Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of huevo

1 ---->agamí

2 ---->ajicomino

3 ---->albumen

4 ---->albúmina

5 ---->alpistela

6 ---->amnios

7 ---->amplexo

8 ---->andorga

9 ---->arepa

10 ---->atafea

11 ---->auca

12 ---->avestruz

13 ---->azucar

14 ---->bienmesabe

15 ---->binza

16 ---->bizcocho

17 ---->buñuelo

18 ---->cacareo

19 ---->cajete

20 ---->canuto

21 ---->carey

22 ---->cascarón

23 ---->chilaquiles

24 ---->chimbo

25 ---->chiricaya

26 ---->chirmol

27 ---->churlo

28 ---->clueco

29 ---->cochambrero

30 ---->cocote

31 ---->codorniz

32 ---->cojón

33 ---->colambre

34 ---->criadilla

35 ---->cuajar

36 ---->cáscara

37 ---->eclosión

38 ---->empolladura

39 ---->ensaladilla

40 ---->escabechada

41 ---->espermatozoo

42 ---->fideo

43 ---->flan

44 ---->fricasea

45 ---->frisuelo

46 ---->fárfara

47 ---->galladura

48 ---->gallina

49 ---->gallinita

50 ---->gantés

51 ---->hicotea

52 ---->hornazo

53 ---->huevero

54 ---->huevería

55 ---->huevos

56 ---->ictérido

57 ---->jericaya

58 ---->ladrería

59 ---->larva

60 ---->liendre

61 ---->luquete

62 ---->manda

63 ---->mojete

64 ---->muchín

65 ---->nata

66 ---->nidada

67 ---->nidal

68 ---->nido

69 ---->ovación

70 ---->oviducto

71 ---->oviscapto

72 ---->ovo

73 ---->ovovivíparo

74 ---->ovíparo

75 ---->oxiuro

76 ---->pascua

77 ---->patofisiología

78 ---->pionono

79 ---->pipirrana

80 ---->ponedero

81 ---->ponedor

82 ---->pupa

83 ---->puré

84 ---->ralladura

85 ---->renacuajo

86 ---->repulgo

87 ---->revoltillo

88 ---->revuelto

89 ---->rompedero

90 ---->salmorejo

91 ---->sancochado

92 ---->secadillo

93 ---->tazón

94 ---->tero

95 ---->tomaticán

96 ---->torrezno

97 ---->tortada

98 ---->tortilla

99 ---->uebos

100 ---->vitelo

101 ---->yema

102 ---->zarangollo

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