Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of hongo

1 ---->aflatoxina

2 ---->agárico

3 ---->albugo

4 ---->alucinógeno

5 ---->amanita

6 ---->apotecio

7 ---->asca

8 ---->ascomiceto

9 ---->añublo

10 ---->bejín

11 ---->boletus

12 ---->cagarria

13 ---->callampa

14 ---->carraspina

15 ---->cecidia

16 ---->champiñón

17 ---->changle

18 ---->cifela

19 ---->coprófilo

20 ---->cornezuelo

21 ---->cuitlacoche

22 ---->dietilamida del ácido lisérgico

23 ---->dihueñe

24 ---->ergotina

25 ---->espora

26 ---->fuligo

27 ---->fungicida

28 ---->fungosidad

29 ---->funguicida

30 ---->gargal

31 ---->geneático

32 ---->huitlacoche

33 ---->matamoscas

34 ---->micelio

35 ---->micorriza

36 ---->mildiu

37 ---->moho

38 ---->muscaria

39 ---->mízcalo

40 ---->níscalo

41 ---->oronja

42 ---->oídio

43 ---->peyote

44 ---->podredumbre

45 ---->psilocibina

46 ---->robellón

47 ---->saprofito

48 ---->seta

49 ---->simbionte

50 ---->turma

51 ---->tínea

52 ---->yesquero

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