Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of suelo

1 ---->abrillantado

2 ---->acolchado

3 ---->alcabalatorio

4 ---->aljofifa

5 ---->andulario

6 ---->apisonado

7 ---->apoyabrazos

8 ---->arado

9 ---->aricado

10 ---->arrastrapiés

11 ---->baldosa

12 ---->barbecho

13 ---->barrujo

14 ---->biota

15 ---->botivoleo

16 ---->brochal

17 ---->bujeo

18 ---->buscapiés

19 ---->cabio

20 ---->carbonalla

21 ---->cenozoico

22 ---->cieno

23 ---->coironal

24 ---->colchoneta

25 ---->compost

26 ---->corrincho

27 ---->césped

28 ---->despeje

29 ---->desplomo

30 ---->edafólogo

31 ---->edificabilidad

32 ---->encalado

33 ---->enladrillador

34 ---->enlistonado

35 ---->escorrentía

36 ---->escotillón

37 ---->estera

38 ---->esterilla

39 ---->estiércol

40 ---->estrépito

41 ---->excava

42 ---->faldulario

43 ---->farrapas

44 ---->gres

45 ---->grillotalpa

46 ---->gua

47 ---->hojarasca

48 ---->hondón

49 ---->horizonte

50 ---->horizontes

51 ---->humus

52 ---->intensivista

53 ---->limitantes

54 ---->limo

55 ---->linóleo

56 ---->llábana

57 ---->losa

58 ---->losado

59 ---->loseta

60 ---->malvinense

61 ---->malvinero

62 ---->mantillo

63 ---->marciano

64 ---->miguelito

65 ---->moderado

66 ---->monociclo

67 ---->monocultivo

68 ---->monopatín

69 ---->mopa

70 ---->moqueta

71 ---->mullido

72 ---->napa

73 ---->nía

74 ---->olambrilla

75 ---->pajote

76 ---->parcelaciones

77 ---->parqué

78 ---->perdida del contacto vital con la realidad

79 ---->permafrost

80 ---->pesebrón

81 ---->pinocha

82 ---->pinzote

83 ---->pispajo

84 ---->plataforma

85 ---->pleita

86 ---->portante

87 ---->ramas

88 ---->rascadura

89 ---->redolón

90 ---->resquebrajo

91 ---->revolcado

92 ---->revuelco

93 ---->rompevientos

94 ---->sentón

95 ---->sintasol

96 ---->sobresuelo

97 ---->solada

98 ---->solador

99 ---->soleo

100 ---->suelos

101 ---->sulfatado

102 ---->tablado

103 ---->talegazo

104 ---->talud

105 ---->taquichuela

106 ---->taracol

107 ---->tatami

108 ---->tentemozo

109 ---->textura

110 ---->tortuguilla

111 ---->trampa

112 ---->trampilla

113 ---->trampillas

114 ---->transecto

115 ---->trapeador

116 ---->trompicón

117 ---->tumbado

118 ---->tumbo

119 ---->turba

120 ---->ventanillo

121 ---->vidueño

122 ---->zancadilla

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