Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of dinero

1 ---->acatólico

2 ---->ahorrador

3 ---->alquibla

4 ---->arca

5 ---->armadilla

6 ---->atesoramiento

7 ---->avariento

8 ---->banquero

9 ---->burrada

10 ---->chipe

11 ---->chirola

12 ---->coima

13 ---->corbona

14 ---->crédito

15 ---->cuchubal

16 ---->derrochador

17 ---->despilfarrador

18 ---->dilapidador

19 ---->dineral

20 ---->dinerillo

21 ---->dineros

22 ---->donativo

23 ---->débito

24 ---->emprestillador

25 ---->erogación

26 ---->esquero

27 ---->estafador

28 ---->famoseo

29 ---->financiero

30 ---->gastador

31 ---->hurtadineros

32 ---->impositor

33 ---->inversor

34 ---->liquidez

35 ---->logrero

36 ---->malversador

37 ---->manirroto

38 ---->marmaja

39 ---->meaja

40 ---->millonada

41 ---->monetarismo

42 ---->narcodinero

43 ---->ochosén

44 ---->parné

45 ---->pastón

46 ---->peculio

47 ---->pecunia

48 ---->pejino

49 ---->prestamista

50 ---->puchuela

51 ---->quintanarroense

52 ---->racanería

53 ---->ranzón

54 ---->rebusca

55 ---->riqueza

56 ---->saltatumbas

57 ---->sanchete

58 ---->tongo

59 ---->vintenes

60 ---->zacapella

61 ---->zaina

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