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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) english language teaching (*)
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1) Candidate: english language teaching

Is in goldstandard

paper CH_corpusRLAtxt153 - : The study design is cross-sectional as we compare the vocabulary profiles of two groups of learners of two educational stages. Both make up a homogeneous sample concerning the social background and English language teaching approach: the two groups belong to schools located in middle class areas of similar social characteristics and both were learning English as a subject on the basis of three to four hours a week after a communicative approach, in which emphasis was put on the use of English for communication .

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt187 - : Even though mentoring in English language teaching started off as an impromptu scheme, whose theoretical underpinnings are partly based upon -as the authors (ibid: 2 ) admit- their 'own experiences in motherhood, psychiatric nursing, counselling, training and drama, teaching, as well as EFL teaching and teacher education', it is interesting to observe the momentum that mentoring has gained over the last years. So much so that by quickly surfing the Net, one learns, for instance, that 'the project 'PRESETT PARTNERSHIP: Towards a Coherent and Effective Partnership Between Universities and Schools in Pre-service Teacher Education" was launched by The British Council in the summer of 2002 in Latvia', and that there was a mentor training course in November 2004 in Serbia and Montenegro, and that the teaching programme in Manchester involves teaching 'classes under the guidance of an experienced English teacher who acts as your mentor.. .who observes some of the lessons... and helps to plan the

paper CL_LiteraturayLingüísticatxt170 - : d) English Language Teaching (http://www .orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=99548). Description: "A place to share your teaching ideas and experiences". Founded: June 17, 2004. Members: 2.238. Language: English. Location: Brazil.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt36 - : VALENCIA, S. (2005) Bilingualism and English language teaching in Colombia: A critical outlook . Paper presented at the ELT conference. Universidad del Quindío, Armenia. October, 2005. [ [69]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt300 - : Decolonizing English Language Teaching in Colombia: Epistemological Perspectives and Discursive Alternatives ^^[26]1

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt87 - : This research took place at a prestigious private high school in Bogota where English language teaching is tracked into two levels: advanced and basic . Taking into account that my participants were in the English basic course, and only students who are able to express themselves using the English language were in the advanced course, I focused my attention on the literacy process.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt116 - : González, A. (2009). On alternative and additional certifications in English language teaching: The case of Colombian EFL teachers' professional development . Íkala, 14(22), 183-209. Retrieved from [65]http://aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co/revistas/index.php/ikala/article/view/2638/2125. [ [66]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt201 - : [2]vol.18 número1 [3]"El mundo visto desde miradas diferentes": un proyecto que integra contenido y lenguaje para aprendices de inglés como lengua extranjera en primaria [4]Social Research Applied to English Language Teaching in Colombian Contexts: Theory and Methods [5] índice de autores [6]índice de materia [7]búsqueda de artículos [8]Home Page [9]lista alfabética de revistas

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt180 - : World Englishes and English Language Teaching: A pragmatic and humanistic approach

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt296 - : The last manuscript of this CALJ issue is titled Decolonizing English Language Teaching in Colombia: Epistemological Perspectives and Discursive Alternatives by Yamith Jose Fandiño-Parra . In this text, there is a call that the author makes to decolonize ELT in Colombia. That call is motivated by a review of studies on colonialism and decoloniality. The article also shows a discussion of the tension between the global north and the global south as related to ELT and a proposal for resisting epistemic and cultural dominance through alternative local discourses.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt296 - : El último manuscrito de esta edición del CALJ se titula Decolonizing English Language Teaching in Colombia: Epistemological Perspectives and Discursive Alternatives por Yamith José Fandiño-Parra . En este texto, hay un llamado que hace el autor para descolonizar ELT en Colombia. Ese llamado está motivado por una revisión de estudios sobre colonialismo y descolonialidad. El artículo también muestra una discusión de la tensión entre el norte global y el sur global en relación con ELT y una propuesta para resistir el dominio epistémico y cultural a través de discursos locales alternativos.

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt290 - : Abrahams, M. & Silva, P. (2017). What Happens with English in Chile? Challenges in Teacher Preparation. En Kamhi-Stein, L. D., Díaz-Maggioli, G., & De Oliveira, L. (Eds.). English Language Teaching in South America: Policy, Preparation and Practices (pp . 109-122). Multilingual Matters. [ [150]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt4 - : In the same line of thought, writing about the classroom research experience generated the need for on-going teacher preparation. As a result, some teachers felt ready to carry out other studies to strengthen their professional competencies. Sandra, who then started a master's programme in English language teaching, illustrates this gain when she asserts: "It is good to have a published article because it shows that I have done research before . This experience is really important for my CV".

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt5 - : Examine and reflect upon their own pedagogical work to identify areas for research as well as alternative views to English Language teaching and learning through 3 modules: Qualitative research, Literacy processes in English, Assessment and Evaluation .

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt301 - : Vanegas-Rojas, M., Fernández-Restrepo, J. J., GonzálezZapata, Y. A., Jaramillo-Rodriguez, G., MuñozCardona, L. F., & Ríos-Muñoz, C. M. (2016). Linguistic Discrimination in an English Language Teaching Program: Voices of the Invisible Others . Íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura 21(2), 131-149. [213]https://doi.org/10.17533/udea.ikala.v21n02a02 [ [214]Links ]

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt202 - : Social Research Applied to English Language Teaching in Colombian Contexts: Theory and Methods

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt202 - : Citation/ Para citar este Artículo: Ortega Y. (2016). Social Research Applied to English Language Teaching in Colombian Contexts: Theory and Methods . Wilder Escobar (Ed.), Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad el Bosque, 2015, 187 pages. ISBN: 978-958-739-028-5. Colomb.Appl.Linguist.J. 18(1), pp 141-143

paper CO_ColombianAppliedLinguisticsJournaltxt202 - : For decades, many researchers and teachers in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) have acknowledged the challenges of bridging the gap between research and practice (Belcher, 2007; Korthagen, 2007). These are challenges for both teachers (e.g., technical language used in research) and researchers (e.g., lack of pedagogical implications for teachers). Wilder Escobar, editor of the book Social Research Applied to English Language Teaching in Colombian Contexts: Theory and Methods, attempts to address these challenges and invites authors to offer readers practical applications in ELT . With an introduction by the editor, followed by five chapters from different authors, this book explores various research subthemes centered on putting theory into practice. Each author demonstrates how his/her research project strives for implications from practice into what the editor has called social research. Each chapter envisions how the classroom, teaching practices, and social relations may

paper CO_Lenguajetxt160 - : Brown, H. D. (2002). English Language Teaching in the “Post-Method” era: Towards Better Diagnosis, Treatment, and Assessment . En J. C. Richards y W. A. Renandya (Eds.), Methodology in Language Teaching. An anthology of current practice (pp. 9-18). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [ [97]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt267 - : Sheridan, C. (2017). Blind peer review at an English language teaching journal: Glocalized practices within the globalization of higher education . En M. J. Curry y T. Lillis (Eds.), Global Academic Publishing: Policies, Perspectives, and Pedagogies (pp. 136-150). Clevedon, uk: Multilingual Matters . [ [177]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt236 - : Ramírez-Romero, J. L., Sayer, P., y Pamplón Irigoyen, E. N. (2014). English language teaching in public primary schools in Mexico: The practices and challenges of implementing a national education program . International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education (QSE), 27(8), 1020-1043. [ [128]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt185 - : Linguistic Discrimination in an English Language Teaching Program: Voices of the Invisible Others

paper CO_Íkalatxt185 - : How to reference this article: Vanegas Rojas, M.; Fernández Restrepo, J. J.; González Zapata Y. A.; Jaramillo Rodríguez, G.; Muñoz Cardona, L. F.; Ríos Muñoz, C. M. (2016). Linguistic Discrimination in an English Language Teaching Program: Voices of the invisible others . íkala, Revista de Lenguaje y Cultura, 21(2), 133-151. DOI: 10.17533/udea.ikala.v21n02a02

paper CO_Íkalatxt166 - : Mahboob, A., Dreyfus, S., Humphrey, S. & Martin, J.R. (2010). Applicable linguistics and English language teaching: the scaffolding literacy in adult and tertiary environments (SLATE ) project. In A. Mahboob and N. K. Knight (eds.), Applicable Linguistics (pp. 25–43). London: Continuum. [ [67]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt117 - : 18. González, A. (2009). On alternative and additional certifications in English language teaching: The case of Colombian EFL teachers' professional development . Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura, 14(22), 183-209. Retrievedfrom [52]http://aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co/revistas/index.php/ikala/article/view/2635/2122 [ [53]Links ]

paper CO_Íkalatxt31 - : On Alternative and Additional Certifications in English Language Teaching: The Case of Colombian EFL Teachers' Professional Development*[24]^1

paper CO_Íkalatxt233 - : The English teaching program at Luis Amigó has one research line, Construcciones Investigativas en Lenguas Extranjeras (Research Constructions in Foreign Languages, or CILEX), belonging to the School of Education’s research group -Educación, Infancia y Lenguas Extranjeras (Education, Childhood, and Foreign Languages, or EILEX). CILEX, in turn, supports five semilleros. Students from the English teaching program who want to join them must complete one year of research training in the Semillero Sensibilización (Awareness Raising Research Incubator). In this initial group, student teachers become familiar with the role of research not only in educational contexts but also in their own professional development. Once students have completed this first stage, they are in a position to enroll in one of five thematic semilleros in the following areas of English language teaching: (1 ) language assessment and acquisition, (2) technology integration in the classroom, (3) linguistic policy and

Evaluando al candidato english language teaching:

3) teachers: 8
4) colombian: 7
6) global: 5
8) challenges: 5
9) contexts: 5
10) teacher: 5
11) professional: 5
13) alternative: 5
14) colombia: 5
16) perspectives: 4
17) practices: 4
18) linguistic: 4 (*)
19) lenguaje: 4 (*)

english language teaching
Lengua: eng
Frec: 447
Docs: 223
Nombre propio: 27 / 447 = 6%
Coocurrencias con glosario: 2
Puntaje: 2.720 = (2 + (1+6.06608919045777) / (1+8.8073549220576)));
Rechazado: muy disperso;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
english language teaching
: 1. Abbott, G. (1992). Development, education and English language teaching. ELT Journal, 46(2), 172-179.
: 12. Dörnyei, Z. ( 2007). Creating a motivating classroom environment. En J. Cummins y C. Davison (Comps.), International handbook of English language teaching (Vol. 2, pp. 719-731). Nueva York: Springer.
: 14. González, A. (2009). On alternative and additional certifications in English language teaching: The case of Colombian EFL teachers' professional development. Íkala: revista de lenguaje y cultura, 14(22), 183–209.
: 15. Howard, J. y Major, J. (2004). Guidelines for designing effective English language teaching materials. The TESOLANZ Journal, 12, 50-58.
: 17. Janzen, J. (2001). Strategic reading on a sustained content theme. En J. Murphy y P. Byrd (coords.), Understanding the courses we teach: Local perspectives on English language teaching (pp. 369-389). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
: 18. Corbett, J. (2003). An intercultural approach to English language teaching. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.
: 20. Freeman, D. (2002). The hidden side of work: Teacher knowledge and learning to teach: A perspective from north American educational research on teacher education in English language teaching. Language Teaching, 35 (1), 1-13.
: 21. Janzen, J. (2001). Strategic reading on a sustained content theme. En J. Murphy y P. Byrd (coords.), Understanding the courses we teach: Local perspectives on English language teaching (pp. 369-389). Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Press.
: 22. Hall, G. (2011). Exploring English language teaching: Language in action. Londres: Routledge.
: 23. González, A. (2009). On alternative and additional certifications in English language teaching: the case of Colombian EFL teachers' professional development. Íkala, revista de lenguaje y cultura,14(22), 184-209.
: 23. Spada, N. y Fröhlich, M. (1995). Communicative orientation of language teaching (COLT) observation scheme: Coding conventions and applications. Sidney, Australia National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research
: 24. Mitchell, R. & Myles, F. (2001). Second language learning: Concepts and issues. In Candlin, C. & Mercer, N., English Language Teaching in its Social Context, (pp. 11-27). London and New York: Routledge.
: 24.Hayes, D. (1995). In-service Teacher Development: Some Basic Principles. English Language Teaching Journal, 49 (3), 252-261.
: 3. Alexander, L.G. (1976). Where do we go from here: A reconsideration of some basic assumptions affecting course design. English Language Teaching, 30(2), 89-103.
: 3. Brinton, D. M. (2003). Content-based instruction. En D. Nunan (coord.), Practical English language teaching (pp. 199-224). Nueva York: McGraw Hill.
: 43. Peacock, M. (1997). The effect of authentic materials on the motivation of EFL learners. English Language Teaching Journal, 51(2), 144-156.
: 53. Tran, G. (2004). The naturalized role-play: An innovative methodology in cross-cultural and interlanguage pragmatics research. Reflections on English Language Teaching, 5(2), 124.
: 63. Valencia, S. (2006). Literacy practices, texts, and talk around texts: English language teaching developments in Colombia. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 8, 7-37.
: 65. Nolasco, R. y Arthur, L. (1990). You try doing it with a class of forty. In R. Rossner y R. Bolitho (Comps.), Currents of change in English language teaching (pp. 188-196). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
: 72. Valencia, S. (2006). Literacy practices, texts, and talk around texts: English Language teaching developments in Colombia. Colombian Applied Linguistics Journal, 8, 7-37.
: 9. Escobar, W. Y. (2013). Identity-forming discourses: A critical discourse analysis on policy making processes concerning English language teaching in Colombia. PROFILE: Issues in Teachers' Professional Development, 15(1), 45–60.
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: Ashoori Tootaboni, A. & Khatib, M. (2017). Exploring efl learners' beliefs toward communicative language teaching: A case study of Iranian efl learners. Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, 9(20), 109-134.
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