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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) discipline (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: discipline

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines433 - : In this article we approach the construction of authorial voice in doctorate theses of a humanistic discipline: philosophy . Our purpose is to illustrate, based on an exploratory study focused on the identification of marks of the first person and attribution, the way in which doctorate candidates construct an identity as writers/researchers according to the requirements of the discourse genre in this area. The results show that dissertation writers have a strong tendency to construct their identity as specialists who master the disciplinary content; however, the times, when they incorporate the role of author-researchers, are rare. This fact leads us to open discussion as regards the training of researchers in the area of Humanities, and the need to propose intervention plans concerning academic and scientific literacy, which allow graduates of these programs to become writers who raise the visibility of the field in local and international academic contexts.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines442 - : From an academic point of view, the most important landmark that students face when transitioning from higher education to professional life, is undoubtedly the production and defense of a senior thesis or Graduation Project. This enables them to gradually become members of the discourse community of the chosen discipline. This study sought to put forward a theory-and-empirically based rhetorical-discursive model of the Undergraduate Macro-Genre Graduation Project (UMGGP) grounded in five disciplines. Our model combines genre theory with a focus on communication and corpus linguistics. A subcorpus of 407 undergraduate graduation projects (UGP) was gathered from 4 different disciplines: Literature, Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology . The rhetorical-discourse organization of BGP was configured through its macro purposes and communicative purposes. As a result, we proposed a rhetoric-discursive organization model that comprises 5 macromoves, 18 moves, and 65 steps. This model was tested

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines600 - : On the contrary, the way researchers make use of the rest of the pragmatic functions is discipline and/or section sensitive. In the introductory parts, the explanation of procedures, the statement of results and the elaboration of arguments are three functions which researchers deploy with different frequencies from a statistical point of view. In the post-method sections, the explanation of procedures, the elaboration of arguments, the expression of limitations, contribution or applications and the signalling of future avenues for work, are enacted with varying different, and statistically significant frequencies, in the three disciplines analysed, as corroborated by the p values in the table below:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines601 - : organisation, cause-effect relations within clauses, etc. In fact, these recurrent linguistic representations have led historiographers to declare a ‘language turn’ in their discipline: history has been transformed into a science as a result of a ‘literary artefact’ (see ^[33]White, 2010, for the language turn ; ^[34]Schleppegrell & Colombi 2002; ^[35]Coffin, 2006, ^[36]2009; ^[37]Nokes, 2013; ^[38]Achugar & Carpenter, 2014, for a description of the language in history both as an L1 and an L2; and ^[39]Llinares, Morton & Whittaker, 2012, for a precise description of languages in the subjects).

Evaluando al candidato discipline:

2) researchers: 3
3) graduation: 3 (*)
4) academic: 3

Lengua: eng
Frec: 83
Docs: 39
Nombre propio: / 83 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.585 = (1 + (1+3.32192809488736) / (1+6.39231742277876)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Biber, D. (2004). Representativeness in corpus design. En G. Sampson & D. McCarthy (Eds.), Corpus Linguistics: Readings in a widening discipline (pp. 174-197). Londres: Continuum.
: Goggin, M. D. (2000). Authoring a discipline. Scholarly journals and the Post-World War II Emergence of Rhetoric and Composition. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
: Rouet, J.-F., Favart. M., Britt, M. & Perfetti C. A. (1997). Studying and using multiple documents in history: Effects of discipline expertise. Cognition and Instruction, 15(1), 85-106.
: Taffs, K. H. & Holt, J. I. (2013). Investigating student use and value of e-learning resources to develop academic writing within the discipline of environmental science. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 37(4), 500-514. DOI: 10.1080/03098265.2013.801012
: Varttala, T. (2001). Hedging in scientifically oriented discourse. Exploring variation according to discipline and intended audience. Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Tampere, Tampere, Finlandia.