Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of temperatura

---->calor (20)

Terminal nodes of temperatura

1 ---->alisador

2 ---->altitud

3 ---->ardedura

4 ---->autoclave

5 ---->brasero

6 ---->calda

7 ---->calentura

8 ---->caloricidad

9 ---->calorimetría

10 ---->calorina

11 ---->calorífero

12 ---->calorón

13 ---->canícula

14 ---->chajuán

15 ---->climograma

16 ---->clínker

17 ---->congelador

18 ---->continentalidad

19 ---->criostato

20 ---->desainadura

21 ---->distermia

22 ---->ebullición

23 ---->endotermia

24 ---->entalpía

25 ---->escarcha

26 ---->flama

27 ---->fotoperíodo

28 ---->frío

29 ---->gadolinio

30 ---->gelidez

31 ---->hipotérmico

32 ---->homeotermia

33 ---->humedad

34 ---->incandescencia

35 ---->isogeoterma

36 ---->isoquímena

37 ---->isótera

38 ---->lonche

39 ---->matinales

40 ---->mitigador

41 ---->monomando

42 ---->mufla

43 ---->nubosidad

44 ---->pajuela

45 ---->pirometría

46 ---->pluviosidad

47 ---->poiquilotermia

48 ---->radiosonda

49 ---->redoblón

50 ---->resistero

51 ---->resistidero

52 ---->rubicundez

53 ---->salinidad

54 ---->superconductor

55 ---->surgencia

56 ---->temperaturas

57 ---->termo

58 ---->termoelectricidad

59 ---->termometría

60 ---->termopar

61 ---->termopila

62 ---->termostato

63 ---->termógrafo

64 ---->termómetro

65 ---->tiritera

66 ---->tokamak

67 ---->torrefacción

68 ---->tumo

69 ---->turbidez

70 ---->uperización

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