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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) writing process (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: writing process

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt190 - : In academia, students receive all kinds of feedback, from their peers as well as from their teachers. It is very likely that, at first, their feedback may be only the grade accompanied by many corrections in red ink all over their essay. However, over the past few years, student revision and teacher responses have become central at all stages of the writing process: pre-writing, first drafting, revising, final draft writing . Thus, a theoretical argument might suggest that knowledge is best constructed or acquired through negotiations of a discourse community such as the university.

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt254 - : Magallanes has provided itself a particular literature that makes it unique with regards to the literary production of the rest of the country. From this perspective, taking precedence over the continental hegemony, Eugenio Mimica's novel raises the possibility of reinventing the Southern Cone through a historical, political and economic refounding of Magallanes, not from the official historiography, but from its own formation as insular and southern enclave. The appeal of Mimician discourse lies in its zeal for retrieving a particular story, it falls into an exacerbated and xenophobic regionalism of postmodernity. This discourse is empowered by the use of the utopian genre that shapes the novel, behind which it hides the real the writing process: a bleak dystopian view of the decadent magallean reality .


paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt4 - : In most in-service programmes, writing commences late in the project and has the function of reporting on it. Writing early in the life of a project can make teachers see the task as a progressive activity rather than a tiring duty that brings stress when the final report has to be submitted. This way, the writing process becomes "useful for building the skill of critical reflection" (Christensen and Atweh: 1998, pp . 330).

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt138 - : For other authors like White and Arndt (1991), the writing process can be summarized through the following steps: brain-storming, planning, writing the first draft, editing, proof reading, final product, and publishing . The same author establishes these ways of giving feedback: teacher editing, peer-editing, and self-editing.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt138 - : For Murray the writing process can be basically divided into three stages, which are explained in the following figure:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt138 - : For the second category, namely Project work can allow teachers to facilitate students' meaningful writing process in the L2, the following subcategories were found: First, promoting dictionary use to understand and write words and expressions and practicing the use of synonyms ; second, fostering associations and description of images; and third, guiding the use of pronouns to refer to people and things.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt76 - : O'Brein (2004) states that the process approach is seen as a way to discover meaning and ideas instead of developing grammar exercises. Teachers can encourage learners to travel around their thoughts and develop their own writing throughout the use of the following steps of the five-step writing process:

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt76 - : According to Strauss and Corbin (1990), categories are formed by grouping similar incidents, events or other instances of phenomena under the same label. After revising the data with the aim of finding the commonalities to answer the action research question, a new sub-question about the actions performed by the learners in each one of the writing process stages emerged from the analysis: What specific actions will the learners carry out to improve the short story writing process and the implementation of the e-portfolio dossier ?

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt33 - : Giving the chance to students of being authors of their own hypertexts enriched their motivation to practice writing and therefore I agree with Min Liu and Susan Pedersen (1998) whose study shows that project based instruction has the potential to enhance learning. In addition, I share their view when they say that the skills most affected in these kinds of study included planning, presentation, collaboration, task distribution, and time management. In this study, I worked with the writing process stages: brainstorming, drafting, revising and editing and throughout this process students used different strategies to overcome difficulties when dealing with hypertext construction .

paper CO_Íkalatxt309 - : According to [168]Figure 1, participants held mostly positive views of collaborative writing. Their answers in the semi-structured interview revealed that the pre-service EFL teachers gave particular importance to role assignment as this aspect of collaborative writing facilitated a smooth writing process in the L2, evident in the following interview excerpt: “I liked the fact that all the team members performed a different responsibility when writing . Roles were assigned by taking each classmate’s strengths into account” (Participant 03). Role assignment also helped to overcome difficulties such as insecurity, as this participant mentioned: “In my case, I don’t like to write since I tend to make mistakes. I preferred to contribute by carrying out another activity. That is why I was in charge of looking for sources to cite in the essays” (Participant 16). Positive views also referred to the conceptual and procedural content that pre-service EFL teachers learned owing to suggestions made by

paper CO_Íkalatxt309 - : Regarding writing skills in English, positive views were expressed on their successful development owing to the instructional intervention. In this respect, the pre-service EFL teachers highlighted the three main steps they learned in the writing process: pre-writing, while-writing and post-writing .

Evaluando al candidato writing process:

1) teachers: 6
6) stages: 4
7) task: 3 (*)
8) positive: 3 (*)
10) editing: 3
11) participant: 3
12) revising: 3
13) views: 3
14) feedback: 3 (*)
15) discourse: 3 (*)
16) pre-service: 3
17) steps: 3
19) learners: 3 (*)

writing process
Lengua: eng
Frec: 257
Docs: 81
Nombre propio: / 257 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 5
Puntaje: 5.717 = (5 + (1+5.4594316186373) / (1+8.01122725542325)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
writing process
: 1. Bloodgood, J. (2002). Quintilian: A classical educator speaks to the writing process. Reading Research and Instruction, 42(1), 30–43.
: 22. Olive, T., & Piolat, A. (2002). Suppressing visual feedback in written composition: Effects on processing demands and coordination of the writing process. International Journal of Psychology, 37(4), 209–218.
: 25. Rijlaarsdam, G., & Van den Bergh, H. (2008). Writing process theory: A functional dynamic approach. In C. MacArthur, S. Graham, & J. Fitzgerald, (Eds.), Handbook of writing research (pp. 41– 53). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
: 31. Pennington, M., & So, S. (1993). Comparing writing process and product across two languages: a study of 6 Singaporean university student writers. Journal of Second Language Writing, 2(1), 41-63.
: 35. Flower, L. y Hayes, J. (1977). Problem- solving strategies and the writing process. College English,39, 449-461.
: 8. Díaz, N. M. (2010). Peer editing: A strategic source in EFL students' writing process. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal 12(1), 85–98.
: Concha, S. & Paratore, J. (2011). Local coherence in persuasive writing: An exploration of Chilean students’ metalinguistic knowledge, writing process, and writing products. Written Communication, 28(1), 34-69.
: Flower, L. y J. Hayes (1977) Problem- solving strategies and the writing process. College English, 39, 449-61.
: Gillespie, A., Olinghouse, N. G. & Graham, S. (2013). Fifth-grade students' knowledge about writing process and writing genres. Elementary School Journal, 113(4), 565-588. Doi: 10.1086/669938
: Haas, S. (2009). Writer's groups for MA ESOL students: Collaboratively constructing a model of the writing process. English Language Teacher Education and Development, 12, 23-30.
: Hayes, J. & Flower, L. (1980). Identifying the organization of writing process. En L.W. Gregg & E. Steinberg (Eds.), Cognitive processes in writing (pp. 3-30). Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
: Leonard, B. (2012). Social networking, the writing process, and cooperative learning: A three-strategy approach helping developmental students and first-year composition students prewrite. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Memphis, Memphis, TN.
: Li, L. Y., & Vandermensbrugghe, J. (2011). Supporting the thesis writing process of international research students through an ongoing writing group. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 48(2), 195-205.
: Likewise, Bizzell (1993) further criticized the cognitivists' approach in general because it created an artificial separation between the internal problem-solving activities that occurred within a writer's psyche and the context, in an effort to reduce the writing process to a single model.
: Lonka, K. (1996). The writing process questionnaire. Helsinki: Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki.
: Majid, A. H.A., Stapa, H. S., & Keong, C. Y. (2012). Scaffolding through the blended approach: Improving the writing process and performance using Facebook. American Journal of Social Issues and Humanities. 2(5), 336-342.
: Reither, J. (1985) Writing and knowing: Toward redefining the writing process. College English, 47, 620-8.
: Rohman, Gordon (1965) Prewriting: The Stage of Discovery in the Writing Process, College Composition and Communication 76.2:706-72.
: Ruiz, S. (2013). Working by projects. A way to enrich critical thinking and the writing process in a third grade EFL classroom. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 15(2), 205-220. [104]https://doi.org/10.14483/udistrital. jour.calj.2013.2.a04
: Seow, A. (2002). The writing process and process writing. (pp. 315-320). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
: The social stage emerged in the 1980s when studies in sociolinguis-tics, Halliday's functional linguistics and educational ethnography, led to criticism that the above approaches to the writing process omitted the crucial dimension of social context.
: Villamil and de Guerrero (1996) conducted a study to examine what happened when two ESL students worked together in a writing process. They approached writing as a process, in which students are guided by the teacher through several steps to write a piece.
: Williams, Tony. "The writing process: scenarios, sketches and rough drafts". The Cambridge Companion to Flaubert. Ed. Timothy Unwin. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. 165-179.
: [111]Olive, Thierry. 2010. Methods, tools and techniques for the on-line study of the writing process, en N. Mertens (ed.), Writing: Processes, Tools and Techniques, New York, Nova Publishers: 1-18.
: [118]Rijlaarsdam[119], Gert y Huub van den Bergh. [120]2006. Writing process theory: a functional dynamic approach, en Ch. MacArthur, S. Graham y J. Fitzgerald (eds.), The handbook of writing research, New York, Guilford Publications: 41-53.
: [78]Abdel Latif, Muhammad. 2008. A State-of-the-Art Review of the Real-Time Computer-Aided Study of the Writing Process, IJES, 8 (1): 29-50.