Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of viento

1 ---->abitadura

2 ---->abrigadero

3 ---->aerogenerador

4 ---->aflato

5 ---->aironazo

6 ---->albitana

7 ---->alisios

8 ---->amaine

9 ---->anemometría

10 ---->anemógrafo

11 ---->anticiclón

12 ---->aquilón

13 ---->artimón

14 ---->auricalco

15 ---->austro

16 ---->bajante

17 ---->bajel

18 ---->baluma

19 ---->barlovento

20 ---->biruje

21 ---->biruji

22 ---->bolina

23 ---->borrasca

24 ---->brandal

25 ---->brisa

26 ---->bufarda

27 ---->bóreas

28 ---->calma

29 ---->cellisca

30 ---->ceniza

31 ---->cenizas

32 ---->ceñida

33 ---->chiflete

34 ---->chiflido

35 ---->chubasco

36 ---->cierzo

37 ---->cizalladura

38 ---->collada

39 ---->céfiro

40 ---->duna

41 ---->empopada

42 ---->empuñidura

43 ---->eocénico

44 ---->escondedero

45 ---->eólica

46 ---->eólico

47 ---->fagüeño

48 ---->favonio

49 ---->foque

50 ---->fotuto

51 ---->galerna

52 ---->garbino

53 ---->gregal

54 ---->gritadera

55 ---->harmatán

56 ---->helador

57 ---->himnodia

58 ---->huracán

59 ---->jaloque

60 ---->lebeche

61 ---->lessueste

62 ---->levante

63 ---->llovizna

64 ---->magnetopausa

65 ---->magnetosfera

66 ---->marea

67 ---->marejadilla

68 ---->marero

69 ---->matacabras

70 ---->mecida

71 ---->molino

72 ---->molinos

73 ---->médano

74 ---->navecilla

75 ---->nevasca

76 ---->nornordeste

77 ---->nornoreste

78 ---->nortada

79 ---->nortazo

80 ---->nudo

81 ---->oesnoroeste

82 ---->oesudoeste

83 ---->ola

84 ---->pajuz

85 ---->pampero

86 ---->paraca

87 ---->paradocente

88 ---->pedrisco

89 ---->penetro

90 ---->planga

91 ---->plañido

92 ---->polvareda

93 ---->poniente

94 ---->poseído

95 ---->rabiazorras

96 ---->rada

97 ---->recalmón

98 ---->refregón

99 ---->remolino

100 ---->remusgo

101 ---->roten

102 ---->ráfaga

103 ---->silba

104 ---->silbido

105 ---->silbo

106 ---->siroco

107 ---->sobreviento

108 ---->solano

109 ---->sopitipando

110 ---->soplido

111 ---->sudsudeste

112 ---->sudsudoeste

113 ---->surazo

114 ---->sursudoeste

115 ---->tamo

116 ---->tempestad

117 ---->tenedero

118 ---->terral

119 ---->tizoncillo

120 ---->tolvanera

121 ---->torloroto

122 ---->tramontano

123 ---->trascacho

124 ---->trombón

125 ---->tropopausa

126 ---->turbión

127 ---->velas

128 ---->veleta

129 ---->vendaval

130 ---->venteadura

131 ---->ventisca

132 ---->ventola

133 ---->ventolera

134 ---->ventolina

135 ---->ventoso

136 ---->vientos

137 ---->virazón

138 ---->zonda

139 ---->zurrusco

140 ---->ábrego

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