Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of lluvia

1 ---->aguacero

2 ---->aguarrada

3 ---->aguazal

4 ---->agüera

5 ---->albardilla

6 ---->aljerife

7 ---->asubiadero

8 ---->atípico

9 ---->cacimba

10 ---->calabobos

11 ---->chaparrón

12 ---->charco

13 ---->chipichipi

14 ---->chirimiri

15 ---->chubascada

16 ---->chupetilla

17 ---->cilampa

18 ---->codujón

19 ---->confeti

20 ---->deslave

21 ---->diluvio

22 ---->ejarbe

23 ---->empapado

24 ---->empapados

25 ---->escampada

26 ---->granizo

27 ---->guillatún

28 ---->imbornal

29 ---->intenso

30 ---->invierno

31 ---->lagunato

32 ---->lluvias

33 ---->matapolvo

34 ---->meteoro

35 ---->mollino

36 ---->mollizna

37 ---->neblina

38 ---->nevisca

39 ---->niebla

40 ---->nieve

41 ---->nieves

42 ---->nubarrón

43 ---->nublado

44 ---->nublazón

45 ---->orvallo

46 ---->paraguas

47 ---->patajú

48 ---->pervigilio

49 ---->pluviometría

50 ---->remojón

51 ---->revendón

52 ---->rimú

53 ---->rujiada

54 ---->sequía

55 ---->sirimiri

56 ---->sudestada

57 ---->sumidero

58 ---->talaya

59 ---->tormenta

60 ---->tormenta de nieve

61 ---->tormenta violenta

62 ---->torva

63 ---->trueno

64 ---->udómetro

65 ---->veranillo

66 ---->zarracina

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