Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of sitio

1 ---->abrojal

2 ---->adelfal

3 ---->afiliado

4 ---->afiliados

5 ---->afuerino

6 ---->ahoyadura

7 ---->aillu

8 ---->alauseño

9 ---->alcachofal

10 ---->alojado

11 ---->alrota

12 ---->ancharia

13 ---->aniaga

14 ---->anuncio

15 ---->apretura

16 ---->atajadero

17 ---->aulladero

18 ---->batimento

19 ---->baucher

20 ---->boche

21 ---->buñuelero

22 ---->caceta

23 ---->cancela

24 ---->cardal

25 ---->cascarillal

26 ---->cercillo

27 ---->chapinería

28 ---->charnecal

29 ---->cibernauta

30 ---->cochevís

31 ---->cohombral

32 ---->contenido

33 ---->contenido mental

34 ---->contenidos

35 ---->cómpreda

36 ---->desafiadero

37 ---->despalmador

38 ---->destape

39 ---->difusion

40 ---->discipulado

41 ---->download all СР for free

42 ---->echaperros

43 ---->enjambradero

44 ---->enlace

45 ---->escodadero

46 ---->espeto

47 ---->filopos

48 ---->fuchina

49 ---->guindajo

50 ---->hellín

51 ---->hiperenlace

52 ---->holgadero

53 ---->humedal

54 ---->internauta

55 ---->internet casinos that take visa

56 ---->links

57 ---->locomovible

58 ---->malicioso

59 ---->malintencionado

60 ---->manantío

61 ---->mataras

62 ---->mihrab

63 ---->monterería

64 ---->moranza

65 ---->morsana

66 ---->noceda

67 ---->nómada

68 ---->pagamento

69 ---->pincarrascal

70 ---->plurilingüe

71 ---->ponentisco

72 ---->potorillo

73 ---->página

74 ---->página web

75 ---->páginas

76 ---->quilo

77 ---->rancheadero

78 ---->recudidero

79 ---->reengendrador

80 ---->resolano

81 ---->rezumadero

82 ---->safir

83 ---->salipirina

84 ---->saltadero

85 ---->saltaprados

86 ---->seguida

87 ---->seo

88 ---->simpa

89 ---->sitiero

90 ---->sitio arqueológico

91 ---->sitios

92 ---->socoro

93 ---->sucesos

94 ---->tabón

95 ---->teucrio

96 ---->tinajero

97 ---->tonelero

98 ---->trasmano

99 ---->veda

100 ---->ventarrón

101 ---->verdegal

102 ---->web

103 ---->yatay

104 ---->youtube

105 ---->zaperoco

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