Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of hijo

1 ---->abdicación

2 ---->amonita

3 ---->amorreo

4 ---->apellido

5 ---->atrida

6 ---->bastardo

7 ---->benjamita

8 ---->benjamín

9 ---->bichozno

10 ---->bisnieto

11 ---->bínubo

12 ---->cabalero

13 ---->casimira

14 ---->cenicerense

15 ---->cetario

16 ---->chancletero

17 ---->chozno

18 ---->claretiano

19 ---->cosijo

20 ---->criandera

21 ---->cumiche

22 ---->danaide

23 ---->delfina

24 ---->diádoco

25 ---->fatimí

26 ---->filiación

27 ---->filicida

28 ---->filicidio

29 ---->güero

30 ---->hermanastro

31 ---->hijaputa

32 ---->hijastro

33 ---->hijodalgo

34 ---->hijoputa

35 ---->hijos

36 ---->infantado

37 ---->infante

38 ---->inmolación

39 ---->intestado

40 ---->ismaelita

41 ---->jafético

42 ---->jerife

43 ---->lobisón

44 ---->madraza

45 ---->mayorazgo

46 ---->mulato

47 ---->máncer

48 ---->nacencia

49 ---->nereida

50 ---->nietastro

51 ---->nieto

52 ---->nuera

53 ---->padrazo

54 ---->paralipómenos

55 ---->parejita

56 ---->parlache

57 ---->parricida

58 ---->parricidio

59 ---->pedidor

60 ---->pelasgo

61 ---->primogenitura

62 ---->primogénito

63 ---->procreador

64 ---->progenie

65 ---->prohijamiento

66 ---->prole

67 ---->príncipe

68 ---->resobrino

69 ---->retoño

70 ---->rondeño

71 ---->saltaterandate

72 ---->segundogénito

73 ---->segundón

74 ---->sinsabor

75 ---->sobrino

76 ---->tataranieto

77 ---->tentenelaire

78 ---->topolino

79 ---->tutor

80 ---->ultrajador

81 ---->unigénito

82 ---->vagido

83 ---->viñador

84 ---->xocoyote

85 ---->yeguato

86 ---->yerno

87 ---->zopenco

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