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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) word classes (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: word classes

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt317 - : This study examines the active and productive process of word classes changing in Mapudungun through derivation processes; that word formation process consists of a verbal lexeme, noun, adjective, or adverb linked to a derivational suffix. This is a descriptive study which follows the typological perspective of word class formation. The hypothesis establishes that words in mapuche language, mainly the open classes, under go certain morphological and syntactic processes that enable the change of word classes in either three ways: the intervention of some derivational suffix, polysemic properties of derivational suffixes, or the change of word order . While the most productive processes of word formation often are composition and derivation; due to length reasons this article will focus on the derivation process only.

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt288 - : Section 2 briefly explains the background of my project and my methodology. Section 3 provides the phonology of the language, including which phonemes are borrowed from Spanish and Inga. Section 4 discusses Kamsá’s three main word classes: nouns, verbs, and adjectives . Section 5 is nominal morphology and Section 6 is verbal morphology. Section 7 shows the alignment of the language and Section 8 discusses a few syntactic phenomena. Section 9 concludes the article.

paper CO_Lenguajetxt153 - : This article is a description of the underlying morphosyntactic regularities of the Wayunaiki (Arawak (Septentrional): Colombia) pronominal system with a focus on the grammatical roles of pronouns. Based on recent data collected from fieldwork, this analysis proposes three different pronoun paradigms: the first one consists of eight forms (free morphemes) varying in person (first, second and third), number (singular/plural), and in the gender (masculine/feminine) of third person. These forms are used to express the subject and the direct object, and the verbal morphology is the main factor that allows for the interpretation of one of these grammatical functions. The second paradigm consists of bound pronouns that are prefixed to two word classes: to nouns, in which case possession is expressed (specifically, the possessor ), and to a set of prepositions marking the dative and several oblique roles. The third paradigm consists of a set of person markers that express the subject and are

Evaluando al candidato word classes:

2) consists: 4
5) verbal: 3 (*)
6) processes: 3
7) derivational: 3 (*)
10) derivation: 3 (*)

word classes
Lengua: eng
Frec: 21
Docs: 13
Nombre propio: / 21 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 3
Puntaje: 3.932 = (3 + (1+4.08746284125034) / (1+4.4594316186373)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
word classes
: Croft, W. (2000). Parts of Speech as Language Universals and as Language-Particular Categories. En P. Vogel, & B. Comrie (eds.), Approaches to the typology of word classes (pp. 65-102). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. [119]https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110806120.65
: Dietrich, Wolf. (en prensa). Word classes and word class switching in Guaraní Syntax, en: Bruno Estigarribia et al. (eds.), Guarani Linguistics in the 21st Century, Leiden, Brill.
: Haspelmath, M. (2001). Word Classes and Parts of Speech. En International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (pp. 16538-16545). Stanford, CA/Berlin: Pergamon.