Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of herramienta

1 ---->afilado

2 ---->alcotana

3 ---->alicate

4 ---->apero

5 ---->ardora

6 ---->atornillador

7 ---->audioconferencia

8 ---->barra

9 ---->barras

10 ---->barreno

11 ---->berbiquí

12 ---->bifaz

13 ---->buril

14 ---->calagozo

15 ---->capítol

16 ---->carrujado

17 ---->cortafuego

18 ---->dialtea

19 ---->ecolalia

20 ---->encrespadura

21 ---->escardillo

22 ---->escariador

23 ---->escarificador

24 ---->escarpelo

25 ---->escoplo

26 ---->ferretería

27 ---->filván

28 ---->fratacho

29 ---->guillame

30 ---->hacha

31 ---->herramienta manual

32 ---->herramientas

33 ---->implemento

34 ---->implementos

35 ---->jada

36 ---->mocheta

37 ---->motosierra

38 ---->opana

39 ---->parche

40 ---->parches

41 ---->pañol

42 ---->pincel

43 ---->podadera

44 ---->portabrocas

45 ---->portaherramientas

46 ---->subsolador

47 ---->tenaza

48 ---->terraja

49 ---->tool kit for car workpro

50 ---->torneado

51 ---->trebejo

52 ---->trinchante

53 ---->tronzadera

54 ---->útil

55 ---->útiles

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