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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) objective (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: objective

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines132 - : There is not much information concerning text types used in technical/profesional education in Chile, with the purpose of giving the students the access to the specialized knowledge and the professional discourse communities. The objective of this research is to describe from functional, communicative, and textual perspectives three specialized corpus of written texts, collected from three areas of secondary high educational and profesional schools in the city of Valparaíso: Maritime, Metalmecanics, and Administration and Commerse . The results show that a multilevel and complex approach such as this gives rich points of view: twelve text types are detected and two prototypes are clearly observed (dissemination/didactic ones and highly specialized).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines152 - : This paper presents the results of a research work that relates terminology to language acquisition. It has a double objective: on one hand, to establish the kind of representation scholars between the age of 7 and 15 have of different kinds of lexical units ( sustantivo and perro ); on the other hand, to study the existing relations between the type of conceptualisation and the linguistic formulation chosen to define the lexical unit. While the first analysis is quantitative, the second one is qualitative. For the quantitative analysis the exact Fischer Test is used (p <= 0,05). The results show that differences among scholars are found as to the kind of representation attributed to the lexical unit sustantivo, but that these differences are absent as regards the lexical unit perro. This is also evident in the linguistic formulations employed to define these lexical units, in a way that it is possible to establish correlations between conceptualisation and linguistic formulation.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines387 - : Abstract: Objective of present paper is to classify the comma uses focused in grammatical aspects and from a computational linguistic perspective is proposed. From this objective, some theoretical aspects based on grammatical criteria are showed, and the following classification of the comma functions are established: (i) indicator comma: it points enumerations and ellipsis, (ii) bounding comma: it delimits incidental clauses (appositions, vocatives, etcetera), and (iii) comma for disambiguation: it avoids confusion in expressions that could present more than a interpretation . Afterwards, a formalization and a computational implementation are made with the objective of getting a method of automatic detection for comma functions. In relation to the computational work, the software Smorph and Post Smorph Module (MPS) were used. Smorph analyzes the characters chain morphologically, giving an output with the morphological and categorical assignation for each occurrence according to the features

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines420 - : The main objective of this paper is to determine the kind of usage made by students –as well as their perception– of an often misused and even undervalued tool: the dictionary . This study shows that learners seldom reflect upon the kind of information they need in a dictionary, in the same way that a single specialised lexicographical work rarely contains all the information needed to solve all the terminological/conceptual/usage-related doubts that may arise. This is the reason why we have analysed how learners of English for Engineering perceive their own lexicographical usage, needs and expectations when explicitly asked about these aspects by means of two questionnaires: one of them dealing with the critical analysis of already-existing works and the other about lexicographical usage and needs. The results obtained show that no single text has all the quality, quantity, clarity and user-friendliness features to be expected in a scientific-technical e-dictionary. This is the reason why

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines421 - : With regard to the compilation of the posters under analysis, it was used a very useful web page on Irish politics maintained by Mr Alan Kinsella (see [24]http://irishelectionliterature.wordpress.com/), which compiles different materials related to Irish politics (newspapers articles, photographs of politicians, political posters, etc.). The general objective of this study is to analyse the political posters of three political campaigns of Fianna Fáil during the Celtic Tiger period (1997, 2002 and 2007) and the one post-Celtic Tiger (2011) in order to explore how the leaders of Fianna Fáil, i.e. Bertie Ahern and Micheál Martin are represented. The specific objectives are the following: (a ) to study the main linguistic and visual characteristics used in the posters in order to persuade the audience, and (b) to observe the similarities and differences between the posters under analysis.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines481 - : Although OP demands a lot of skill from presenters, as mentioned previously, only some of the skills were involved in this study. OP was designed as an instructional activity to help the students achieve seven objectives, all relating to students’ ability to perform certain functions in English in specific communicative contexts. Before the participants made their first OPs at the beginning of the semester, they attended an orientation class to make sure that they had a clear understanding of what each objective meant. Those objectives were concerned with seven OP skills:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines532 - : “The dialectical objective of the parties is to test the acceptability of the standpoints that have shaped the difference of opinion” (nuestra traducción: “El objetivo dialéctico de las partes es probar la aceptabilidad de los puntos de vista que han configurado la diferencia de opinión” ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines555 - : The allocation of natural language texts to one or more predefined categories or classes based on their content is an important component and a recent need in many information organization and management tasks. Automatic text classification is the task of categorizing documents to a predefined set of classes by a computational method or model. Text representation for classification purposes has been traditionally approached using a vector space model due to its simplicity and good performance. On the other hand, multi-label automatic text classification has been typically addressed either by transforming the problem under study to apply binary techniques or by adapting binary algorithms to work with multiple labels. In this article, the objective is to evaluate a term-weighting factor in the Boolean model for text representation in multi-label classification, using a mix of two approaches: problem transformation and model adaptation . This term-weighting factor and the combination of

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines559 - : * Objective:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines569 - : This article defines, from a theoretical perspective, the scientific arbitration report as discursive genre, located in a chain of genres with two recipients, the purpose being to contextualize why a mitigating courtesy strategy is activated. The objective of the research is twofold: firstly, it attempts to determine which are the specific resources to formulate linguistically the above mentioned strategy in a corpus of arbitration reports ; secondly, it aims to unveil whether the sex of the reports’ evaluators is a parameter that influences the impersonality strategy in order to minimize the presence of the subject of the statement. The method of analysis is based on sociocultural pragmatics and on a variationist perspective. Results confirm that four minimizing strategies are contemplated, and that the sex of the evaluators affects the use of an impersonality strategy and the configuration of an evaluative style, which is characterized by a conjunction of linguistic resources.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines579 - : The study of genres from a rhetorical move perspective has its roots in ^[40]Swales’ work (1981, 1990), and “aims to determine the communicative purposes of a text by categorizing diverse text units according to the particular communicative purpose of each unit” (^[41]Parodi, 2010: 198). Swales (^[42]1981, ^[43]1990) studied the rhetorical organization of research article introductions and introduced his Creating a Research Space model (the CARS model), composed of the segments known as moves and steps. A move denotes a text component referring “to a defined and bounded communicative act that is designed to contribute to one main communicative objective, that of the whole text” (^[44]Lorés-Sanz, 2004: 282 ). Moves are further divided into steps as lower structural segments, each performing a specific communicative purpose linked to that of moves and the overall aim of the genre. Moves and steps form a unique rhetorical organization of a genre contributing to its identification and

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines600 - : To make the objective of this paper more manageable, this piece of research will address and answer the following research questions:

Evaluando al candidato objective:

2) communicative: 7 (*)
4) comma: 6 (*)
5) linguistic: 6 (*)
7) classification: 5 (*)
9) lexical: 5 (*)
11) posters: 5
15) representation: 4 (*)
16) strategy: 4 (*)
17) paper: 4

Lengua: eng
Frec: 123
Docs: 77
Nombre propio: 1 / 123 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 7
Puntaje: 7.824 = (7 + (1+5.55458885167764) / (1+6.95419631038688)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Verstraete, J. C. (2001). Subjective and objective modality: Interpersonal and ideational functions in the English modal auxiliary system. Journal of Pragmatics, 33(10), 1505-1528.