Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of hormona

1 ---->acth

2 ---->adenohipófisis

3 ---->adrenocorticotropina

4 ---->aldosterona

5 ---->andrógeno

6 ---->antiandrógeno puro

7 ---->auxina

8 ---->bruzador

9 ---->calcitonina

10 ---->catecolaminas

11 ---->cortisol

12 ---->cortisona

13 ---->desmopresina

14 ---->encefalina

15 ---->endorfinas

16 ---->esteroide

17 ---->esteroide oral

18 ---->esteroide sexual

19 ---->estrógeno

20 ---->estrógenos

21 ---->folículo

22 ---->genotropin

23 ---->globulina

24 ---->glándula

25 ---->gonadorelina

26 ---->hipotálamo

27 ---->hipófisis

28 ---->histrelina

29 ---->hormona de crecimiento

30 ---->hormona del crecimiento

31 ---->hormona folículoestimulante

32 ---->hormona liberadora de tirotropina

33 ---->hormona luteinizante

34 ---->hormona tiroidea sintética

35 ---->hormonas

36 ---->levotiroxina sódica

37 ---->neurohormonas

38 ---->oxitocina

39 ---->paratiroides

40 ---->premarin

41 ---->progesterona

42 ---->progestágeno

43 ---->sauzgatillo

44 ---->somatotropina

45 ---->synthroid

46 ---->testosterona

47 ---->tirotropina

48 ---->tiroxina

49 ---->triyodotironina

50 ---->vasopresina

51 ---->zoladex

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