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paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines156 - : This article reports on the results of the analysis of a sample of fifteen articles extracted from the journal Revista de Pedagogía in order to determine how education researchers interact with their peers and communicate their integrity and their compromise with the discipline. The analysis focused on the interpersonal metadiscourse category and its dimensions as proposed by Hyland (1999a, 2000): hedges, boosters, attitude markers, relational markers and person markers . The results reveal that the variability in the use of interpersonal markers could be linked to the type of research. Hedging constituted the most frequent trait followed by relation and attitude markers. I conclude that education researchers have a tendency not to impose their point of views. They are concerned with personal stance and with assuring that their arguments are accepted by their readers.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines192 - : There are three types of category and three types of relationship between categories in Diagram 3: units (the linguistic unit ‘sign’, the semantic unit ‘entity’ heading ‘SE’, and the syntactic units ‘Cl’ and ‘ngp’ )^[27]3, elements (the genre element ‘S’, and the syntactic elements ‘S’, ‘C’, ‘M’, ‘dd’, ‘h’, and ‘E’, and the participant roles ‘Ag’, ‘Af’), and items (‘she’, ‘wash’, ‘s’, ‘the’, ‘glass’, and ‘.’). The linguistic unit ‘sign’ fills (‘___’) higher level elements, a semantic unit ‘SE’ along with a syntactic unit (‘Cl’ or ‘ngp’) compose (‘|’) signs, elements compose (‘S’) syntactic units, and items expound (‘D‘) elements. Diagram 3 can thus be read in the following manner. The genre element ‘S’ is filled with the sign composed by the selection expression [entity, situation, ..., information, ..., present trp, ..., washing, ..., count sth, singular sth, ...], and the syntactic unit ‘Cl’. This unit in turn is composed of the following elements:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines192 - : Having reached the point where the terminal genre category [research announcement] needs to be associated with an LF representation, the user is invited to interact with the system so that a CC can be assigned to this text location. Thus, the user is expected to choose, in accordance with the LFR lf1, between an ‘object’ and an ‘event’, and between ‘simplex’ and ‘complex. Since this choice is not made in a vacuum but within the terminal genre category [research announcement], the system automatically takes care of two fundamental aspects: (i ) the application of the Inter-stratal Projection Rule cc_lp4, on the basis that it is this terminal category and not, say, [title], and (ii) the calling of the relevant algorithm, annc_dalg1-4, to assist him with the decisions involved in constructing an LF. The application of cc_lp4 enforces the selection of ‘event’. Let us now see how the algorithm enforces other LF choices.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines192 - : The approach was illustrated with descriptive results of the RedACTe Project, particularly, with generalizations about the LGP associated with the terminal genre category [research announcement] as proposed in Hlavacka (2004). There are two main subtypes of cognitive processes involved in the realization of this genre category: the examine subtype and the discuss subtype (cf . §3.2). The choice of one or the other depends on the research announcement orientation that the researcher-writer wishes to adopt in writing this RAA text location. These two subtypes, furthermore, interact in interesting ways with decisions related to whether to make explicit or not the orientation adopted. Thus, if an explicit research-oriented announcement is chosen, the writer is algorithmically assisted to choose either hiding himself behind the research (in which case the research will end up as the Agent of a cognitive process of the examine subtype), or competing with the research in the participant role

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines282 - : The second subcategory within Contract -proclaim- includes those instances which "act to limit the scope of dialogistic alternatives in the ongoing colloquy" (Martin & White, 2005: 121 ). Proclaim comprises three sub-types: concur, pronounce and endorse. Through concur, authors overtly state that they agree or share knowledge with the voice presented or with the audience. This subtype may be realized textually by means of interpersonal modal adjuncts such as 'of course',' naturally', 'obviously' and 'certainly', or through certain types of rhetorical questions. Pronounce refers to those instances in which the author intervenes overtly into the text so as to assert or emphasize the value of the proposition. Some examples include 'I contend that'…, 'The fact of the matter is that'…, 'really', 'indeed', etc. Through endorse, authors make reference to external sources, which are presented as unquestionable, valid or correct, thus ruling out subsequent negotiation. This category is realized by

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines283 - : The second subcategory within Contract -proclaim- includes those instances which "act to limit the scope of dialogistic alternatives in the ongoing colloquy" (Martin & White, 2005: 121 ). Proclaim comprises three sub-types: concur, pronounce and endorse. Through concur, authors overtly state that they agree or share knowledge with the voice presented or with the audience. This subtype may be realized textually by means of interpersonal modal adjuncts such as 'of course',' naturally', 'obviously' and 'certainly', or through certain types of rhetorical questions. Pronounce refers to those instances in which the author intervenes overtly into the text so as to assert or emphasize the value of the proposition. Some examples include 'I contend that'…, 'The fact of the matter is that'…, 'really', 'indeed', etc. Through endorse, authors make reference to external sources, which are presented as unquestionable, valid or correct, thus ruling out subsequent negotiation. This category is realized by

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines313 - : The sender -usually the President or the Vice President of the company- uses a specific category taking into consideration the fact that there are "activities, motives, rights, responsibilities, and competencies that they regard as appropriate for incumbents of a relationship category" (Pomerantz & Mandelbaum, 2005: 149 ). By invoking the category of 'employees' at the beginning of the written message, its sender states that he specifically addresses the people who perform a certain activity 'in return for financial or other compensation'(AHDEL, 2000).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines313 - : Unlike the category 'employee' used in the messages from management, the category 'colleague' is more intimate; it is closer to the people involved in the message. Besides, the category 'employee' is connected to a profession, foregrounding a certain activity, while the category 'colleague' carries with it other characteristics: close relationship, unitary group, understanding, common values, sharing common interests, etc .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines387 - : “The term ‘punctuation’ is generally used to refer to a category defined in partially graphic terms: a set of non-alphanumeric characters that are used to provide information about structural relations among elements of a text, including commas, semicolons, colons, periods, parentheses, quotations marks and so forth . From the point of view of function, however, punctuation must be considered together with a variety of other graphical features of the text, including font-and-face-alternations, capitalization, indentation and spacing, all of which can be used to the same sorts of purposes” (Nunberg, 1990: 17).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines414 - : As seen in Table 3 this CS category was more often used by the Beginner Level. The analysis indicated a more frequent use of ‘direct appeal for help’ (DAH) and ‘code switch’ (CS). The former was employed 39 times out of a total usage of 70 times by the three levels, and CS was used 53 times out of a total of 101. Other CSs within this category were also used, but in a lesser extent: ‘literal translation’ (24 times out of 48 ) and ‘message abandonment’ (18 times out of 30). The following excerpt illustrates the use of DAH and CS which presented a higher frequency.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines416 - : Another category comprises Open IE methods based on relation extraction heuristics or rules. According to the classification of Open IE methods given by Gamallo (2014), it can be divided into two sub-categories. Methods of the first subcategory apply rules over deep syntactic parsing: ClausIE (Del Corro & Gemulla, 2013 ), CSD-IE (Bast & Haussmann, 2013), KrakeN (Akbik & Loser, 2012), DepOE (Gamallo, García & Fernández-Lanza, 2012), and FES (Aguilar, 2012). These methods are prone to slow performance (Aguilar, 2012), are less robust to grammar errors in texts due to the nature of automatic syntactic parsing, and their implementation is not easily available for many languages -again, due to the limited availability of syntactic parsers, especially for commercial use.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines426 - : The realization of deixis in speech / writing deixis is done through the use of special ‘linguistic pointers’ (Werth, 1999) called ‘deictic expressions’, also classified as ‘indexical expressions’ (Adetunji, 2006), ‘shifters’ (Jakobson, 1957), or ‘textual references’ (Halliday & Hasan, 1976). One of the main points here is the fact that their referents cannot be identified without an understanding of their actual context (Zupnik, 1994). In the case of person deixis, its indexical symbols belong to the grammatical category of personal pronouns, while the most obvious local deictic terms are the adverbs of place here / there and the demonstratives this / these and that / those, which are “the purest indicators of directionality and location” (Simpson, 1993: 13 ). In this regard, the first words in each pair indicate proximal perspective as they express physical proximity to the speaker, while the second words take a distal perspective as they denote a certain distance from the location o

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines454 - : Partial similarity occurred when the post had either no salutation or sign-off but otherwise followed the model shown in Example 1. The rest of the posts that did not comply with the model were consigned to a third category: ‘on-topic but no model followed’ .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines488 - : than ever. The technologies we considered cutting-edge only fifteen years ago are now obsolete, replaced by newer ones with their corresponding jargon. How do slow-changing morphological components evolve in order to keep pace with a fast-moving lexical element such as technology-related borrowings? What are the factors influencing these changes? These are the questions we aim to answer as we focus on a syntactic category closely interconnected with lexis: grammatical gender .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines488 - : Gender is a grammatical category that divides nouns into two distinct classes: ‘masculine’ for male nouns, and ‘feminine’ for female nouns, with ‘neuter’ a third possible group for nouns that are neither . Gender is often referred to using the more specific term ‘grammatical gender,’ to distinguish it from the ‘natural gender’ typically determined by biological sex. Thus, although girls are biologically female, the German word for girl, Mädchen, is grammatically neuter (^[52]Matthews, 2014).

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines519 - : This paper explores a discourse pattern found in responses to assertions. The pattern includes a particle that stresses agreement (e.g., Sp. claro, por supuesto, evidentemente) followed by a segment where the second speaker elaborates on the information provided by the first. It is argued that, in the contexts analysed here, these particles index epistemic incongruence: although the second speaker shows agreement with the semantic content proposed by the first, the content is known or even obvious for the second speaker and the assertion is therefore, in a sense, problematic. Drawing from this analysis, a distinction is proposed between two levels within the general category of (dis)agreement: one level relates to content and the other relates to the assumptions about the epistemic configuration that are carried in an assertive speech act itself .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines556 - : In this paper, we analyze a 500,000-words corpus of WhatsApp messages in Catalan, produced by young couples aged between 18 and 22 years old. The aim of the resercah is to describe its proximity to the colloquial conversation genre and to define the WhatsApp message genre from the point of view of its connexion to the oral-written medium, following Gregory and Carroll (1978). To do so, we contrasted the corpus obtained with the characteristics of the genre colloquial conversation previously described by other researchers. The results show that WhatsApp messages are close to colloquial conversation. Finally, we propose that a new category should be added to Gregory and Carroll’s proposal (1978): a written genre conceived as if it were a spontaneous conversation .

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines562 - : Mihatsch, W. (2018b). From ad hoc category to ad hoc categorization: The proceduralization of Argentinian Spanish tipo . En C. Mauri & A. Sansò (Eds.), Linguistic strategies for the construction of ad hoc categories: Synchronic and diachronic perspectives (pp. 147-176). Berlín/Boston: de Gruyter. [ [292]Links ]

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines576 - : La HD experimenta un importante avance cuando considera la interacción entre los elementos lingüísticos que aportan información aspectual (^[48]Andersen & Shirai, 1994). Las composiciones más frecuentes llevan a la conformación de combinaciones preferentes o prototípicas. A partir de estas observaciones, ^[49]Shirai y Andersen (1995) formulan la Hipótesis del Prototipo (Prototype Hypothesis) (HP), que predice que “learners acquire a linguistic category starting with the prototype of the category and later expand its application to less prototypical cases” (^[50]Shirai & Andersen, 1995: 758 ). Los casos prototípicos se encuentran en los verbos télicos ocupando la posición central de la narración actualizados con una forma perfectiva, mientras los estados y las actividades forman un marco de apoyo, y tienden a aparecer con formas imperfectivas (^[51]Andersen & Shirai, 1994). Los ejemplos (1) y (2) ilustran una combinación prototípica y no prototípica respectivamente:

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines579 - : Genre analysis deals with the question of how language is used in institutional and professional settings. The followers of this approach are interested in both functional and linguistic descriptions of different genres. A genre is defined as “a distinctive category of discourse of any type, spoken or written” (^[33]Swales, 1990: 33 ), having its communicative purpose understood by the members of the genre community (^[34]Bhatia, 1993). There are three main theoretical trends and schools of genre studies: the Swalesean approach (^[35]1981, ^[36]1990), the New Rhetoric studies (^[37]Hyon, 1996) and the systemic-functional approach (^[38]Halliday, 1978; ^[39]Halliday & Hasan, 1989). We will focus on the Swalesean genre analysis, as this research article draws on it.

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines598 - : 5. “Modality is the semantic category associated with the basic human cognitive ability of thinking that things might be otherwise, that is thinking of alternatives: situations other than what is the case . Modality refers generally to the linguistic means that allow “one to say things about , or on the basis of, situations which need not be real” (^[39]Portner, 2009: 1, emphasis is ours). (^[40]Rocci, 2017: 3)

paper corpusSignosTxtLongLines600 - : On its part, ^[118]Hyland (2002b), in his study of project reports written by Hong Kong undergraduates, identifies five main discourse functions for the exclusive pronoun ‘we’ in RAs. Unlike previous taxonomies, Hyland excludes inclusive uses of ‘we’ from the category of the metadiscoursal elements he terms ‘self-mentions’: (a ) expressing self-benefits; (b), stating a purpose; (c) explaining a procedure; (d) elaborating an argument and (e) stating results/claims. The first function is meant to be understood within the context of the research carried out and it is normally excluded as irrelevant with a different corpus of analysis.

Evaluando al candidato category:

1) genre: 15 (*)
3) syntactic: 9 (*)
5) unit: 7
7) linguistic: 6 (*)
13) announcement: 5
16) presented: 5
17) ‘s’: 5
18) subtype: 5

Lengua: eng
Frec: 153
Docs: 67
Nombre propio: / 153 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 3
Puntaje: 3.830 = (3 + (1+5.85798099512757) / (1+7.2667865406949)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Baldo, J. V. & Shimamura, A. P. (1998). Letter and category fluency in patients with frontal lobe lesions. Neuropsychology, 12, 259-267.
: Hall, J. R., Harvey, M., Vo, H. T. & O’Bryant, S. E. (2011). Performance on a measure of category fluency in cognitively impaired elderly. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 18(3), 353-361.
: Hester, S. & Hester, S. (2010). Conversational actions and category relations: An analysis of a children’s argument. Discourse Studies, 12(1), 33-48.
: Lambon Ralph, M. A., Howard, D., Nightingale, G. & Ellis, A. W. (1998). Are living and non-living category specific deficits causally linked to impaired perceptual or associative knowledge? Evidence from a category-specific double dissociation. Neurocase, 4, 311-338.
: Mervis, C. B. & Bertrand, J. (1994). Acquisition of the novel name-nameless category (N3C) principle. Child development, 65(6), 1646-1662.
: Moss, H. E., Tyler, L. K. & Devlin, J. (2002). The emergence of category specific deficits in a distributed semantic system. En E. Forde & G. Humphreys (Eds.),Category-specificity in brain and mind (pp. 115-148). Sussex: Psychology Press.
: Rosser, A. & Hodges, J. R. (1994). Initial letter and semantic category fluency in Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and progressive supranuclear palsy. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 57(11), 1389-1394.
: Srinivas, K. & Roediger, H. L. (1990). Classifying implicit memory tests: Category association and anagram solution. Journal of Memory and Language, 29(4), 389-412.
: Whatmough, C., Chertkow, H., Murtha, S., Templeman, D., Babins, L. & Kelner, N. (2003). The semantic category effect increases with worsening anomia in Alzheimer's type dementia. Brain and Language, 84(1), 1, 134-147.
: Zhi-Hong, D., Tang, S.-W., Yang, D.-Q., Zhang, M., Wu, X. B. & Yang, M. (2002). Linear text classification algorithm based on category relevance factors. Ponencia presentada en el 5^th International Conference on Asian Digital Libra, Singapur.