Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of herida

---->lesión (29)

Terminal nodes of herida

1 ---->alexia

2 ---->alisamiento

3 ---->apósito

4 ---->arañazo

5 ---->areola

6 ---->bala

7 ---->bayonetazo

8 ---->bezo

9 ---->brecha

10 ---->bálsamo

11 ---->canchera

12 ---->carate

13 ---->cauterización

14 ---->cauterizador

15 ---->cervical

16 ---->chajazo

17 ---->chimón

18 ---->cicatrizante

19 ---->columna vertebral

20 ---->contusión

21 ---->contusión cerebral

22 ---->cortante

23 ---->costurón

24 ---->cuchillada

25 ---->curita

26 ---->descalabradura

27 ---->desgarro

28 ---->enconadura

29 ---->enjerto

30 ---->escara

31 ---->escarza

32 ---->escocedura

33 ---->escopetazo

34 ---->esparadrapo

35 ---->espoleadura

36 ---->eventración

37 ---->excoriación

38 ---->exudado

39 ---->fractura

40 ---->garranchada

41 ---->garranchazo

42 ---->hemotórax

43 ---->heridas

44 ---->homicillo

45 ---->jarazo

46 ---->lentigo

47 ---->lesiones

48 ---->leucoplaquia

49 ---->lóbulo frontal

50 ---->machetazo

51 ---->matadura

52 ---->menisco

53 ---->metatarsiano

54 ---->metralla

55 ---->nevus

56 ---->ostial

57 ---->paraplejia

58 ---->perdigón

59 ---->pernio

60 ---->peroné

61 ---->politraumatismo

62 ---->postilla

63 ---->pápula

64 ---->quemadura

65 ---->rascado

66 ---->rengo

67 ---->rodilla

68 ---->rozadura

69 ---->saetazo

70 ---->sajadura

71 ---->sanantona

72 ---->sudamina

73 ---->sulfamida

74 ---->tabique nasal

75 ---->tetraplejia

76 ---->tobillo

77 ---->torniquete

78 ---->trozada

79 ---->tura

80 ---->tórax

81 ---->ungüento

82 ---->uñero

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