Kind - The Taxonomy Project

You are now on the Spanish side of the taxonomy

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of ropa

1 ---->albarsa

2 ---->alcanciazo

3 ---->andrajo

4 ---->apolilladura

5 ---->armario

6 ---->blusón

7 ---->bocací

8 ---->bonetería

9 ---->calcetería

10 ---->calcetines

11 ---->calzón

12 ---->camas

13 ---->camisilla

14 ---->cascarria

15 ---->cazcarria

16 ---->cermeño

17 ---->cernadero

18 ---->closet

19 ---->cobija

20 ---->colcha

21 ---->colgadero

22 ---->colgador

23 ---->confeccionista

24 ---->cubrecama

25 ---->despelote

26 ---->destiño

27 ---->embostadero

28 ---->enfaldo

29 ---->farda

30 ---->guantes

31 ---->hatada

32 ---->intima

33 ---->jubonero

34 ---->lavandina

35 ---->lencero

36 ---->lencería

37 ---->lío

38 ---->maleta

39 ---->maletón

40 ---->maquech

41 ---->naftalina

42 ---->oliera

43 ---->paca

44 ---->palomino

45 ---->percha

46 ---->pijama

47 ---->pilucho

48 ---->randa

49 ---->rascamoño

50 ---->recuelo

51 ---->remuda

52 ---->rociador

53 ---->ropa de cama

54 ---->ropavejero

55 ---->ropavejería

56 ---->ropería

57 ---->suavizante

58 ---->suéter

59 ---->sábana

60 ---->tendedero

61 ---->toalla

62 ---->trapitos

63 ---->tumbilla

64 ---->vaharina

65 ---->vajilla

66 ---->vestido

67 ---->vestimenta

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