Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of corriente

1 ---->alterno

2 ---->aluvión

3 ---->amperaje

4 ---->ampere

5 ---->arzobispado

6 ---->ascendentes

7 ---->autoinducción

8 ---->baqueano

9 ---->borlote

10 ---->borne

11 ---->callao

12 ---->capacitancia

13 ---->caraísmo

14 ---->circuito

15 ---->conmutatriz

16 ---->contracorriente

17 ---->convertidor

18 ---->correntada

19 ---->corriente de aire

20 ---->corrientes

21 ---->cortacircuitos

22 ---->cortocircuito

23 ---->cátodo

24 ---->decorrimiento

25 ---->deriva

26 ---->desestero

27 ---->devanado

28 ---->dicoreo

29 ---->disyuntor

30 ---->electrocución

31 ---->electrodo

32 ---->electroimán

33 ---->electrolito

34 ---->electromagnetismo

35 ---->escureta

36 ---->espira

37 ---->funcionalismo

38 ---->fusible

39 ---->galvanoscopio

40 ---->hidrografía

41 ---->hilero

42 ---->impedancia

43 ---->inductancia

44 ---->interruptor

45 ---->jaguareté

46 ---->mecanicismo

47 ---->miliamperio

48 ---->nauta

49 ---->oscilógrafo

50 ---->petrarquismo

51 ---->rabión

52 ---->reactancia

53 ---->rectificador

54 ---->represa

55 ---->reveza

56 ---->reóforo

57 ---->ríos

58 ---->sima

59 ---->solenoide

60 ---->tajadera

61 ---->tomacorriente

62 ---->torrente

63 ---->transformador

64 ---->transistor

65 ---->trocatinte

66 ---->trotskismo

67 ---->vaciante

68 ---->voltio

69 ---->voltámetro

70 ---->ánodo

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