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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) representation (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: representation

Is in goldstandard

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt71 - : What in conventional discourse can be a referential failure, in literature is representationally appropriate since language sets up the conditions for forward projection whereby the context is created within the literary work itself. Interpretation then, must not achieve reference, but representation: the signs take on an iconic character .

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt71 - : Rather than presenting expressions which demonstrate its symbolic character as sentence, such as: «He returned to the store», «She returned to the store» and «He went back to the store», we could present it with other sentences that direct the attention to its meaning potential as representation, as for: «He returned to the store . The assistant did not recognize him. He took out his gun. Then, he pointed his gun at everyone in the store.»

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt161 - : Bearing in mind that CLIL learners are expected to advance consistently in both content learning and language learning and use, Coyle, Hood, and Marsh (2010) suggest using the Language Triptych for strategically sequencing and interrelating language and content objectives. The Language Triptych is a representation that integrates language use from three perspectives: language of learning, language for learning, and language through learning .

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt169 - : Therefore, if the focus of attention is put on the representation of the object of study, titles under the nominal group structure are likely to be the best strategy to this end . A nominal group is "a rhetorical structure which developed as the prototypical discourse pattern for experimental science" (Halliday & Martin, 1993, p. 7

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt42 - : The important point here is that all meaning-making, including linguistic meaning-making, necessarily simultaneously makes these three kinds of meaning. The simultaneous presence of each of these meanings in any text is necessary if anyone is to make sense of each other and the world around them. The diagram below attempts to provide a graphic representation of how SFL conceives language as a semiotic system regulated by ideology, genre, and register features . What may seem to be abstract and somehow complicated is further simplified as the graphic uses a text concerned with a recipe to make arepas. The recipe is followed by the graphic representing it.

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt50 - : Textual analysis and representation of social events: a look at two documents of colombian educational policy from the point of view of critical discourse analysis

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt222 - : ^* Se agradece a los autores y a Ceil Lucas la autorización para traducir el original: Johnson, R. E., & Liddell, S. K. (2010). Toward a Phonetic Representation of Signs: Sequentiality and Contrast . Sign Language Studies, 11(2), 241-274. doi: 10.1353/sls.2010.0008. Fue traducido por Miguel Ángel Montáñez ([27]mamontanezp@unal.edu.co) y Camilo Alberto Robayo ([28]carobayor@unal.edu.co), Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

paper CO_FormayFuncióntxt65 - : In Benjamin's terms, translation calls for transformation. This idea is not a taboo, for the original is translatable if it calls for completion and survives in transforming itself. Derrida sees that, for Benjamin, translation is creative, for "the debt does not involve restitution of a copy or a good image, a faithful representation of the original: the latter, the survivor, is itself in the process of transformation . The original gives itself in modifying itself [...] it lives and lives on its mutation" (p. 183). However, despite these possibilities of mutation and transformation in Benjamin's view of translation, Derrida sees that the translation remains secondary to the original, or rather, that the original remains "remote" in it —i.e., sacred. Derrida believes this is particularly true in regard to the notion of "pure language", since for Benjamin translation is possible also because, for him, there is a possibility for a language beyond languages, a "true" language that can overcome

paper CO_Lenguajetxt4 - : Baker-Ward, L., Ornstein, P.A. & Principe, G.F.A. (1997). Revealing the Representation: Evidence From Children's Reports of Events . En P.W. van den Broek, P.J. Bauer & T. Bourg (Eds.) Developmental Spans in event comprehension and representation. Bridging Fictional and Actual Events. (pp.79-107). Mahwah - NJ, USA: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [ [37]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt294 - : Compared with the pretreatment findings (^[104]Hazaea, 2018), the posttreatment findings showed a high level of self-esteem and appreciation of self and other cultures after introducing the levels of cda. This improvement was manifested in the types of discourses evident in the participants’ encounters with written discourse. The positive representation of self and other cultures was manifested in a number of discourses: self guest discourse in relation to other host discourse ; Arab and Saudi identity in relation to American identity; discourse of time adaptation to self and other; discourse of mutual appreciation; discourse of mutual understanding; and discourse of mutual politeness.

paper CO_Íkalatxt106 - : These authors describe their representation of the activity system as follows:

paper CO_Íkalatxt313 - : Neidle, C., y Vogler, C. (2012). A new web interface to facilitate access to corpora: Development of the ASLLRP Data Access Interface (DAI). En O. Crasborn, E. Efthimiou, E. Fotinea, T. Hanke, J. Kristoffersen y J. Mesch (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: Interactions between corpus and lexicon [Workshop as part of 8th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Istanbul, Turkey] (pp . 137-142). European Language Resources Association. [ [251]Links ]

paper PE_Lexistxt145 - : ^12La significación de la madre desde su función arquetipal es asimismo uno de los puntos de apoyo sobre los que Erich Neumann sostiene su interpretación de la obra de Moore. Al respecto, a modo de sucinta descripción, leemos: “Two essential features characterize Moore’s work. The first is his «obsession» with the feminine —in Moore’s extensive repertoire there is scarcely one sculpture whose subject is not feminine— and the second is the development of the formal principle from a more or less naturalistic representation of objects to a semi-abstract or at any rate non-naturalistic type of art” (1959: 13 ).

paper UY_ALFALtxt136 - : Osswald, Rainer y Anja Latrouite. 2009. Semantic representation and complement realization: The case of remember revisited, Comunicación presentada en la 10 ^th Role and Reference Grammar International Conference, Berkeley, agosto 2009 . [ [116]Links ]


paper UY_ALFALtxt130 - : [129]Dik[130], Simon C., Kees Hengeveld, Elseline Vester y Co Vet. 1990. The hierarchical structure of the clause and the typology of adverbial satellites, en Jan Nuyts, A. Machtelt Bolkestein y Co Vet (eds.), Layers and levels of representation in language theory: a functional view, Amsterdam, John Benjamins: 25-70 .

paper VE_Letrastxt48 - : This paper proposes a study of the production of the short narrative of the Venezuelan writer Laura Antillano (1950) from at least two critical stances: a) the transgression against traditional Venezuelan narrative; and b) an interpretation of the fictional universe of her short stories that derives from the way she proposes a literary representation of what is real. So we notice the presence of a new modality of realism in her narrative texts that flows throughout the re-configuration of reality and the discursive staging of that sensitivity that is capable of unfolding itself literarily, that is, feminine sensitivity. We then see that all the short narrative of Laura Antillano is an attempt of an intertextual dialogue and of a representation of other languages: popular music, oral language, painting, politic and social history, and cinema, all of which become codes and symbolic forms that the author reinvents in order to generate a very particular imagery and literary aesthetics .

paper VE_Letrastxt1 - : estructura segmental, sino también en su acentuación, ej.: búfalo y bufalo, del español y del inglés, respectivamente, las cuales serían correctamente pronunciadas como esdrújulas. Lo anterior podría tener relación con las conclusiones a las que llegaron De Groot & Nas (1991) en su estudio sobre el efecto del estatus de cognado sobre el sistema de representación del bilingüe; “... (1) that in bilingual memory cognate translations share a conceptual representation … (2) that noncognate translations are representated in language-specific conceptual nodes…” (De Groot 1993: 44-45 ). Aquí nos referimos a los efectos que sobre la pronunciación tendría esa representación compartida. Es pertinente destacar, sin embargo, que nos estamos refiriendo a los cognados con estructura segmental equivalente e, incluso, con una ortografía semejante, es decir, que son reconocidos como cognados por los hablantes de la L2, “The question is whether the translations are similar in sound and/or spelling...”(De

paper VE_Núcleotxt16 - : La decadencia cobra así la categoría de una anarquía estética y moral, y proclama el nacimiento de una nueva conciencia, de un nuevo hombre. La fascinación con la degeneración nutre la saga de la decadencia de la cual Des Esseintes, el protagonista de A Rebours, es un ejemplo claro. En la novela de Huysmans resalta el placer típico de esta narrativa por el tema de la descomposición de cuerpos y familias. Si bien el impulso detrás de la novelística de Zola respondía más bien al deseo de señalar las motivaciones psicosociales de la desintegración humana sin querer atribuir a ésta ninguna valoración positiva, no es menos cierto que tanto éste como Huysmans se mueven dentro de los mismos parámetros de un arte “obsessed with, but unqualified for, the representation of degeneration and pathological sexuality” [“obsesionado con, pero no calificado para, la representación de la degeneración y de la sexualidad patológica”] (Pick, 1989: 74 ). Es decir que tanto la fase decadente como la escuela

paper VE_Núcleotxt91 - : The translator’s invisibility is also partly determined by the individualistic conception of authorship that continues to prevail in Anglo-American culture. According to this conception, the author freely expresses his thoughts and feelings in writing, which is thus viewed as an original and transparent self-representation, unmediated by transindividual determinants (linguistic, cultural, social) that might complicate authorial originality. This view of authorship carries two disadvantageous implications for the translator. On the one hand, translation is defined as a second-order representation: only the foreign text can be original, an authentic copy, true to the author’s personality or intention, whereas the translation is derivative, fake, potentially a false copy . On the other hand, translation is required to efface its second-order status with transparent discourse, producing the illusion of authorial presence whereby the translated text can be taken as the original.

paper corpusLogostxt24 - : In some studies about euphemism it has been pointed out that politicians usually resort to euphemistic expressions to conceal unpleasant facts that could damage their own image (Rodríguez González, 1991; Roldán Pérez, 2003; Crespo Fernández, 2005a). This article examines euphemism from a pragmatic-cognitive perspective (Chamizo Domínguez & Sánchez Benedito, 2000; Casas Gómez, 2009; Sytnyk, 2014) and explains some mental effects derived from a series of euphemistic expressions which have recently been used in Spanish political discourse. In particular, the paper suggests the existence of three phenomena which have an influence on the addressee’s mental representation of reality: lexical framing, blocked access to the referent and conceptual stigmatization .

paper corpusLogostxt139 - : There are two types of contextual spaces which are relevant to the representation of non- natives in the textbooks: the geographical locations and the situations where communication takes place . Regarding the geographical spaces, the texts tend to make use of the global status of English, so that when non-native speakers are mentioned as a collective no specific or particular geographical place is named; this implies that non-native speakers may be found anywhere around the globe. One interesting contrast to this is seen in (2) (T3-L), where languages such as Mandarin Chinese and Hindi are situated in China and India, respectively, whereas for English no specific country or countries are mentioned. This implicitly reinforces the idea of English as a global language, a feature that is later highlighted explicitly in the same text by the subtitle ‘English as a global language’.

paper corpusLogostxt96 - : Representation of people with disabilities in advertisements in Costa Rica: review from multimodal analysis

paper corpusRLAtxt22 - : This paper aims at discussing the complexity involved in the analysis of the phenomena associated to melodic variation in speech. It argues that it is necessary to distinguish three levels of representation: a phonetic level, a phonological one and a level representing the hierarchy of prosodic units . The phonetic level should include the actual melodic contour, a stylized representation and a symbolic annotation. The emphasis on different levels depends on the objectives of the research.

paper corpusRLAtxt72 - : In this article, we discuss how the study of linguistic representations of causal events can introduce new perspectives on the representation of causal knowledge. We initially describe and differentiate two research lines that account for causal representation from a psycholinguistic view: the use of causal knowledge in text processing (e .g., syntactic resolutions) and linguistic representations of external causal events. We develop this second approach with the purpose of establishing how linguistic representations of causation can be integrated with perceived and judged causality. This subsequent analysis sets the basis for the third section of the article in which we discuss our work on the existence of mechanisms integrating sensory and semantic representations of causal events and their neural interaction in the frontal lobe.

paper corpusRLAtxt188 - : [66]Figure 1 graphically illustrates the componential representation of idiom semantics:

paper corpusSignostxt335 - : Graesser, A., Wiemer-Hastings, P. & Wiemer-Hastings, K. (2001). Constructing inferences and relations during text comprehension. En T. Sanders, J. Schilperoord & W. Spooren, (Eds.)Text representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects (pp . 249-271). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [ [65]Links ]

paper corpusSignostxt192 - : Tree Diagram 3 is an enhanced version of Diagram 2 used by RedACTe as a more perspicuous way to represent CLG output and the realization relationship between context of culture categories and language categories (cf. §2 below). It introduces two new nodes into the original CLG syntactic representations: a node labeled sign and a node labeled with a complete selection expression (SEn ). Notice that the part of Diagram 3 headed by the topmost sign is no longer a syntactic representation but a linguistic representation, for the sign is a pair made up of a semantic structure and its associated syntactic structure[26]^2.

paper corpusSignostxt453 - : Jackendoff, 2004, inter alios), since, in this model, grammatical constructions of varied formal and functional complexity are parsimoniously assigned different places and functions within the same architecture. Such a holistic design is suitable for a computational environment that seeks to include both the propositional and the non-propositional dimensions of meaning. Thus, the LCM distributes heterogeneous constructions across four levels of meaning representation, each of which is computationally implemented in the Grammaticon of FunGramKB: level 1 deals with argument-structure constructions (e .g. He looked for a metal pipe and hammered it flat on one end (GBAC, 2013)), level 2 address implicational constructions (e.g. Don’t you honey me!; GBAC, 2007), level 3 focuses on illocutionary constructions (e.g. Can you open the door?; GBAC, 2001), and level 4 is concerned with discourse structure (e.g. Just because I forgive you doesn’t mean I forget; GBAC, 2014). In this paper we shall

paper corpusSignostxt453 - : In turn, MPs are sets of one or more logically connected predications (e[1], e[2], e[3], etc.) that carry the generic features of concepts. Consider the MP of the concept +TEAR_01, which inherits from its superordinate concept +BREAK_00. The semantics of the lexical units 'tear', 'tear off', 'rip', Spanish rasgar, despedazar, Italian strappare, etc., are related to +TEAR_01, or to put in other words, +TEAR_01 is lexicalized by one sense of each of these lexical items. The formalized representation of +TEAR_01 via the COREL metalanguage is given in (2):

paper corpusSignostxt453 - : As can be seen in (4), FunGramKB constructional schemas are defined by means of two elements, namely, ‘descriptors’ and ‘constraints’. Descriptors include the Aktionsart adscription of the construction, the number of constructional variables involved, the thematic role of the variable(s) contributed by the construction (. z, in this case), its macrorole assignment, and the COREL scheme, which captures the cognitive content of constructions. Despite sharing the same formal language, the COREL schema in (4d) differs from the meaning postulate of the concept in (2) in that in the former the variables of the construction are mapped onto one participant role (i.e. (x1: x)Theme, (x3: y), and (x4: z)). For the sake of clarity, the translation of the formalized representation in (4d) is: ‘there is an event in which x causes y to become z’ . The transitive resultative construction and the ‘apart reciprocal’ in [89]Figure 2are semantically alike (i.e. they share the same COREL schema). Formally,

paper corpusSignostxt252 - : Based on the same criterion, Hammerich and Harrison (2002) differentiates between explicit links, i.e., obvious to the user, or implicit links, i.e., built in as part of the structure of the hypertext design model. However, she points out that the underlying basic feature of all systems is the difference between strongly authored links -manually made- and weakly authored links-built through computational models. To put it in other words, this means that in the processes of developing web sites professional writers may decide to design a link exclusively written for his/her particular hypertext or may create one between his/her hypertext and another page that contains related information. In order to make decisions, writers and designers on the web "imagine the audience and draw on their internal representation of the possible reader as a guide to writing and designing" (Dotto, 2006:3 ).

paper corpusSignostxt217 - : A traditional representation in ψ-propositions does not account for the anomaly. If a ψ-proposition is a simple linguistic representation, based e.g. on thematic role assignment, the incoherence cannot be detected. This can be taken as a serious defect in propositionalizing subsequent events. The anomaly becomes clear after the inference is drawn from the mug of coffee to the wallpaper on the wall. The representation of a series of events is slightly more complicated, but it does show the anomaly if world knowledge is included that mugs cannot be put on a vertical wall. In fact, the λ-proposition itself is not anomalous at all. Instead, it is the occurrence of the events in the world that makes it peculiar. A representation in terms of situations can be given as follows:

paper corpusSignostxt217 - : The one-student-one-tutor is coupled to one-tutor-more-students, whereas one-room-one-bath is coupled with one-bath-one-room. Only interpretation could prevent the integration of incorrect propositions. The different meanings cannot be pointed out in a simple propositional representation. Again, a formal semantic representation in underlying events does offer a solution for the multiple quantifer problem:

paper corpusSignostxt217 - : A ψ-propositional representation of the examples (21a-f) would look like:

paper corpusSignostxt217 - : The examples in this section show some of the problems a ψ-propositional representation is concerned with. The main problem lies in the rigidity of ψ-propositional representations: they do not allow for the fexibility often needed . In recent years formal semantics often used a representation in terms of situations for this purpose. It has been shown here that such a representation offers more essential details than ψ-propositions and is therefore preferred.

paper corpusSignostxt246 - : This paper describes and interprets –through the construction of linguistic and discursive categories– the discursive representations about literacy events of the different scholar agents in the main areas of the scholar curriculum in the NB3 level. The corpus, built from real discourses (plannings, lessons, textsbooks and evaluations) and interviews, was obtained through an interpretative ethnographic approach to the educational reality. The discourse analysis is based on three inputs of the dialogical model (Peytard and Moirand, 1992; Moirand 2006). This allows the building of the discursive representations using non-topic units that articulate the discourse analysis built heterogeneously from the points of view of the discursive genres. It is concluded that inside the school culture two representations live together: a ) literacy events to manage and produce information, characteristic of a vision of education as the development of competencies; b) the representation of literacy events

paper corpusSignostxt449 - : The representation of revolution in the school textbook: Being and becoming in history

paper corpusSignostxt173 - : Graesser, A., Wiemer-Hastings, P. & Wiemer-Hastings, K. (2001). Constructing inferences and relations during text comprehension. En T. Sanders, J. Schilperoord & W. Spooren (Eds.), Text representation: Linguistic and psycholinguistic aspects (pp . 249-263). Amsterdam: Benjamins. [ [62]Links ]

paper corpusSignostxt500 - : On the computational representation of constructions: The place of locative constructions in a knowledge base

paper corpusSignostxt500 - : In the parsing process of transforming language fragments into their equivalent semantic and grammatical structure, ARTEMIS will elaborate the constructional rules through the Grammar Development Environment by withdrawing information from the Lexicon and the Grammaticon, and this will result in the automatic generation of the CLS (^[57]Mairal & Periñán-Pascual, 2016). The CLS constructor, which is one of the three components which conforms ARTEMIS (together with the COREL-Scheme Builder and the Grammar Development Environment), is an enriched and extended text meaning representation operating on the linguistic level that takes RRG logical structures as a basis and includes the following type of information: the Aktionsart ascription represented by operators such as CACC for causative accomplishment in the locative construction displayed in [58]Figure 2 (‘He spread her toast with butter’ ); the number of constructional variables of the predicate (for instance, x, w, p in the same example)

paper corpusSignostxt500 - : In the last step in the parsing process, the CLS has to be automatically transduced into “a purely semantic conceptual representation in COREL” (^[61]Fumero & Díaz, 2017: 37 ). COREL (Conceptual Representation Language) is the machine-readable metalanguage that is used in the conceptual semantic representation of CLSs “that serves as the input for the reasoning engine” (^[62]Van Valin & Mairal 2014: 217), as shown below in the COREL scheme for the L1-locative construction that appears in the Grammaticon module in FunGramKB:

paper corpusSignostxt421 - : The following table shows the main similarities and differences we have referred to in the previous paragraphs. This is a clear way of observing the main characteristics of the posters analysed and what they have in common in the representation of the political leaders:

paper corpusSignostxt421 - : The four posters are framed and therefore the different linguistic and visual elements create a unity in each text. The texts under analysis have been created in a different way, i.e. they have different information value (see section 4.1). The positions of the slogan are also different: on the left in [49]Figure 1, at the bottom on [50]Figure 2, at the top on [51]Figure 3 and on the left in [52]Figure 4. Moreover, an evolution in the representation of Bertie Ahern can be observed: he started being represented as a very serious and smart man, and he evolves to be seen as more approachable: in [53]Figure 2 he wears no jacket and in [54]Figure 3 he is smiling . With respect to colours, presenting both politicians wearing similar colour clothes contributes to homogenising them and making clear that they belong to the same party.

paper corpusSignostxt555 - : The allocation of natural language texts to one or more predefined categories or classes based on their content is an important component and a recent need in many information organization and management tasks. Automatic text classification is the task of categorizing documents to a predefined set of classes by a computational method or model. Text representation for classification purposes has been traditionally approached using a vector space model due to its simplicity and good performance. On the other hand, multi-label automatic text classification has been typically addressed either by transforming the problem under study to apply binary techniques or by adapting binary algorithms to work with multiple labels. In this article, the objective is to evaluate a term-weighting factor in the Boolean model for text representation in multi-label classification, using a mix of two approaches: problem transformation and model adaptation . This term-weighting factor and the combination of

paper corpusSignostxt555 - : Alfaro, R. & Allende, H. (2011). Text representation in multi-label classification: Two new input representations . En A. Dobnikar, U. Lotrič & B. Šter (Eds.), Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms. ICANNGA 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp- 61-70). Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg. [ [102]Links ]

paper corpusSignostxt206 - : La coexistencia de enfoques acerca de la cognición, que en algunos casos ha dado como resultado modelos de comprensión híbridos (Kintsch, 1988, 1998), también puede advertirse en el trabajo de Rolf Zwaan. En este caso particular, la confluencia de diversos enfoques está presente, en forma relativamente explícita y clara. En su primera versión, el Modelo de In-dexación de Eventos (Zwaan, Langston & Graesser, 1995) plantea un formato de representación no definido claramente. En esta propuesta, “the semantic meaning representation, the text base, is conceived of as a propositional network” (Zwaan, Langston & Graesser, 1995: 292), pero al mismo tiempo se sostiene que “the strength of the link between two memory nodes coding for story events is a function of the number of shared situational indexes” (Zwaan, Langston & Graesser, 1995: 293 ).

paper corpusSignostxt393 - : Each document can be represented by a vector where each entry corresponds to the ‘tf-idf’ value obtained by each vocabulary term of the given document. Thus, given two documents in vectorial representation, and , it is possible to calculate the cosine of the angle between these two vectors as follows:

paper corpusSignostxt401 - : Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe, from the theoretical and methodological framework of the systemic functional grammar, the lexico-grammatical realization of the congruent models used to linguistically construct the representation of experience. This involves the identification and characterization of the realizing configurations, according to range scales, axis, delicacy, continuum of the lexicogrammar and probability of occurrence. For the latter characterization, a micro-corpus of child speech, collected from spontaneous speech, is used as observation context, under the assumption that this is the context in which the most congruent forms of interaction appear. The results, which constitute part of a larger project (FONDECYT 1121082), are presented in each of the core functions of the structure of the clause as representation, that is, participants and process and reviewing, in this context, the relationship to each of the six models representing linguistic experience:

paper corpusSignostxt400 - : These constructs will next be used to model the Spanish pronominal clitic and verb-ending systems and to distinguish the varied types of relationships they include at the semantic, morphological, and morphotactic levels. An ad hoc typographical convention will be used to identify which linguistic level each representation belongs to: semantic categories (e .g., ‘number’) will take small capitals; semantic features (e.g., ‘singular’) will be bound by inverted commas; and morphological representations (e.g., lo) will be labeled in italics.

paper corpusSignostxt438 - : Acarturk, C., Habel, C. & Cagiltay, C. (2008). Multimodal comprehension of graphics with textual annotations: The role of graphical means relating annotations and graph lines. En G. Stapleton, J. Howse & J. Lee (Eds.), Diagrammatic Representation and Inference: 5th International Conference, Diagrams (pp . 335-343). Herrsching, Alemania. [ [35]Links ]

paper corpusSignostxt333 - : Socio-discursive representation of the actors involved in the attack against a young Ecuadorian girl on a suburban train in Barcelona: A case study

paper corpusSignostxt510 - : ^3No debe olvidarse, pues, que “The generative approach to lexical semantics derives its name from the use of generative devices instead of a fixed set of primitives. Much of the theory consists of structuring and integrating a number of well-known proposals on specific topics in lexical semantics and knowledge representation into one coherent theory” (Heylen, 1995: 129 ). Vid. De Miguel (2012, 2014) para un panorama actual sobre algunos proyectos lexicológicos en marcha.

paper corpusSignostxt380 - : Los emigrantes rusos de la muestra presentan un comportamiento similar al de los japoneses y los irlandeses entrevistados por Yamaguchi (2005) y Clary-Lemon (2010). Junto con otras investigaciones (de Fina, 2003; Krzyzanowsky & Wodak, 2007), los resultados del estudio sugieren que el carácter inseguro de la identidad social y del conjunto de pertenencias a colectivos mayoritarios es propio de los migrantes de primera generación procedentes de diferentes culturas, distintas edades y experiencia migratoria. Sin embargo, en contra de la propuesta de Yamaguchi (2005) y Clary-Lemon (2010), que atribuyen esta particularidad a la naturaleza híbrida de la identidad de los migrantes (Bhabha, 2003), las conclusiones extraídas invitan a pensar en subjetividades nómadas (Braidotti, 1994), entre otras razones por no haber observado “the emergence of an ‘interstitial’ agency that refuses the binary representation of social antagonism” (Bhabha, 2003: 58 ), pero sí una fluctuación entre distintas

Evaluando al candidato representation:

3) linguistic: 14 (*)
4) discourse: 13 (*)
5) semantic: 11 (*)
9) figure: 9 (*)
11) translation: 9 (*)
13) corel: 7 (*)
15) constructions: 7 (*)
19) causal: 6 (*)

Lengua: eng
Frec: 762
Docs: 383
Nombre propio: 3 / 762 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 8
Frec. en corpus ref. en eng: 108
Puntaje: 8.687 = (8 + (1+6.2667865406949) / (1+9.57553924683453)));
Rechazado: muy disperso; muy común;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
: 1. Abel, B. (2003). English idioms in the first and second language lexicon: a dual representation approach. Second Language Research, 19(4), 329-358.
: 11. De Groot, A. M. B. & G. L. J. Nas. (1991). “Lexical Representation of Cognates and Non-cognates in Compound Bilinguals”. Journal of Memory and Language, 30. 90-123.
: 12. Hagen, Lewis. 1990. The representation of clitics in the lexicon of Englishspeaking learners of French. Tesis de doctorado inédita, University of Illinois at Urbana –Champaign.
: 15. Carroll, P. J. y Slowiaczek, M. L. (1987). Modes and modules: Multiple pathways to the language processor. En J. Garfield (Comp.), Modularity in knowledge representation and natural-language understanding (pp. 221-247). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
: 15. López Rodríguez, I. (2009). Of women, bitches, chickens and vixens: Animal metaphors for women in English and Spanish. Cultura, Lenguaje y Representación / Culture, Language and Representation, 7, 77-100.
: 15. Wolfe, M. B. W., Magliano, J. P., & Larsen, B. (2005). Causal and semantic relatedness in discourse understanding and representation. Discourse Processes, 39(2/3), 165.
: 16. Gunter, B. (1995). Television and Gender Representation. London: John Libbey.
: 16.Papafragou, Anna. 1998 a. The acquisition of modality. Implication for a theory of semantic representation. Mind and Language 13. 370-399.
: 20. van Leeuwen, T. (1996). The representation of social actors. En C. Caldas-Coulthard y M. Coulthard (Comps.), Texts and practices. Readings in critical discourse analysis (pp. 32-70). Londres: Routledge.
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