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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) symmetric (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: symmetric

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_Lenguajetxt131 - : The results of this study, which were for the most part gathered by interviewing the class participants and observing their interactions, point to the direction that teachers and students develop an evolving understanding of what to learn and how to learn it; the challenge was to make it work for both parties. ^[49]Freeman (1992) provides the following description of this symmetric process through three phases:

paper corpusSignostxt424 - : Reciprocity, as a semantic concept, is usually understood as a relation in which at least two participants are in a situation of a symmetric nature whose main semantic characteristic is bidirectionality (Faller, 2007; Evans, 2008). The symmetric nature of these situations explains their complexity: it entails at least two subevents and two participants both acting as Agent and Patient of the main event . Most of the works only take into account basic reciprocal events (BRE), that is, those where only two participants can be identified and, to our knowledge, the event structure (ES) of multiple reciprocal events (MREs) has not been exhaustively studied.

paper corpusSignostxt424 - : In the analysis of our examples, we have delimited these two subclasses taking into account two parameters, (i) the degree of autonomy and (ii) the temporal distance between the subevents that make up the reciprocal event. By autonomy, we refer to the perception of their independence by speakers (Kemmer, 1993 labels this ‘visibility’). As for temporal distance, we find different approaches. Lichtenberk (1985) and Evans (2008) consider that reciprocal situations can be either simultaneous or sequential. Nevertheless, Kemmer (1993) and Dimitriadis (2008) consider that this is only the case with verbs that are not naturally reciprocal (i.e. non-symmetric predicates); naturally reciprocal events are always simultaneous. From our analysis of Spanish symmetric predicates, we observe three types of temporal restrictions: verbs that impose a simultaneous interpretation, verbs that impose a sequential interpretation and, finally, verbs with no temporal restrictions specified .

Evaluando al candidato symmetric:

1) reciprocal: 6
2) participants: 4
3) temporal: 4
4) verbs: 4 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 26
Docs: 10
Nombre propio: / 26 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 1
Puntaje: 1.912 = (1 + (1+4.24792751344359) / (1+4.75488750216347)));
Candidato aceptado

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: Ginzburg, J. (1990). On the Non-Unity of Symmetric Predicates: Monadic Comitatives and Dyadic Equivalence Relations. Proceedings of North-Eastern Linguistic Society (NELS), 20(1), 135-149.