(1), 35-41.
: 40. Sharkey, J., Padilla, J., Carranza, E., Lara, J., & Rodriguez, A. (2009). Mexican pre-service teachers praxize the practicum. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual TESOL Convention, Denver, CO. March 2009.
: 41. Ricento, T., & Hornberger, N. (1996). Language planning and policy and the ELT professional. TESOL Quarterly, 30(3), 401-427.
: 42. Murphy, S. (2003). Second language transfer during third language acquisition. Teachers College, Columbia University Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 1-21.
: 42. Pino-Silva, J. (1991, Mayo). The benefits of reading extensively. Ponencia presentada en la IX Convención Anual de Venezuela TESOL. Valencia, Venezuela.
: 44. Norton, B. (1997). Language, Identity, and the Ownership of English. TESOL Quarterly, 31(3), 409-429.
: 45. Rainey De Diaz, I. (2005). EFL teachers' research and mainstream TESOL: Ships passing in the night? PROFILE: Issues in teachers' professional development, 6, 7-21. Retrieved from [99]http://www.scielo.org.co/pdf/prf/n6/n6a02.pdf
: 47. Hinkel, E. (2006). Current perspectives in teaching the four skills. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 109-131.
: 5. Block, E. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20(3), 463-494.
: 5. Canagarajah, S. (2006). TESOL at forty: What are the issues? TESOL Quarterly, 40 (1), 9-34.
: 5. Jenkins, J. (2006). Current perspectives on teaching world Englishes and English as a lingua franca. TESOL Quarterly, 40, 157-181.
: 50. Raimes, A. (1991). Out of the woods: Emerging traditions in the teaching of writing. TESOL Quarterly, 25, 407-430.
: 53. Scarcella, R. (1979). On speaking politely in a second language. In C. A. Yorio, K. Perkins, & J. Schachter (Eds.), On TESOL '79: The learner in focus (pp. 275–287). Washington, DC: TESOL.
: 54. Schmitt, N. y Carter, R. (2000). The lexical advantages of narrow reading for second language learners. TESOL Journal, 9(1), 4-9.
: 6. Block, E. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20(3), 463-494.
: 6. Canagarajah, S. (2008). Symposium: Theory in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 42 (2), 285-313.
: 6. Crookes, G. (2003). A Practicum in TESOL. Professional Development through Teaching Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
: 61. Spack, R. (1988). Initiating ESL Students into the Academic Discourse Community: How Far Should We Go? TESOL Quarterly, 22, 29-51.
: 64. Murphy, J. M. y Stoller, F. L. (2001). Sustained-content language teaching: An emerging definition. TESOL Journal, 10(2/3), 3-5.
: 66. Zamel, V. (1976). Teaching composition in the ESL classroom: What we can learn from the research in the teaching of English. TESOL Quarterly, 10, 67-76.
: 69. Zamel, V. (1997). Toward a model of transculturation. TESOL Quarterly, 31, 341-352.
: 7. Block, E. L. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 463-494.
: 7. Brown, J. D., & Hudson, T. (1998). The alternatives in language assessment. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4), 653–675.
: 7. Irujo, S. (1986). Don't put your leg in your mouth: transfer in the acquisition of idioms in a second language. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 287-304.
: 76. Rubin, J. (1975). What the good language learner can teach us. TESOL Quarterly, 9(1), 41-51.
: 8. Block, E. L. (1992). See how they read: Comprehension monitoring of L1 and L2 readers. TESOL Quarterly, 26, 319-342.
: 8. Ellis, R., Basturkmen, H. & Loewen, S. (2001). Preemptive focus on form in the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 35(3), 407-432.
: 8. Freebody, P., & Luke, A. (1990). Literacies programs: Debates and demands in cultural context. Australian Journal of TESOL, 5(7), 7-16.
: 8. Freeman, D. (1989). Teacher training, development and decision making: A model of teaching and related strategies for language teacher education. Tesol Quarterly, 23 (1), 27-45.
: 8. Richards, Jack. (1987). The dilemma of teacher education in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 21 (2), 209-226.
: 8.Zuengler, Jane y Elizabeth Miller. 2006. Cognitive and sociocultural perspectives: Two parallel SLA worlds? TESOL Quarterly 40 (1). 35-58.
: 86. Widdowson, H. G. (1998). Context, community, and authentic language. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4), 705-716.
: 9. Berman, R. (1994). EFL essay writing: L1 versus L2 instruction. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of TESOL, March 8-12, Baltimore, MD.
: 9. Garton, S. (2008). Teacher beliefs and interaction in the language classroom. In S. Garton & K. Richards (Eds), Professional encounters in TESOL: Discourses of teachers in teaching. Houndmills, England: Palgrave.
: 92. Wolfson, N. (1981). Compliments in cross-cultural perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 15, 117-124.
: Al-Issa, A. S., & Al-Qubtan, R. (2010). Taking the floor: Oral presentations in EFL classrooms. TESOL Journal, 1(2), 227-246. doi:10.5054/tj.2010.220425
: Allwright, R. (1975). Problems in the study of the language teacher’s treatment of learner error. En M. Burt & H. Dulay (Eds.), TESOL’75 New Directions in Second Language Learning, Teaching and Bilingual Education (pp. 96-109). Washington, DC.: TESOL.
: Arnold, J. (2000). Seeing through listening comprehension exam anxiety. TESOL Quarterly, 34(4), 777-786.
: Aros, P., Hidalgo, D., Ortiz de Zárate, A. & Siebert, F. (2013a). Active Methodologies for the Inclusion of Visually Impaired Students. Presentado en la Conferencia regional Tesol, "Heading North with TEFL in Chile", Universidad Arturo Prat, Iquique.
: Atkinson, D. (1999). TESOL and culture. TESOL Quarterly, (33)4, 625-654.
: Auerbach, E. & Burgess, D. (1985). The hidden curriculum of survival ESL. TESOL Quarterly, 19(3), 475-495.
: Auerbach, E. (1993). Reexaming English only in the ESL classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 27(1), 9-32.
: Auerbach, E. (1999). Border Skirmshes: The power of literacies vs. the literacies of power. Keynote speech, Rocky Mountain TESOL Conference, Las Cruces, NM.
: Bachman, L. (1991) 'What Does Language Testing Have to Offer?' TESOL Quarterly, 25, 671-704.
: Bachman, L. F. 1991. "What does language testing have to offer?" Em TESOL, 25 (4), pp: 671-701.
: Bardovi-Harlig, K. & Reynolds, D.W. (1995). The role of lexical aspect in the acquisition of tense and aspect. TESOL Quarterly, 29, 107-131.
: Barkhuizen, G. P. (1998). Discovering learners' perceptions of ESL classroom teaching/learning activities in a South African context. TESOL Quarterly, 32(1), 85- 108.
: Baxter, J. (1980). The dictionary and language Behaviour: A single word or a handful? TESOL Quarterly, 14(3), 325-336
: Belcher, D. (2007). A Bridge Too Far? TESOL Quarterly, 41(2), 396–399.
: Beretta, A. (1986). Program-fair language teaching program evaluation. TESOL Quarterly, 20(3), 431-444.
: Biber, D., Conrad, S., Reppen, R., Byrd, P. & Helt, M. (2002). Speaking and writing in the university: A multidimensional comparison. TESOL Quarterly, 36(1), 9– 48.
: Bigelow, M., Delmas, R., Hansen, K., & Tarone E. (2005). Literacy and the processing of oral recasts in SLA. TESOL Quarterly, 40(4), 665-689. [83]https://doi.org/10.2307/40264303
: Blau, Eileen K. (1982). The effect of syntax on readability for ESL students in Puerto Rico. TESOL Quarterly, 16 (4), 517-526.
: Block, E. (1986) "The Comprehension Strategies of Second Language Readers". TESOL Quarterly, 20,463-494.
: Block, E. (1992). See how they read: Comprehension monitoring of L1 and L2 readers. TESOL Quarterly, 26(2), 319-343.
: Block, E. L. (1986). The comprehension strategies of second language readers. TESOL Quarterly, 20, 463-494.
: Bluestone, Kathy. “Acculturation, interpersonal networks, and the learner's sense of self: The effects of social relationship on second language learning" Working Papers in TESOL and Applied Linguistics, no. 9, 2009, pp. 135-164.
: Boxer, D. (1993). Complaints as positive strategies: what the learner needs to know. TESOL Quarterly, 27(2), 277-299.
: Brock, C. A. (1986). The effects of referential questions on ESL classroom discourse. TESOL Quarterly, 20(1), 47-59.
: Brown, J. D. y Hudson, T. (1998). The alternatives in language assessment. TESOL Quarterly, 32(4), 653-675. [102]https://doi.org/10.2307/3587999
: Brown, J. D., & Rodgers, T. S. (2002). Doing second language research: An introduction to the theory and practice of second language research for graduate/master’s students in TESOL and applied linguistics, and others. Oxford: Oxford University Press
: Brown, J.D. & Hudson, T. (1998). The alternatives in language assessment. TESOL Quarterly 32(4), (pp. 653-728).
: Brown, Thomas y Fred Perry 1991 "A comparison of three learning strategies for ESL vocabulary acquisition". Tesol Quarterly. 25, 4, 655-670. [36]https://doi.org/10.2307/3587081.
: Bruthiaux, P. (2010). World Englishes and the Classroom: An EFL Perspective. TESOL Quaterly. 44, 365-379.
: Brutt-Griffler, J., y Samimy, K. (1999). Revisiting the Colonial in the Postcolonial: Critical Praxis for Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers in a TESOL Program. TESOL Quarterly, 33(3), 413-441.
: Burt, Marina (1975) “Error analysis in the adult EFL classroom”. TESOL Quarterly. 9, 53-63.
: CARREL, P. (1983) "The effects of the rhetorical organization", ESL readers, TESOL QUATERLY, Col.18 N 13:441-469.
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