Kind - The Taxonomy Project

You are now on the Spanish side of the taxonomy

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of sentido

1 ---->abarrado

2 ---->abastardar

3 ---->absurdo

4 ---->acepción

5 ---->adversativo

6 ---->ageusia

7 ---->agrandamiento

8 ---->alaria

9 ---->albur

10 ---->alcucero

11 ---->anagoge

12 ---->anagogía

13 ---->anfibología

14 ---->anosmia

15 ---->apremio

16 ---->artisticidad

17 ---->baldaquín

18 ---->batiburrillo

19 ---->batimiento

20 ---->cacosmia

21 ---->cinestesia

22 ---->comprehensión

23 ---->contrapar

24 ---->contravapor

25 ---->cordura

26 ---->criticador

27 ---->cálibe

28 ---->delectación

29 ---->deleite

30 ---->delusión

31 ---->desmesura

32 ---->dextrógiro

33 ---->embotamiento

34 ---->equívoco

35 ---->estrapontín

36 ---->expletivo

37 ---->facticidad

38 ---->falsabilidad

39 ---->feudalidad

40 ---->frase

41 ---->freudiano

42 ---->gustadura

43 ---->laberinto

44 ---->levógiro

45 ---->litera

46 ---->mandatarios

47 ---->manecilla

48 ---->olfato

49 ---->palabrerío

50 ---->palmejar

51 ---->palpallén

52 ---->panteísta

53 ---->perceptibilidad

54 ---->polisemia

55 ---->retorcedura

56 ---->ruidal

57 ---->sensatez

58 ---->sensiblero

59 ---->sentidas

60 ---->sentidos

61 ---->significado

62 ---->sinestesia

63 ---->sinsentido

64 ---->socrático

65 ---->sortílego

66 ---->soteriología

67 ---->suprarrealismo

68 ---->tacto

69 ---->tal

70 ---->tropo

71 ---->unívoco

72 ---->vahído

73 ---->vocablo

74 ---->voluptuoso

75 ---->étimo

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