Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of use

1 ---->abstainer

2 ---->abstinence

3 ---->abuse

4 ---->acuteness

5 ---->advocacy

6 ---->affect

7 ---->alachlor

8 ---->antisepsis

9 ---->anxiolytic

10 ---->aorta

11 ---->apostrophe

12 ---->aquaculture

13 ---->assonance

14 ---->autotransfusion

15 ---->avail

16 ---->avoidance

17 ---->beautifulness

18 ---->bibliomancy

19 ---->breastplate

20 ---->camouflage

21 ---->captan

22 ---->cardioversion

23 ---->catachresis

24 ---->chicanery

25 ---->chlorpromazine

26 ---->choker

27 ---->clyster

28 ---->collyrium

29 ---->contactor

30 ---->cottage

31 ---->cranage

32 ---->cripple

33 ---->cryosurgery

34 ---->dagger

35 ---->demodulator

36 ---->developer

37 ---->discordance

38 ---->disregard

39 ---->dissonance

40 ---->easiness

41 ---->electronic equipment

42 ---->enjambement

43 ---->enjambment

44 ---->escalade

45 ---->exertion

46 ---->extract

47 ---->feoffee

48 ---->feoffment

49 ---->flamboyance

50 ---->frequency

51 ---->frontality

52 ---->fylfot

53 ---->garcon

54 ---->haematocrit

55 ---->hatchet

56 ---->helmet

57 ---->hydropathy

58 ---->hypnoanalysis

59 ---->hypnotherapy

60 ---->ideography

61 ---->ignitron

62 ---->impracticality

63 ---->impropriety

64 ---->inconsistency

65 ---->incontestability

66 ---->inkstand

67 ---->installation

68 ---->laryngoscopy

69 ---->legality

70 ---->lifesaver

71 ---->livestock

72 ---->malaprop

73 ---->microscopy

74 ---->midsentence

75 ---->misappropriation

76 ---->modality

77 ---->nicotinamide

78 ---->nomogram

79 ---->occupancy

80 ---->oilstone

81 ---->onomastics

82 ---->opiate

83 ---->opportunity

84 ---->overdependence

85 ---->overuse

86 ---->paradox

87 ---->peculator

88 ---->perpetuity

89 ---->photocopier

90 ---->polycrystalline

91 ---->polytonality

92 ---->profanity

93 ---->promiscuity

94 ---->propellant

95 ---->pun

96 ---->rationale

97 ---->rent

98 ---->retraction

99 ---->rifleman

100 ---->runway

101 ---->sanctorum

102 ---->sensationalism

103 ---->shebeen

104 ---->simile

105 ---->skywriting

106 ---->slinger

107 ---->sophism

108 ---->spiciness

109 ---->standardization

110 ---->suggestibility

111 ---->suitability

112 ---->suppletion

113 ---->surfboat

114 ---->synarchy

115 ---->tableware

116 ---->tactic

117 ---->teetotum

118 ---->theorisation

119 ---->thrift

120 ---->tmesis

121 ---->toxic substance

122 ---->toxicity

123 ---->tracer

124 ---->twitter

125 ---->unsuitability

126 ---->usage

127 ---->user

128 ---->utensil

129 ---->verdigris

130 ---->vestment

131 ---->vulgarity

132 ---->walker

133 ---->waste

134 ---->waterpower

135 ---->welfarism

136 ---->wharfage

137 ---->wheelchair

138 ---->whop

139 ---->whup

140 ---->widescale

141 ---->withdrawer

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