Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of moneda

1 ---->acuñación

2 ---->acuñador

3 ---->alcancía

4 ---->antoniniano

5 ---->anverso

6 ---->apreciación

7 ---->ardite

8 ---->balanzario

9 ---->bayoque

10 ---->blanquecedor

11 ---->botsuano

12 ---->braceaje

13 ---->calderilla

14 ---->cambio de huso horario

15 ---->capigorrón

16 ---->carlín

17 ---->cauri

18 ---->centén

19 ---->chanflón

20 ---->chauchera

21 ---->chelín

22 ---->chito

23 ---->cierre

24 ---->coleccionador

25 ---->columnario

26 ---->contramarca

27 ---->convertible

28 ---->cospel

29 ---->cuproníquel

30 ---->céntimo

31 ---->descalce

32 ---->destajero

33 ---->devaluación

34 ---->dinar

35 ---->doblón

36 ---->dracma

37 ---->ducado

38 ---->dírham

39 ---->ecu

40 ---->efigie

41 ---->escudillo

42 ---->eurodivisa

43 ---->exergo

44 ---->feble

45 ---->felús

46 ---->florín

47 ---->grafila

48 ---->gros

49 ---->guardacuños

50 ---->guardamateriales

51 ---->guitón

52 ---->hucha

53 ---->invest bitcoin double your bitcoins within hours

54 ---->kopek

55 ---->martiniega

56 ---->mizcal

57 ---->monedaje

58 ---->monedas

59 ---->morusa

60 ---->napoleón

61 ---->numismático

62 ---->ostugo

63 ---->palacio

64 ---->parpalla

65 ---->pataca

66 ---->patacón

67 ---->penique

68 ---->pepión

69 ---->perpejana

70 ---->piastra

71 ---->realete

72 ---->resello

73 ---->revaluación

74 ---->reverso

75 ---->ronchón

76 ---->rupia

77 ---->sanmartinense

78 ---->sestercio

79 ---->sete

80 ---->testón

81 ---->tetradracma

82 ---->tornés

83 ---->triente

84 ---->tuvaluano

85 ---->tálero

86 ---->uncia

87 ---->use credible assets

88 ---->vellón

89 ---->vitrola

90 ---->yuan

91 ---->óbolo

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