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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) explanation (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: explanation

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines392 - : “cognitions relating to the self and the world constituting a complex aggregate with an (at least implicit) argumentational structure; these cognitions fulfil functions parallel to those of objetive “scientific” theories, namely those of explanation, prediction and technology” (Groeben, 1990: 21 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines496 - : “if one accepts a 'weak' interpretation of communicative language teaching, then s/he must accept the value of grammatical explanation, error correction, and drill” (^[46]Nunan, 1987: 141 ).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines593 - : Although there are studies about discursive and lexicogrammatical resources displayed in explanations produced by school students, less research has been developed about them in Spanish on disciplinary genres written by primary school students. In this article we will describe, compare and relate discursive organization, resources linked to writing -length measured in amount of words and clauses, lexical diversity and syntax complexity- and those resources specific to academic language -academic vocabulary, scientific vocabulary, nominalizations and causal links- included in scientific explanations produced by Chilean fourth-graders of three schools from different socio-economical groups. Three hundred twenty-six explanations were transcribed and analyzed using CLAN (Computerized Language Analysis) for the automated and semi-automated measures. The explanations were compared according to the following variables: sex, socio-economical group, and topic of the explanation .Tand ANOVA

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines594 - : First two expository essays Ideational meaning: This included the students’ use of colloquial words (culture-specific unelaborated lexical choices). For example, when they mentioned Gao Kao, they did not provide an additional explanation to tell the readers that it is a high-stakes university entrance examination in China . The students also inappropriately used genre-specific choices of process (e.g., I think). Logical fallacies also occurred when the students were presenting information. Ideational meaning: Are these lexical choices appropriate to the field in the expository essay? Are the two parts (i.e., claim and support) logically connected to each other?

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines600 - : On the contrary, the way researchers make use of the rest of the pragmatic functions is discipline and/or section sensitive. In the introductory parts, the explanation of procedures, the statement of results and the elaboration of arguments are three functions which researchers deploy with different frequencies from a statistical point of view. In the post-method sections, the explanation of procedures, the elaboration of arguments, the expression of limitations, contribution or applications and the signalling of future avenues for work, are enacted with varying different, and statistically significant frequencies, in the three disciplines analysed, as corroborated by the p values in the table below:

Evaluando al candidato explanation:

3) choices: 3
6) lexical: 3 (*)
7) resources: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 81
Docs: 50
Nombre propio: / 81 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.587 = (1 + (1+3.32192809488736) / (1+6.35755200461808)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Borer, H. (2003). Exo-skeletal vs. endo-skeletal explanations: Syntactic projections and the lexicon. En J. Moore & M. Polinsky (Eds.), The nature of explanation in linguistic theory (pp. 31-67). Stanford: CSLI Publications.
: Carpenter, S. K. & DeLosh, E. L. (2006). Impoverished cue support enhances subsequent retention: Support for the elaborative retrieval explanation of the testing effect. Memory & Cognition, 34(2), 268-276.
: Fox, B. & Thompson, S. (1990). A discourse explanation of the grammar of relative clauses in English conversation. Language, 66, 297-316.
: Gould, J., Alfaro, L., Barnes, V., Finn, R., Grischkowsky, N. & Minuto, A. (1987). Reading is slower from C.R.T displays than from paper: Attempts to isolate a single variable explanation. Human Factors, 29, 269-299.
: Groeben, N. (1990). Subjective theories and the explanation of human action. En G. R. Semin & K. Gergen (Eds.), Every day understanding. Social and scientific implications (pp. 19-44). Londres: Sage.
: Mairal, R. & Ruiz de Mendoza-Ibáñez, F. J. (2008). Levels of description and explanation in meaning construction. In Ch. Butler & J. Martín Arista (Eds.), Deconstructing Constructions (pp. 153-198). Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
: Martin, J. R. (2003). Making history: Grammar for explanation. In J. R. Martin & R. Wodak (Eds.), Re/reading the past: Critical and functional perspectives in time and value (pp. 19-57). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
: Menn, L. & MacWhinney, B. (1984). The repeated morph constraint: Toward an explanation. Language, 60, 519-541.
: Salmon, W. (1998). Causality and explanation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
: Tufte, E. (1997). Visual explanation. Graphics Press, Cheshire: Connecticut.
: Ávalos, M., Gómez, M., Gort, M. & Secada, W. (2017). Hey! today i will tell you about the water cycle!: Variations of language and organizational features in third-grade science explanation writing. The Elementary School Journal, 118(1), 149-176. DOI: 10.1086/692987