Kind - The Taxonomy Project

You are now on the Spanish side of the taxonomy

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of tela

1 ---->abarraz

2 ---->aceituní

3 ---->aguilonia

4 ---->alforza

5 ---->alzacuello

6 ---->anascote

7 ---->antipendio

8 ---->barbijo

9 ---->bernia

10 ---->bordado

11 ---->bordados

12 ---->brial

13 ---->cachemir

14 ---->calicó

15 ---->camelotina

16 ---->camisa

17 ---->carisea

18 ---->cañamazo

19 ---->cinta

20 ---->cloque

21 ---->colador

22 ---->cotonía

23 ---->crayón

24 ---->cretona

25 ---->crinolina

26 ---->desgarrón

27 ---->dobladilla

28 ---->donfrón

29 ---->duraluminio

30 ---->empegado

31 ---->entredós

32 ---->entretela

33 ---->espinar

34 ---->esterlín

35 ---->estopa

36 ---->estopilla

37 ---->etamina

38 ---->fineta

39 ---->frufrú

40 ---->fustán

41 ---->gante

42 ---->gobelino

43 ---->gorguera

44 ---->gutapercha

45 ---->hilacha

46 ---->holán

47 ---->humaina

48 ---->legui

49 ---->liencillo

50 ---->linón

51 ---->lorza

52 ---->manga

53 ---->manga and hentai wwwmangoflexco watch the cartoon

54 ---->mantaterilla

55 ---->mantel

56 ---->mantellina

57 ---->mantilla

58 ---->mastate

59 ---->moer

60 ---->mosquitera

61 ---->mota

62 ---->muer

63 ---->márfaga

64 ---->nansú

65 ---->orillo

66 ---->pampanilla

67 ---->papalina

68 ---->paragranizo

69 ---->patadión

70 ---->pañal

71 ---->pañero

72 ---->pañito

73 ---->paño

74 ---->percal

75 ---->petillo

76 ---->pitusa

77 ---->pliegue

78 ---->popelina

79 ---->portañuela

80 ---->presilla

81 ---->pretina

82 ---->rasgadura

83 ---->rasgón

84 ---->rasoliso

85 ---->recel

86 ---->redopelo

87 ---->remiendo

88 ---->retal

89 ---->retazo

90 ---->saco

91 ---->sarga

92 ---->satín

93 ---->semihilo

94 ---->sinabafa

95 ---->sinamayera

96 ---->sobrepuerta

97 ---->sudario

98 ---->tabí

99 ---->talega

100 ---->tapizado

101 ---->tarlatana

102 ---->tejedura

103 ---->telas

104 ---->tendal

105 ---->terrollo

106 ---->tirona

107 ---->toca

108 ---->trabilla

109 ---->trape

110 ---->trapecio

111 ---->urdiembre

112 ---->vaquero

113 ---->veludo

114 ---->verdeceladón

115 ---->zurcidura

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