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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) clauses (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: clauses

Is in goldstandard

paper CH_corpusSignostxt416 - : 6) Incorrectly resolved relative clause. This issue concerns resolution of prepositional relative clauses, such as in:

paper CH_corpusSignostxt577 - : To explore syntactic complexity in relation to phrase structures, the verb phrases of dependent clauses were coded and categorized into the following subtypes: VPs formed by non-finite (to+inf ., -ing, -ed) clauses and VPs of finite dependent clauses (relative, complement, adverbial and comparative). This categorization was expected to provide information on the structural constituency of the phrasal post-modifiers of noun phrases and the syntactic complexity of the verbal predicates. Other constructs that measure syntactic complexity and elaboration, namely, average mean of words per sentence (sentence length) ([95]Table 1) were also considered for interpreting the functional associations of the grammatical features identified in the coded material.

paper CH_corpusSignostxt577 - : VPs with copula be are generally followed by an embedded to-infinitive complement clause. Often, these clauses contain further clausal embedding, thus reflecting structural elaboration at the level of grammar:

paper CH_corpusSignostxt362 - : “one method of recapitulating past experience by matching a verbal sequence of clauses to the sequence of events which (it is inferred) actually occurred [un método de recapitulación de la experiencia pasada adecuando una secuencia verbal de proposiciones a la secuencia de sucesos que (se supone) ocurrieron realmente (la traducción es nuestra)]” y que son, por tanto, historias “dignas de contarse” (Labov, 1972: 360 ).

paper CH_corpusSignostxt582 - : This work intends to explore how certain process types in Spanish are related to the expression of appraisal in academic texts, our objective is to analyze verbal transitivity and evaluative aspects of student academic writing on history. Our study draws on Systemic Functional Linguistics and, in particular, on the Appraisal System, which explores evaluative meanings in language, here we shall analyze only one of its subsystems, attitude. The analysis is based on student texts belonging to two genres (question-answer and essay), but to only one discipline (history). Within the ideational analysis we explored three types of processes in academic texts: verbal, mental and relational while within the interpersonal framework we classified the clauses that express appraisal according to the three domains of the attitude system: affect, judgment and appreciation . The preliminary results show certain similarities between the two genres, for example, the prevalence of relational processes and the

paper CH_corpusSignostxt387 - : Abstract: Objective of present paper is to classify the comma uses focused in grammatical aspects and from a computational linguistic perspective is proposed. From this objective, some theoretical aspects based on grammatical criteria are showed, and the following classification of the comma functions are established: (i) indicator comma: it points enumerations and ellipsis, (ii) bounding comma: it delimits incidental clauses (appositions, vocatives, etcetera), and (iii) comma for disambiguation: it avoids confusion in expressions that could present more than a interpretation . Afterwards, a formalization and a computational implementation are made with the objective of getting a method of automatic detection for comma functions. In relation to the computational work, the software Smorph and Post Smorph Module (MPS) were used. Smorph analyzes the characters chain morphologically, giving an output with the morphological and categorical assignation for each occurrence according to the features

paper CH_corpusSignostxt207 - : En la tercera dimensión, los discursos en el sub-corpus Público tienen un promedio positivo debido a la presencia de relative clauses on object y subject positions como se observa en el siguiente texto (en cursivas):

paper CH_corpusSignostxt207 - : Por último, en lo que respecta a la sexta dimensión, la elaboración de la información en línea se debe recordar que al igual que la séptima dimensión, en Biber (1988) tienen un carácter exploratorio. Sin embargo, nuevamente, los diálogos en el sub-corpus Privado son más congruentes con la oralidad prototípica en el corpus de referencia (London-Lund corpus). Estos diálogos alcanzan un promedio positivo, a diferencia de los Público que tienen un promedio negativo. En esta dimensión, los ‘that’ complement to verbs y adjectives, las ‘that’ relative clause on object position y los demonstratives son rasgos positivos que caracterizan un tipo de discurso que se elabora en tiempo-real y que, además, presenta la información de manera fragmentada. Esto significa que la información se organiza en un número mayor de estructuras gramaticales, con pocas palabras de contenido. El siguiente ejemplo correspondiente al sub-corpus Privado vemos las ‘that’ complement clauses en cursiva:

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt124 - : • Nouns +final relative clauses: Where’s the `money I lent you ?

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt582 - : Adani, F., Stegenwallner-Schütz, M., Haendler, Y., & Zukowski, A. (2016). Elicited production of relative clauses in German: Evidence from typically developing children and children with specific language impairment . First Language, 56(3), 203-227. [102]https://doi.org/10.1177/0142723716648842 [ [103]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt43 - : The concluding paragraph of Diana's essay shows the above strategy by using embedded clauses:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt157 - : presupposes that the speaker, Nana, does not belong to that category. In fact, Mariam is "his" illegitimate daughter. Next, I find two subordinate clauses introduced by "that":

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt232 - : ^[62]Biber, Johansson, Leech, Conrad, and Finegan (1999) define adverbials as those elements of clauses that have three main functions: to add information about the circumstances of the proposition expressed in the clause, to express the writer/speaker’s position towards the proposition, and to connect the clause to other discourse units, the function being referred to here . Adverbials can also take different syntactic forms (e.g. prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses) and can be placed in different positions within the clause.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt232 - : These NP modifications can be explained in grammatical and pragmatic terms. Grammatically speaking, this student eliminates and moves modifiers, changing their grammatical function, but using standard English modifications and structures. In pragmatic terms, the original propositional content is kept. In fact, the eliminations of of the family Triatominae and insect are arguably ways of removing heavy technical and redundant information to focus on what is important in the two clauses: the inclusion of stridulation to refer to the way insects communicate . This is confirmed in the context of occurrence, in which the following clauses elaborate the meaning of stridulate.

paper CO_CuadernosdeLingüísticaHispánicatxt152 - : Le changement de code (CC) fait référence aux interférences de langue lorsque les personnes qui parlent deux langues ou plus passent de l'une à l'autre. Les travaux sur l'espagnol-anglais CC ont identifié plusieurs contraintes syntaxiques (morpho) qui guident les changements (par exemple, Timm, 1975; Pfaff, 1979; Poplack, 1980). Cependant, que se passe-t-il lorsque les langues en question sont typologiquement différentes? C'est le cas du CC hispano-coréen, qui n'a pas fait l'objet d'une recherche systématique. Ces langues diffèrent à bien des égards, notamment en ce qui concerne (i) la structure des clauses / l'ordre des mots, (ii) l'absence / la présence d'articles, et (iii) la morphologie (coréen: classeur, espagnol: fusionnel ) (Kwon, 2012; Bosque y Demonte, 1999). Pour cette étude, nous avons interviewé des bilingues espagnol-coréen afin d'obtenir un corpus naturaliste. Nous avons constaté que de nombreuses restrictions proposées pour l'espagnol-anglais CC ne sont pas valables pour

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt284 - : While one of the primary uses of LSs is to introduce new referents into discourse (^[107]Silva-Corvalán, 1994), there were several cases in which a LS was used in the current data where a pronoun could have also occurred, thus moving beyond the mere introduction of new referents to additional uses (see ^[108]Dumont, 2006). The most immediate evidence of this is seen simply by the appearance of the same LS in two consecutive clauses or otherwise close distances, an observation consistent with that of ^[109]Dumont (2006), as seen in the following example:

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt260 - : The last three postpositions presented previously inflect with the 3^rd person prefix «i-»: «ibima, ibuje, ibuye. This occurs when the clauses correlated by them are not in the same sentence, and the postposition is not in the same clause it refers to:

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt260 - : This would explain the non-grammaticality of clauses such as that of the example 22a below, where we find the use of a person marker in a clause conducted by the postposition «puje» («o'takat»), when compared to the grammaticality of clauses such as the example 22b, where the personal marker in the verb does not occur («dakat»):

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt291 - : Adverbial clauses in Ayoreo (zamucoan): from parataxis to hypotaxis

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt291 - : The Ayoreo language (Zamuco family) shows a very small set of quasi-universal formants to codify subordinated clauses: the subordinators «uje» and «ujetiga», which also mark realis and irrealis mode, respectively . However, adverbial clauses show a process of specification in which each semantic type of clause tends to receive a specific treatment. Within the framework of Role and Reference Grammar, this work tries to characterize the different formal resources of the language to codify the different semantic types of adverbial clauses. By showing how the language makes use of quasi-universal markers together with other elements to encode this type of constructions, this work contributes to the characterization of the ongoing process of passage of a primarily paratactic system towards one with clearly determined forms of clausal inclusion.

paper CO_Lenguajetxt7 - : [65]4. Finite clauses are those that contain a finite verbal element expressing tense or modality (Halliday 2004: 111 ) while non-finite clauses contain no finite element but they have other verbal forms such as infinitives, gerunds or participles.

paper CO_Íkalatxt212 - : Des attitudes associées aux types de clauses dans des textes d'histoire : une analyse basée sur la Théorie de l'Évaluation

paper CO_Íkalatxt294 - : Three discourses represent intercultural attitude: mutual appreciation, understanding, and politeness. The data analysis revealed that there was discourse of mutual appreciation as manifested in the following clauses:

paper CO_Íkalatxt297 - : des revues spécialisées du domaine de la linguistique appliquée. L'analyse a montré la diversité des ressources déployées par les auteurs visant à donner de la force à leurs référents conceptuels à partir des clauses verbales, en particulier à des endroits bien précis dans le cadre théorique : dans les macro-thèmes, hyper-thèmes, macro-nouveaux et hyper-nouveaux . La com préhension de ces caractéristiques du cadre théorique peut être pertinente pour l'enseignement de l'écriture universitaire.

paper CO_Íkalatxt222 - : The aim of this paper is to analyze, from a functionalist perspective, periphrastic causative constructions in Toba from Eastern and Western Formosa province, and comparatively between the two varieties. Particularly, this paper focuses on the features of degree of fusion of the cause and effect predicate, their order, and paradigmatic variability. The periphrastic causative constructions in Toba from Eastern Formosa that were described were previously undetected in the mutually intelligible varieties in the province of Chaco. Besides, findings show that this construction differs, especially in terms of its degree of grammaticalization, from periphrastic construction in Toba from Western Formosa. The corpus is composed of oral texts and elicited clauses collected during fieldwork pursued in three communities: Vaca Perdida in Western Formosa, and Nam Qom neighborhood and Bartolomé de las Casas in Eastern and Middle-Eastern Formosa . This paper is a contribution to comparative studies on

paper CO_Íkalatxt222 - : L'objectif de ce travail est d'analyser les constructions causatives périphrastiques du toba dans l'est et l'ouest de Formosa depuis les perspectives fonctionnelle et comparative. Plus précisément, nous considérerons le degré de fusion, tout comme l'ordre et le degré de variabilité paradigmatique des prédicats de cause et d'effet. La stratégie de causativité périphrastique observée dans le toba de l'est de Formosa n'avait pas été décrite, à ce jour, dans les variétés du Chaco -avec lesquelles il est pourtant mutuellement intelligible. Nous démontrerons que cette variante de l'est de Formosa présente des différences avec celle de l'ouest, surtout dans le plan de la de grammaticalisation. Le corpus est composé par des récits oraux et des clauses colligés durant le travail de terrain effectué dans trois communautés de la dite province, soit: Vaca Perdida dans l'ouest ainsi que Nam Qom et Bartolomé de las Casas, dans l'est et le centre-est . Cet article constitue une contribution aux re

paper PE_Lexistxt114 - : Relative clauses in Uto-Aztecan Languages from the Sierra Tarahumara: an Intra-genetic Panorama with Particular Attention to Yaqui

paper PE_Lexistxt114 - : Estrada-Fernández, Z. (2012). From demonstrative to a relative marker to clause linker: The relative clause formation in Pima Bajo. En: Relative Clauses in Languages of the Americas: a Typological Overview . Eds., Bernard Comrie y Zarina Estrada-Fernández. (pp. 127-146). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/tsl.102.06est [ [107]Links ]


paper UY_ALFALtxt154 - : Estrada Fernández, Zarina. 2012. From demonstrative to a relative marker to clause linker: The relative clause formation in Pima Bajo, en Bernard Comrie y Zarina Estrada-Fernández (eds.), Relative clauses in languages of the Americas: a typological overview . Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 127-146. [ [116]Links ]

paper UY_ALFALtxt220 - : En el tercer, y último, artículo de la primera parte, “Should in Conditional Clauses: When Epistemicity Meets Appreciative Modality”, Lionel Dufaye estudia el significado que adquiere el modal should en construcciones condicionales encabezadas por if . El autor muestra que, en oraciones principales, should expresa alta probabilidad y expectación positiva respecto de la proposición, mientras que, en oraciones condicionales, únicamente expresa improbabilidad y una evaluación negativa. En estos últimos contextos, should revierte su significado. Parte de la hipótesis de que should expresa una modalidad compleja que da cuenta de un escenario dual, y favorece una polaridad sobre otra mediante el rechazo de uno de los dos escenarios como improbable/indeseable. Asimismo, observa que should acarrea modalidad apreciativa que se mantiene en las construcciones con if, aunque revierta su polaridad. El autor postula que should e if cohabitan en un mismo contenido proposicional, pero se corresponden con

paper VE_BoletindeLinguisticatxt112 - : From all the syntactic phenomena that relative clauses entail, there is one that has resisted every attempt of systematic grammatical explanation: the asymmetries in the use of the definite article in the head of restrictive prepositional relative clauses . We have identified the importance of two combined features [-human] and [+specific] in referential antecedents that allow the alternance of the definite article. Our semantic-pragmatic hypothesis is more descriptively accurate than the ones found in traditional grammars, as it can correctly predict the optionality of the definite article in the head PAR (Preposition+Article+Relative) even for some cases in which the antecedents are modified by an indefinite article.

Evaluando al candidato clauses:

1) relative: 18
2) dans: 10
4) verbal: 7 (*)
7) comma: 6 (*)
8) formosa: 6
9) grammatical: 6 (*)
10) corpus: 5 (*)
11) syntactic: 5 (*)
13) toba: 5 (*)
14) texts: 4 (*)
15) objective: 4 (*)
17) nous: 4
19) complement: 4 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 410
Docs: 149
Nombre propio: 2 / 410 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 9
Puntaje: 9.765 = (9 + (1+6.4093909361377) / (1+8.68299458368168)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: The above argumentation is rather inconclusive, but it is presented to suggest that factors not specifically related to relative clauses may be involved in these cases. For this reason we will not go further into this matter (Brucart 1992:119-120).
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