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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) enriching (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: enriching

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines393 - : The Term Enriching Technique – Wiki (TEM-Wiki) is defined formally as follows: Let D={d[1], d[2], ... , d[n]} be a document collection with vocabulary V(D), WK{wk[1], wk[2], ..., wk[n]}. be a Wikipedia document and the concatenation of D and WK as DWK=D • WK which consist of all the strings of the form d wk with vocabulary V(DWK). Let us consider a subset of V(D) X V(DWK) of correlated terms as . The RTW expansion of D using the information contained in D plus Wikipedia information is D´={d[1], d[2], ... , d[n]}, such that for all di DWK, it satisfies the two properties 1) and 2) from Section 4.1.1. If RTW is calculated by using the same target data set, then we say that D’ is the Term Enriched version of D. After the Term Enriching Technique using the same corpus plus adding information taken from Wikipedia the Term Expansion Technique is applied.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines393 - : The formal definition of Full Term Enriching Technique (TERM-Full) is as follows: Let D={d[1], d[2], ... , d[n]} be a document collection with vocabulary V(D) and w a particular term in D where |{D}| |{W}||. Let us consider a subset of V(D)X V(D) of correlated terms as . The RT expansion of D is D´={d´1, d´2, ... , d´n}, such that for all di D, it satisfies the two properties 1) and 2) from Section [43]4.1.1. If RT is calculated by using the same target data set, then we say that D’ is the Full Term Enriched version of D. After the Full Enriching Technique is applied using the same corpus with no external resources the Term Expansion Technique is applied.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines420 - : specific improvements have been signalled to optimise these aspects according to the principles of specialised pedagogical lexicography (Fuertes-Olivera & Arribas-Baño, 2008; Fuertes-Olivera, 2009) –so enriching in the teaching-learning process of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)– and to the criteria of prospective users: the students . Hence, this study aims at promoting learners’re-discovery of the electronic specialised dictionary as a useful learning and professional tool with the final objective of creating e lexicographical products that enhance the active and efficient use of dictionaries.

Evaluando al candidato enriching:

2) technique: 6
5) expansion: 4 (*)
7) wikipedia: 3
8) vocabulary: 3 (*)
10) document: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 26
Docs: 4
Nombre propio: 2 / 26 = 7%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.925 = (2 + (1+4.32192809488736) / (1+4.75488750216347)));
Candidato aceptado

No se encontraron referencias bibliográficas sociadas al/ alos término(s)

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)