Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of recipiente

---->botella (24)

---->vaso (33)

Terminal nodes of recipiente

1 ---->abrebotellas

2 ---->alcuzcucero

3 ---->almendrero

4 ---->ampolleta

5 ---->anastomosis

6 ---->andavete

7 ---->angioma

8 ---->arteriola

9 ---->azucarillo

10 ---->botellín

11 ---->botellón

12 ---->botija

13 ---->botilla

14 ---->búcaro

15 ---->cachimba

16 ---->calimocho

17 ---->canope

18 ---->caramayola

19 ---->caramañola

20 ---->caramullo

21 ---->cenicero

22 ---->cercopiteco

23 ---->champán

24 ---->chifle

25 ---->chupito

26 ---->cinerario

27 ---->cirro

28 ---->coctelera

29 ---->comunicante

30 ---->comunicantes

31 ---->constricción

32 ---->contrapuerta

33 ---->corcho

34 ---->cotrofe

35 ---->coágulo

36 ---->crátera

37 ---->cubata

38 ---->cubeta

39 ---->cubeto

40 ---->cubitera

41 ---->cuello

42 ---->cuervera

43 ---->derramo

44 ---->descorchador

45 ---->ducha

46 ---->duerno

47 ---->eferente

48 ---->embudo

49 ---->empino

50 ---->escarnidor

51 ---->escupidera

52 ---->espaldera

53 ---->fuente

54 ---->fuente del delirio

55 ---->fuente fiable

56 ---->fuente luminosa

57 ---->galletero

58 ---->garapiñera

59 ---->gollete

60 ---->gota

61 ---->grial

62 ---->grojo

63 ---->güisqui

64 ---->ligadura

65 ---->limeta

66 ---->limpión

67 ---->litrona

68 ---->majagüero

69 ---->mastuerzo

70 ---->paragüero

71 ---->pet

72 ---->petardeo

73 ---->piñata

74 ---->plantosa

75 ---->ponchera

76 ---->popote

77 ---->potorro

78 ---->pucia

79 ---->pátera

80 ---->rebañadura

81 ---->renvalso

82 ---->retrete

83 ---->sacacorchos

84 ---->samotana

85 ---->selladura

86 ---->tacho

87 ---->tapadera

88 ---->tapador

89 ---->tapita

90 ---->taponador

91 ---->tapón

92 ---->tetera

93 ---->tina

94 ---->tintero

95 ---->tintorro

96 ---->trombo

97 ---->vasera

98 ---->vasito

99 ---->vasoconstricción

100 ---->vasodilatación

101 ---->vasos

102 ---->ventorrero

103 ---->whiskey

104 ---->yogo

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