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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) realize (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: realize

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines336 - : they are the collocations we put in [30]Table 1: hacer uso is represented as Oper1(uso) = hacer, dar un abrazo, as Oper1(abrazo) = dar, prestar atención, as Oper1(atención) = prestar, etc. Another example of a lexical function is Func0, from Lat. functionare, function. The keyword of Func0 can be an action, activity, state, property, relation, the value of Func0 has the meaning ‘happen, take place, realize itself’, and the subscript 0 implies that the keyword functions as the grammatical subject in utterances: Func1(viento ) = soplar (el viento sopla, the wind blows), Func1(silencio) = reinar (el silencio reina, lit. the silence reigns), Func1(accidente) = ocurrir ( el accidente ocurre, the accident happens). The lexical function ‘Realn’ (n = 0, 1, 2...), from Lat. realis, real, means ‘to fulfill the requirement of the keyword’, ‘to do with the keyword what you are supposed to with it’, or ‘the keyword fulfils its requirement’. In particular, Real1 has the meaning ‘use the keyword acco

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines336 - : There are cases in which a given lexical function represents one elementary meaning, as Oper, Func, Real, for which we have explained their meanings and listed examples. More functions representing elementary meanings have been discovered: Labor (Lat. laborare, to work, toil), Incep (Lat. incipere, to begin), Cont (Lat. continuare, to continue), Fin (Lat. finire, to cease), Caus (Lat. causare, to cause), Perm (Lat. permittere, to permit), Liqu (Lat. liquidare, to liquidate), etc. But there are still more cases when the verb’s semantic content in verb-noun collocations is complex and includes several elementary meanings. For example, consider the semantics of ‘begin to realize an action or begin to manifest an attribute’ from [31]Table 2, which consists of two elements:‘begin’ and ‘realize / manifest’ .To represent such compound meanings, complex lexical functions are used, those being combinations of elementary lexical functions, termed ‘simple lexical functions’. All lexical functions

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines353 - : “Some linguists have in fact thought that English is only lexically ergative. But this is not a tenable position once we realize that lexis and grammar are not separate modules or components, but merely zones within a continuum: ‘lexical ergativity’ in English is an extension in delicacy of ‘grammatical ergativity’ within the experiential clause of the grammar ; and the explanation for the evolution of ergative patterning in English is grammatical in the first instance is rather than lexical.” (IFG, 286).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines400 - : In a specific context of use, a given pronominal clitic or verb ending realizes a constellation of semantic features pertaining to six semantic categories: ‘thematic’ ‘status’, ‘number’, ‘gender’, ‘person’, ‘deixis’ and ‘case’ (García, 1975 ). Each of these systems comprises either two or three semantic features. Now, a given clitic or verb ending used in a specific context will realize ‘only one’ of the features included in each system (see below for an explanation). Thus, the basic semantic relationships for Spanish pronominal clitics and verb endings must be represented with downward unordered ‘or’ nodes as shown in Figure 5.

Evaluando al candidato realize:

1) lat.: 9
2) lexical: 7 (*)
3) keyword: 6
4) semantic: 5 (*)
6) verb: 4 (*)
7) elementary: 4 (*)
10) meanings: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 41
Docs: 18
Nombre propio: / 41 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 4
Puntaje: 4.983 = (4 + (1+5.28540221886225) / (1+5.39231742277876)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Not every morphological representation of the clitic and verb-ending systems can realize any of the semantic features above. Tables 1-5, adapted from Castel (2012), list all the semantic features that clitics and verb endings necessarily or optionally express.