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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) subskills (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: subskills

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusRLAtxt191 - : Both primary and secondary students had 30 minutes to watch the respective videos twice and perform the 6 tasks. Every task was related to the acquisition of one of the following subskills: global comprehension, understanding of the situ ation of communication, identification of details, understanding paralinguistic elements, vocabulary and identification of space-time relations . For the test ad dressed to 4PE, the response format in all tasks was multiple choice with four alternatives: one correct option and three distractors. The maximum score of ev ery task was 1 point. In the test for 2SE, the subskills "global comprehension", "understanding of the situation of communication", "identification of details" and "understanding of paralinguistic elements" were assessed by means of multiple choice questions with four alternatives awarded 1 point each. For the evaluation of the subskills "vocabulary" and "identification of space-time relations", the re sponse format was short answer questions,

paper corpusRLAtxt191 - : Results in particular oral receptive competences are even more contentious. It is easy to explain that both groups showed a similar command in understanding the situation of communication and in identifying paralinguistic elements, since these subskills refer to oral competences that can be connected to "cognitive skills that mature independently of increased L2 input" (^[89]Hüttner & Rieder-Bünemann, 2007:27 ). However, it is more surprising that non-CLIL students significantly outperformed their CLIL peers in vocabulary and in understanding space-time relations.

paper corpusRLAtxt229 - : The scenario contained the stimulus "that forms the basis for generating writing content" Cushing (2009: 62) and was made up of both visual support -the painting "Guernica" by Picasso- and a short text describing the task. The students were told to imagine they were one of the characters in the picture and to write in the first person what happened on the day Guernica was bombed: their memories of that day, some events, what they did, thought and felt. In this way, students were provided with an engaging topic to write about and given some suggestions and ideas, in order to help them show their creativity, since "writers must be engaged enough in the task to find something to say" (Cushing, 2009: 91). Before writing the story (task 2) students had to write an outline that contained the main parts or events they planned to include (task 1). Both tasks were used to assess the following six subskills: 1 ) planning strategies, 2) use of text typologies (description, narration, dialogic

paper corpusRLAtxt229 - : fragments...), 3) expressive richness, 4) use of written vocabulary, 5) use of grammatical structures and (6) spelling and punctuation. The maximum possible score in the test was 12 points since every subskill was awarded up to 2 points. These subskills were included in four dimensions: a ) planning strategies, b) use of text typologies, c) fluency (expressive richness and use of written vocabulary) and d) accuracy (use of grammatical structures and spelling). Students had 30 minutes to perform the tasks.

paper corpusRLAtxt229 - : The CLIL group scored above 5 out of10 in all subskills considered. The areas in which the CLIL group got higher scores were vocabulary (CLIL=7.1; non-CLIL=5.6) and grammar (CLIL=6.95; non-CLIL=5.45). In contrast, the lowest score of the CLIL cohort was 5.4, which was obtained in planning and spelling. The non- CLIL group, in turn, scored below 5 points out of 10 in 3 subskills: planning (non-CLIL=4 ), expressive richness (non-CLIL=4.9) and spelling (non-CLIL=3.55), and their highest score was 5.6 (recorded in vocabulary).

paper corpusRLAtxt229 - : Although CLIL students significantly outperformed their monolingual peers in all the areas under consideration, it should be mentioned that differences between the CLIL and the non-CLIL group were greatest in the most difficult subskills. The results from this study showed that the lower the scores of both groups were, the more ahead CLIL students were. The subskills in which the students had the lowest performance in were, in this order: spelling, planning and expressive richness, and it was these very subskills where the greatest differences in favour of CLIL students were detected .

paper corpusRLAtxt229 - : Furthermore, CLIL had a positive effect on all subskills in written production, but especially in the most demanding areas of writing: spelling, planning and expressive richness . Thus, the trend in CLIL which showed students performed higher in the most difficult or challenging tasks (^[77]Pérez-Cañado and Lancaster, 2017; ^[78]Prieto-Arranz et al., 2015) has also been recorded in this study.

Evaluando al candidato subskills:

2) clil: 11 (*)
3) vocabulary: 7 (*)
4) planning: 6 (*)
5) understanding: 6 (*)
6) task: 5 (*)
7) spelling: 5 (*)
8) expressive: 5 (*)
9) score: 4
11) identification: 4
12) richness: 4 (*)
13) tasks: 3 (*)
17) write: 3
18) space-time: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 31
Docs: 7
Nombre propio: / 31 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 10
Puntaje: 11.178 = (10 + (1+6.06608919045777) / (1+5)));
Candidato aceptado

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