Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of mueble

1 ---->acateca

2 ---->adjunción

3 ---->alacena

4 ---->amueblamiento

5 ---->aparador

6 ---->apoteca

7 ---->arquibanco

8 ---->arquimesa

9 ---->bargueño

10 ---->bibliotecas

11 ---->cajonero

12 ---->cantaral

13 ---->cartoteca

14 ---->casetero

15 ---->cinemateca

16 ---->cineteca

17 ---->cortinaje

18 ---->cortinón

19 ---->encimero

20 ---->enoteca

21 ---->enseres

22 ---->entrecalle

23 ---->equipal

24 ---->escurreplatos

25 ---->filmoteca

26 ---->fonoteca

27 ---->fototeca

28 ---->gavetero

29 ---->hemeroteca

30 ---->hipoteca

31 ---->hipotecas

32 ---->lavabo

33 ---->manteca

34 ---->mapoteca

35 ---->mediateca

36 ---->melamina

37 ---->metemuertos

38 ---->mueblero

39 ---->mueblería

40 ---->muebles

41 ---->palanganero

42 ---->pasteca

43 ---->quiroteca

44 ---->recodadero

45 ---->rústico

46 ---->sillas

47 ---->sillón

48 ---->taquillón

49 ---->tectiteca

50 ---->terteca

51 ---->trinchador

52 ---->uspanteca

53 ---->videoteca

54 ---->vinoteca

55 ---->volado

56 ---->xeroteca

57 ---->yutoazteca

58 ---->zacateca

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