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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) pattern (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: pattern

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : To sum up, language plays a three-fold role in language education: in linguistic terms, it is the 'substance' of what is being learned, it is what we have to master in order to perform; in extralinguistic terms, it is the 'instrument' through which we learn, and in that sense it constitutes a resource for learning; and in 'metalinguistic' terms it is the object of learning, the content we have to learn about. According to Halliday (1978), what unites these aspects of language education is that learners are expected, through a contact with language as substance, instrument and object, to create a system, a meaning potential, from the instantiations of language (texts) they are exposed to. And the key to this transformation is the context of situation, that is, "the coherent pattern of activities from which the discourse gains its relevance" (Halliday, 1978: 22 ). And it is also from the context of situation that the language learner will be able to construe a higher level system −the context

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : of culture. In language education, learners have to make predictions in two ways: to predict the text from the context, and to predict the context from the text, and this poses a particular difficulty to second or foreing language learners who are still unfamiliar with the total pattern of the new language: they have to learn from texts produced in a language they have little experience of . In Halliday's (1978: 23) words, in language education

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines295 - : As I have argued above, genres are conceived as resources that allow us to operate in society and to achieve social goals (Martin, 2000). From this perspective, we could say that a culture is composed of the totality of its staged and purposeful activities or social processes. Genres are functional because their overall pattern is not random or arbitrary: each genre is as it is because its structure has proved effective to achieve its purpose(s ). In this sense, the structure is a facilitating convention: "the text has identifiable parts precisely because these steps enable the interactants to achieve the social purpose" (Painter, 2001: 170).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines313 - : We found, instead, the use of certain translations of English expressions which are not well-formed in Romanian. The resulting phrases are syntactic calques that affect the subcategorization pattern of the verb: a face diferenta (Engl . to make the difference); or determines changes in the valency grill of the verb: a suna înapoi (Engl. to call back).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines424 - : Another interesting pattern that can be seen in the Table is that there are three differences between (c) and the other two cases:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines454 - : Linguistic similarity at the structural level was measured in terms of a similar use of verb tense (^[84]Scissors et al., 2009) or, as ^[85]Bunz and Campbell (2004) suggest, measured by converging to structural elements such as salutation and closing remarks. In this study, full similarity was considered to occur when the message followed the following pattern: initial greetings and age, symptoms, effect of treatment, current situation plus uncertainty about health situation, request for advice, and some sort of farewell . As the common structure in all the groups studied, Example 1, a post from Mumsnet, could broadly exemplify this model:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines455 - : An associative memory is represented by a matrix generated from a finite set of pairwise pattern vector associations referred to as the fundamental set, which is described as:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines463 - : world knowledge is not possible-. Results show that this factor determines the processing pattern and significantly modifies the articulation between syntactic complexity and processing complexity: only in the absence of prior knowledge, syntactic complexity is reflected directly in processing complexity .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines481 - : Experiential learning theory (^[84]Schön, 1983; ^[85]Kolb, 1984) highlights that effective learning lies in the process of grasping experience of accomplishing a meaningful goal and transforming this experience into knowledge. The experiential learning model goes through a cyclical pattern of four phases: concrete experience during which learners complete a situated task, reflective observation in which learners reflect on what is done and consider what is working and what is not, abstract conceptualization where they think of ways to improve, and active experimentation where they make new attempts to try it again based on previous experience, reflection, and new conceptions .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines500 - : Bearing in mind the computationally-based notion of construction presented in Section 2 and the inadequacy of Levin’s taxonomy for parsing, alternations have been substituted for constructional schemata, since the former are based on the modification of an input structural pattern and its derivation into a different one. However, the parser only recognizes the input text, in this case, a constructional pattern, so what the parser requires is:

Evaluando al candidato pattern:

3) learners: 5 (*)
4) learning: 5
7) context: 4
9) processing: 3 (*)
11) verb: 3 (*)
13) learn: 3
17) structural: 3
18) complexity: 3 (*)
19) halliday: 3
20) syntactic: 3 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 105
Docs: 51
Nombre propio: / 105 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 146
Puntaje: 5.798 = (5 + (1+5.16992500144231) / (1+6.7279204545632)));
Rechazado: muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Ahonen-Myka, H. (2002). Discovery of frequent word sequences in text source. En Proceedings of the ESF Exploratory Workshop on Pattern Detection and Discovery. London: U. K.
: Duda, R. & Hart, P. (1973). Pattern classification and scene analysis. New York: Wiley.
: Hanks, P. & Pustejovsky, J. (2005). A pattern Dictionary for Natural Language Processing. Revue Française de linguistique appliquée, 10(2), 63-82.
: Hanks, P. (2004). Corpus pattern analysis. En G. Williams & S. Vessier (Eds.), Proceedings of the XI Euralex International Congress (pp. 87-98). Lorient: Université de Bretagne-Sud.
: Hanks, P. (Ed.) (en proceso). Pattern dictionary of English verbs [en línea]. Disponible en: [136]http://pdev.org.uk.
: Harish, B. S., Guru, D. S. & Manjunath, S. (2010). Representation and classification of text documents: A brief review. IJCA Special Issue on Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2,110-119.
: Harrison, J., Maguire, P. & Pitceathly, C. (1995). Confiding in crisis: Gender differences in pattern of confiding among cancer patients. Social Science & Medicine, 41(9), 1255-1260.
: Hunston, S. & Francis, G. (2000). Pattern grammar. A corpus-driven approach to the lexical grammar of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins .
: Hymes, D. (1980). Particle, pause and pattern in American Indian narrative verse. American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 4(4), 7-51.
: Jiang, Y., Meng, W. & Clement, Y. (2011): Topic sentiment change analysis. En Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition (pp. 443-457). Springer Verlag: Heidelberg.
: Lan, M., Tan, C. L., Su, J. & Lu, Y. (2009). Supervised and traditional term weighting methods for automatic text categorization. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 31(4), 721-735.
: López-Yáñez, I., Sheremetov, L. & Yáñez-Márquez, C. (2014). A novel associative model for time series data mining. Pattern Recognition Letters, 41, 23-33.
: Navigli, R. & Lapata, M. (2010). An experimental study of graph connectivity for unsupervised word sense disambiguation. IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 32(4), 678-692.
: Riazi, A. & Rahimi, M. (2005). Iranian EFL learners’ pattern of language learning strategy use. The Journal of ASIA TEFL, 2(1), 103-129.
: UNE Academic Skills Office (2017). Writing pattern for conclusion paragraphs [on line]. Retrieved from: [91]https://aso-resources.une.edu.au/academic-writing-course/paragraphs/conclusion-paragraphs/
: Van Trijp, R. (2011). A design pattern for argument structure constructions. In L. Steels (Ed.), Design patterns in Fluid Construction Grammar (pp. 115-145). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
: Zhang, X., Dong, G. & Ramamohanarao, K. (2000). Information-based classification by aggregating emerging pattern. Ponencia presentada en el Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning-Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1983, Hong Kong, China.