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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) verb boosters (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: verb boosters

Is in goldstandard

paper corpusSignostxt598 - : [2]vol.54 número106 [3]Los modales dinámicos en textos de historia en lengua inglesa (1700-1900) [4]A cross-disciplinary study of verb boosters in research articles from Engineering, Medicine and Linguistics: Frequency and co-text variations [5] índice de autores [6]índice de materia [7]búsqueda de artículos [8]Home Page [9]lista alfabética de revistas

paper corpusSignostxt599 - : A cross-disciplinary study of verb boosters in research articles from Engineering, Medicine and Linguistics: Frequency and co-text variations

paper corpusSignostxt599 - : A similar number of verb boosters was used in each corpus: 16 in Engineering, 14 in Medicine and 15 in Linguistics (see [117]Table 5 ). Fourteen of the verbs identified were overlapping items in the three corpora: ‘show’, ‘determine’, ‘demonstrate’, ‘prove’, ‘hold’, ‘stress’, ‘establish’, ‘highlight’, ‘conclude’, ‘reveal’, ‘confirm’, ‘know’, ‘emphasise’ and ‘underscore’. It can be argued, therefore, that these verbs tend to perform boosting functions regardless of the field, at least as far as Engineering, Medicine and Linguistics are concerned. Only one verb, ‘indicate’ was found in Engineering and Linguistics, but not in Medicine, and ‘assert’ was used exclusively as a booster in Engineering. In this sense, the variations found for the three fields are notably small.

paper corpusSignostxt599 - : Another significant finding is the three most frequent verb boosters, which were found to be the same in the three corpora: ‘show’, ‘determine’ and ‘demonstrate’ . This pattern is in line with the previous finding of the high number of overlapping verb boosters in the three corpora. In addition, if a mean frequency of verb boosters is calculated for each corpus , the following values are given: 0.090 for Engineering, 0.061 for Medicine and 0.101 for Linguistics. This was used to identify the verb boosters with a significant normalised frequency, that is, a frequency above the mean value (highlighted in bold in [118]Table 4). There are five verbs like that in the Engineering corpus (‘show’, ‘determine’, ‘demonstrate’, ‘prove’ and ‘hold’) and four verbs in the Medicine and Linguistics corpora (‘show’, ‘determine’, ‘demonstrate’ and ‘establish’). As can be seen, a few different verbs appear on these two lists: ‘prove’ and ‘hold’ in Engineering and ‘establ

paper corpusSignostxt600 - : [2]vol.54 número106 [3]A cross-disciplinary study of verb boosters in research articles from Engineering, Medicine and Linguistics: Frequency and co-text variations [4]English L2 connectives in academic bilingual discourse: A longitudinal computerised analysis of a learner corpus [5] índice de autores [6]índice de materia [7]búsqueda de artículos [8]Home Page [9]lista alfabética de revistas

Evaluando al candidato verb boosters:

1) engineering: 9
2) medicine: 8
3) linguistics: 7 (*)
6) verbs: 5 (*)
7) ˜determine: 4
8) ˜show: 4
9) índice: 4
10) corpus: 4 (*)
11) ˜demonstrate: 4
13) ˜hold: 3
15) cross-disciplinary: 3 (*)
16) variations: 3
17) ˜prove: 3
18) corpora: 3 (*)
19) co-text: 3 (*)
20) articles: 3

verb boosters
Lengua: eng
Frec: 19
Docs: 4
Nombre propio: / 19 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 6
Puntaje: 7.343 = (6 + (1+6.14974711950468) / (1+4.32192809488736)));
Candidato aceptado

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