Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of roca

1 ---->alumbre

2 ---->aluminita

3 ---->andesita

4 ---->anfibolita

5 ---->basamento

6 ---->batolito

7 ---->bauxita

8 ---->berrueco

9 ---->calamistro

10 ---->chafarrocas

11 ---->detritus

12 ---->diabasa

13 ---->drusa

14 ---->escollo

15 ---->esquisto

16 ---->estratigrafía

17 ---->galayo

18 ---->gneis

19 ---->granito

20 ---->lava

21 ---->litología

22 ---->magma

23 ---->meláfido

24 ---->mesozoico

25 ---->metamorfismo

26 ---->micacita

27 ---->muriacita

28 ---->ofita

29 ---->ortosa

30 ---->paleozoico

31 ---->percebe

32 ---->porcelanita

33 ---->pórfido

34 ---->roca sedimentaria

35 ---->roqueda

36 ---->roquedal

37 ---->roquedo

38 ---->salbanda

39 ---->sanidina

40 ---->sienita

41 ---->sodalita

42 ---->tajadilla

43 ---->traquita

44 ---->yacimiento

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