Kind - The Taxonomy Project

You are now on the Spanish side of the taxonomy

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of lana

1 ---->aguayo

2 ---->alepín

3 ---->angora

4 ---->añino

5 ---->barretina

6 ---->bayetón

7 ---->bellardina

8 ---->boina

9 ---->bufanda

10 ---->calamaco

11 ---->cambrún

12 ---->camelote

13 ---->camélido

14 ---->cardada

15 ---->cardado

16 ---->cariseto

17 ---->castorcillo

18 ---->chal

19 ---->chamal

20 ---->chamanto

21 ---->cheviot

22 ---->chullo

23 ---->churro

24 ---->corderillo

25 ---->cotín

26 ---->cuzma

27 ---->cólcedra

28 ---->duunviro

29 ---->enjaretado

30 ---->espartillo

31 ---->esquila

32 ---->estameña

33 ---->filderretor

34 ---->filipichín

35 ---->filoseda

36 ---->garatura

37 ---->gorro

38 ---->hila

39 ---->hilado

40 ---->hilatura

41 ---->hilaza

42 ---->hopo

43 ---->lanificio

44 ---->lanolina

45 ---->manta

46 ---->manteleta

47 ---->mediopaño

48 ---->merino

49 ---->muletón

50 ---->muselina

51 ---->ovejo

52 ---->pegujón

53 ---->pelluzgón

54 ---->perpetuán

55 ---->pompón

56 ---->ratina

57 ---->reps

58 ---->rompecoches

59 ---->sayal

60 ---->sobrepelo

61 ---->suarda

62 ---->taled

63 ---->tartán

64 ---->titipuchal

65 ---->trarigüe

66 ---->trasquila

67 ---->trasquiladura

68 ---->tripe

69 ---->vedijero

70 ---->vicuña

71 ---->viscosilla

72 ---->ínfula

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