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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) selection (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: selection

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paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt512 - : 3.4.1. Criteria for poems selection:

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt539 - : In addition, taking into account the results of the recordings and surveys, a list of communicative activities using and adapting audiovisual authentic materials was done. For the selection of the authentic resources, the characteristics that the University of Oregon mentioned in the video “Shaping the Way We Teach English: Module 8, Authentic Materials,” was taken into consideration: (1 ) The materials must be relevant to the age group, (2) Must be related to the point of the lesson, (3) Have a usable language style, (4) Be available locally, (5) Have good picture and sound quality.

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt262 - : As for sampling, the size of the respondent sample does not necessarily follow the same pathway as in quantitative studies, where individual differences must be 'ironed out', as Dörnyei (2006: 126) puts it. This does not mean that —because of the nature of the study, where respondents' individual experience makes the crux of the phenomenon— a study of this type presents no sampling parameters. In this study, a purposive sample has been employed; it is fairly homogeneous in that all respondents are pre-service English teachers who have taken at least one phonetics/pronunciation course at a Chilean teacher-training college. Within the sample, the researcher has applied selection criteria traditionally associated with quantitative studies: The sample corresponds to a random stratified one in that respondents have been selected on a random basis and belong to different groups or 'strata' (years in their curriculum progression ).

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt240 - : Meurant, R. C. (2010). EFL/ESL textbook selection in Korea and East Asia: Relevant issues and literature review relevant considerations for the choice of a textbook series for native English teacher EFL programs in East Asia . UCMA 2010: The 2010 International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and Multimedia Applications, 89-102. [ [182]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt199 - : What can be concluded initially is that the new communication landscape has shaping effects on how people design, negotiate, and disseminate meaning; therefore, another approach to language and communication is necessary—an approach that is heuristic and looks at the different elements that part-take in meaning making and sign production. I am referring to the multimodal approach. The main purpose of this paper is to the highlight the multimodal nature of communication and the need for teachers and students to be aware of this. As the title indicates, the discussion and reflections in this article are targeted to language teachers in general, including teachers of first or second languages. This rationale explains the selection of the texts analyzed below: a textbook mainly used to teach composition to American students and samples from two websites for second language learners of French and English . In what follows, I intend to introduce the multimodal perspective and some of its major

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt282 - : Word Selection: Obtaining the stimuli for the creation of the cards was crucial to complete the card sorting . For this, the initial phase of the study included semi-structured interviews held with five university EFL education students who were completing or who had completed their student teaching practicum. With the descriptive coding of the interview transcripts, 33 codes which represented different beliefs, values and concepts about the teaching and learning of English were selected to be utilised in the field study card-sorting activity.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt163 - : As suggested above, several pre-service teachers were asked to take part actively in the laboratory practices. Narrative data reported in this paper were selected from seven pre-service teachers enrolled at EDBL 4316 – Literacy Development for ELLs. The theoretical sampling criteria for participants' selection included the following: participants had to be U .S. – born pre-service teachers from South Texas. All participants were female – young adults whose age range varies between 21 and 25. For the sake of confidentiality and clarity in describing the data, we assigned a pseudonym to each participant. Therefore, the participants will henceforth be referred to as Tomoko, Yuki, Wu, Su, Xiaoping, Tomasa, and Yolanda.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt13 - : The rationale for selecting women is that in Brazil, neither governmental nor nongovernmental adult literacy nor basic education prioritizes women's education (Rosemberg, 1993). In Pintos, women with limited literacy skills "continue to be a large group, the majority of Brazilian women possess limited schooling, and discrimination persists in terms of educational access for the subgroups of low-income women, and especially...those who live in rural areas and the North and Northeastern regions of the country." (Cortina, 2000, p.66). The sample selection was based on the following inclusion criteria: all female participants (students ) of this program in Pintos, Brazil. The women who participated were further selected by their willingness to volunteer, as there was no financial or other kind of compensation for their time. The individual narrative excerpted below is representative of other women in the study.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt182 - : Darling-Hammond,L.,Berry,B.T.,Haselkorn,D.,& Fideler, E. (1999). Teacher recruitment, selection, and induction: Policy influences on the supply and quality of teachers . In L. Darling-Hammond & G. Sykes (Eds.). Teaching as the learning profession, (pp.183-232). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. [ [40]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt285 - : The selection of words for business collocations in the tests as discussed above is drawn from the following sources:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt82 - : In regards to the participant selection three reasons influenced decision-making: first, the lack of opportunities the pupils had for developing a regular L1 literacy process ; second, low achievement in most of the students' academic reports in comparison to other pupils of the same level due to unfortunate educational experiences in their three years of schooling; and third, the low level of motivation students showed towards the learning of a foreign language during the diagnostic phase.

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt33 - : The methodological model described here is based on developments in sociolinguistic research which have resulted from a constant concern for the design and implementation of techniques that reflect the language in its social context, departing from the dialectological tradition to the analysis of language. The present monograph is a description of the methodology used in the study of the main phonological, morph-syntactic, lexical and discourse features of the Spanish of Bucaramanga (Colombia). The methodological approach presented here is based on the experience of previous studies in the collection, selection, and analysis of data and methodological improvement from these experiences to better converge on the linguistic system that is to be described: the vernacular, the language in use and not an idealized system . It is a model that may be applicable to the study of other varieties of Spanish in Colombia, as an alternative accepting the view that sociolinguistics has not yet arrived at

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt170 - : Some types of speech acts, as classified by Searle (1976), such as directives - including commands, requests and advice - constitute a threat to negative face since with them the speaker intrudes upon the free self-determination of the hearer (Brown & Levinson, 1987, p. 61). When performing those speech acts, speakers normally make use of any of a set of politeness strategies to minimize the harm to the hearer's negative face. Brown and Levinson's politeness theory (1987, p. 76) holds that the selection of such strategies is universally determined by three variables which condition the level of politeness expected in the interactions: the horizontal or social distance between the speaker and hearer (D ), the vertical distance or power of the hearer over the speaker (P), and the degree of imposition or culturally ranked intrinsic threat posed by the FTA (R). The authors claim that the weightiness or riskiness of FTAs (W) is a function of the social distance between the speaker and the hearer,

paper CO_Lenguajetxt9 - : * Selection criteria: The selection of terms to be included in a translation glossary can be collected on reliable criteria, based on real needs/problems found in the translation (ambiguity, variation, etc .).

paper CO_Lenguajetxt44 - : The selection of the test that was administered was based on several considerations:

paper CO_Íkalatxt166 - : The traditional roles of teachers consist of being a source of knowledge and controller of every aspect of the teaching–learning process (Harmer, 2001, p. 57 and ff.; Martínez Lirola, 2007, p. 34). The teacher needs to be familiar with the different genres or text types and with the main structural and grammatical elements in each text type, i.e., teachers' knowledge of the generic structure in each genre and the selection of the right text types in teaching practice is crucial in the learning process, as Hasan points out:

paper CO_Íkalatxt157 - : The selection of the reading materials was based on the following criteria: (1 ) level of difficulty, (2) level of interest, and (3) variety of topics related to the real world. These reading tasks, which also fulfilled the goals of the language curriculum of each institution, were developed through the use of the leaning log. During the in-class sessions, other resources such as clunk cards, role cards, and a fix-up strategies poster were also used. For the independent reading tasks, students were provided with a web page through which they could autonomously select the texts they wanted to read at home.

paper UY_ALFALtxt80 - : [191]Traugott, Elizabeth. 2008. Grammaticalization, constructions and the incremental development of language: suggestions from the development of Degree Modifiers in English, em R. Eckardt, G. Jäger e V. Tonjes (eds), Variation, Selection, Development Probing the Evolutionary Model of Language Change, New York, Mouton de Gruyter: 219-252 .

paper VE_Letrastxt194 - : The data will be taken from the story itself which is the focus of analysis. For the selection of the literary work, aspects such as: (a ) length, and (b) topic dealt with were paid attention to. As it is a short novel, the whole of it could be taken in order to evidence moral beharior in context. The topic dealt with within the story (morality) is one of the most relevant issues of the 19^th century, and that makes it appealing as an object for research.

paper VE_Núcleotxt104 - : School texts are often considered the most commonly used material in English classes around the world. We decided to conduct an empirical study using these texts. The objectives of the study were to analyze the writing activities promoted in two of Venezuela’s upper-end high school English books, to relate such activities with current theories about the learning of English and also to find out what kind of support would likely be provided by such textbooks. The criteria for book selection were: to belong to the upper-end high school level (the two last years ), extended use in Venezuelan institutions, and easy access. All writing-related activities in the books were analyzed. The 352 clauses containing the 25 verbs of the writing activities (e.g. complete, write, rewrite, report, among others) were analyzed. The research strategy was emergent, as the categories were provided by the interaction with the texts themselves. Results suggest that the books analyzed are mainly grammar-based

paper VE_Núcleotxt2 - : Among the diverse factors that condition the election between the forms of the Spanish past imperfect and pluscuamperfect of subjunctive, -ra and -s e, the semantic factor has provoked the greatest controve r s y. The hypothesis of some linguists (among them Lamíquiz, 1971), according to which -se reflects situations less real than –ra, is rejected by others, like Pottier (1975), who attributes the value of non-reality to -ra and reality to -se. The analysis made in this article tries to demonstrate that in the written and oral Spanish of Venezuela the forms -ra and -se are semantically equivalent and the selection among them could be justified by the etimology of these forms: the subjunctive origin of -se (< lat . amavissem) favors its use in contexts that are associated to the characteristic values of this verbal mood, such as non-assertion, non-reality and doubt, in contrast to -ra (< lat. amaveram), the modal semantics of which has joined the values of the subjunctive and the indicative.

paper corpusRLAtxt21 - : Considering that reading aloud is a very relevant activity from a cultural point of view, this article presents the main results from a phonetic diagnosis and a phonetic treatment on reading aloud disabilities. The diagnosis was applied to 30 first-year university students of Spanish as a mother tongue. The treatment was performed with a selection of 12 of these students: 6 for the experimental sample, and the other 6 for the control group . The main trends outlined from the study reveal the students have serious difficulties in managing the quality of their oral reading. However, the results also show that it is possible to correct and improve this aspect of the mother tongue competence through proper phonetic treatment —in this case including oral expression testing, reading aloud activities and related phonetic drills.

paper corpusRLAtxt115 - : This article attempts to show the relevance of phonic mechanisms, particularly in intonation, for the expression of politeness or impoliteness. The description of such relationship is conducted from a selection of excerpts from talks that have served to support our hypothesis and come from a diverse corpus: first, colloquial conversations (Briz y Grupo Val .Es.Co, 2002); other, two TV series issued by Antena 3 (Manos a la obra, chapter: "How's the yard!", and Doctor Mateo, chapter: "Of how Mateo" understands that feeling is jealousy and not indigestion") and finally others are examples from previous research (radio or television advertising, specific oral corpus analysis, etc.). So in the examples selected are recognized different pragmatic effects of attenuation (polite) and intensification (polite or impolite) enhanced or generated by the presence of some intonational feature. Thus, from the identity of resources observed in various forms of oral discourse, it is proposed to derive that

paper corpusSignostxt455 - : 6. Selection of the sense: each vector of the context words is presented to each of the learning matrices and the recall process is executed . This results in an output vector which determines the relatedness between a word of the context and a sense. Finally, for all output vectors related to each learning matrix, the sum of all components equal to 1 or 0 (depending on the type of memory) is computed. Since, each learning matrix represents a sense of the ambiguous word; the learning matrix which scores the largest sum (voting) is selected as the correct sense. If more than one sense is selected, then it is considered that the method is unable to determine the sense for the ambiguous word.

paper corpusSignostxt192 - : Castel (2004) proposes a text grammar which (a) treats field properties as belonging to a stratum lower than the genre stratum but higher than the lexicogrammatical stratum, and (b) defines field preferences that alter semantic feature probabilities in SNRs. This text grammar associates, with each terminal genre feature, a pair made up of a selection expression headed by the feature [field_entity], and a linguistic structure as in Diagram 10, where SU is a variable ranging over syntactic units:

paper corpusSignostxt192 - : By elaborating on this higher stratum system network rule treatment of field properties, RedACTe could add tenor and mode systems so that Diagram 11 would be generated instead of Diagram 10, where [register_entity] heads a selection expression composed of field, tenor and mode features:

paper corpusSignostxt295 - : For instance, the Brazilian newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, in its stylesheet, describes its editorial policy concerning the selection, editing and responses to readers' letters:

paper corpusSignostxt334 - : 3.1. The Picture Selection Task: Comprehension of estar

Evaluando al candidato selection:

3) teachers: 9
4) learning: 9
6) criteria: 8 (*)
8) selected: 7
11) sample: 6
12) reading: 6 (*)
15) hearer: 5 (*)
18) relevant: 5
19) participants: 5
20) teaching: 5 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 437
Docs: 287
Nombre propio: 4 / 437 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 4
Puntaje: 4.721 = (4 + (1+6.04439411935845) / (1+8.77478705960117)));
Rechazado: muy disperso;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: ------; & Hart, L. (2001). The lexical bases of comprehension skill. En D. Gorfiend (Ed.), On consequences of meaning selection (pp. 67-96). Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.
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