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Update: February 24, 2023 The new version of Termout.org is now online, so this web site is now obsolete and will soon be dismantled.

Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) regards (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: regards

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines252 - : As can be observed from the findings, the way web designers interconnect hypertexts varies significantly from site to site. As regards the organizational point of view, Hammerich and Harrison (2002) from their study of business websites, proposed a classification of links that comprised two categories: strongly and weakly authored . Likewise, the same categories were found in our study. Out of the seventy two links analyzed, fifty were weakly authored and twenty two corresponded to the strongly-authored category. In the psychology hyperarticles, sixteen links were strongly authored and these belonged to the Kids Health website. The fact that all the strongly authored links were found in this website, might be because it is a site especially designed to provide families with accurate, up-to date doctor-approved health information about children and adolescents. That is, they have been designed with the aim of supplying specialized information to parents, teens and children. On the contrary,

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines252 - : As regards the informational value, Hammerich and Harrison (2002) found in their study of business websites seven different kinds of links: authorizing, commenting, enhancing, exemplifying, mode-changing, referencing/citing and self-selecting . Nevertheless, in this analysis of psychology and geology hypertexts only 3 of these categories were found: 38 were enhancing, eight were mode-changing and 26 were self-selecting. The findings show, therefore, that the enhancing links were the most recurrent type in the corpus analyzed, sixteen belonging to the psychology hypertexts and twenty two to the geology ones. The number of enhancing links found in the psychology website "KidsHealth" (16) coincided with the 16 strongly-authored links in the same site. As said before, this might be due to the nature of the website: a site especially designed to provide parents, children, and adolescents with specialized information. Although this one-to-one correspondence was not found in the geology hypertexts,

Evaluando al candidato regards:

2) hypertexts: 4
3) psychology: 4 (*)
4) enhancing: 4
5) strongly: 3
7) website: 3
8) categories: 3
10) geology: 3
11) authored: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 24
Docs: 15
Nombre propio: / 24 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 3.029 = (2 + (1+4.8073549220576) / (1+4.64385618977472)));
Candidato aceptado

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(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)