Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of músculo

1 ---->abajador

2 ---->abductores

3 ---->acromion

4 ---->aductor

5 ---->algia

6 ---->aporisma

7 ---->apófisis

8 ---->arrachera

9 ---->bíceps

10 ---->carpo

11 ---->ciático

12 ---->constrictor

13 ---->contrae

14 ---->coxis

15 ---->cricoides

16 ---->curare

17 ---->cuádriceps

18 ---->deltoides

19 ---->detorsión

20 ---->diafragma

21 ---->diastrofia

22 ---->ectomorfo

23 ---->erector

24 ---->escápula

25 ---->esfínter

26 ---->espasmo

27 ---->esplenio

28 ---->esquelético

29 ---->estira

30 ---->fascia

31 ---->femoral

32 ---->globo ocular

33 ---->glucógeno

34 ---->glúteo

35 ---->hioides

36 ---->humeral

37 ---->húmero

38 ---->ligamento

39 ---->liso

40 ---->manguito

41 ---->masetero

42 ---->medial

43 ---->miología

44 ---->miosina

45 ---->musculación

46 ---->nervio

47 ---->oblicuo

48 ---->onoquiles

49 ---->pantorrilla

50 ---->pectoral

51 ---->plexo

52 ---->ptosis

53 ---->pudendo

54 ---->sarcolema

55 ---->sartorio

56 ---->serrato

57 ---->suspensorio

58 ---->sóleo

59 ---->tendón

60 ---->tensón

61 ---->tetania

62 ---->triquina

63 ---->trismo

64 ---->trocánter

65 ---->tríceps

66 ---->ulna

67 ---->úvula

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