Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of unit

---->letter (72)

---->symbol (35)

---->term (146)

Terminal nodes of unit

1 ---->abacus

2 ---->abdicator

3 ---->acariasis

4 ---->acronym

5 ---->acrostic

6 ---->acute

7 ---->addressee

8 ---->advection

9 ---->aerogramme

10 ---->aerography

11 ---->aitch

12 ---->alliteration

13 ---->amp

14 ---->ampere

15 ---->anacoluthon

16 ---->anagram

17 ---->anarch

18 ---->angstrom

19 ---->anomaly

20 ---->antimony

21 ---->antonomasia

22 ---->antre

23 ---->anyone

24 ---->apothecary

25 ---->apsis

26 ---->army unit

27 ---->arroba

28 ---->ascender

29 ---->ataraxia

30 ---->automatic

31 ---->ayin

32 ---->backdoor

33 ---->backfill

34 ---->bargaining

35 ---->barleycorn

36 ---->battleground

37 ---->beginner

38 ---->begum

39 ---->behaviourism

40 ---->belga

41 ---->beret

42 ---->beth

43 ---->bigoli

44 ---->bioflavonoid

45 ---->bobsled

46 ---->boliviano

47 ---->bookkeeping

48 ---->bootstrap

49 ---->bourn

50 ---->bourne

51 ---->brassard

52 ---->brat

53 ---->breve

54 ---->bridgehead

55 ---->brutalism

56 ---->buckra

57 ---->buffer

58 ---->bushel

59 ---->bushpig

60 ---->buzzword

61 ---->byzantine and modern greek

62 ---->caduceus

63 ---->calathos

64 ---->calculus

65 ---->californium

66 ---->camera

67 ---->candela

68 ---->capitulation

69 ---->carcanet

70 ---->caret

71 ---->celerity

72 ---->chapstick

73 ---->chon

74 ---->chronicler

75 ---->chutzpah

76 ---->cicero

77 ---->claim

78 ---->client

79 ---->coarseness

80 ---->cobber

81 ---->commando

82 ---->comparison

83 ---->compromise

84 ---->conatus

85 ---->concept

86 ---->conflict of interest

87 ---->connotation

88 ---->consonant

89 ---->contretemps

90 ---->cosign

91 ---->covenanter

92 ---->cringe

93 ---->crunchy nut

94 ---->crux

95 ---->cryptogram

96 ---->curtilage

97 ---->daemon

98 ---->data processor

99 ---->definer

100 ---->definiens

101 ---->denial

102 ---->denotation

103 ---->density

104 ---->descender

105 ---->descriptor

106 ---->developmental anomaly

107 ---->diacritic

108 ---->diaeresis

109 ---->differentia

110 ---->digraph

111 ---->diluvium

112 ---->dinoflagellate

113 ---->diopter

114 ---->dioptre

115 ---->dipsomania

116 ---->dirham

117 ---->disclimax

118 ---->disk

119 ---->dissent

120 ---->doggerel

121 ---->duper

122 ---->dyne

123 ---->electronvolt

124 ---->emblem

125 ---->emu

126 ---->engram

127 ---->enthymeme

128 ---->epistle

129 ---->epithet

130 ---->equidistance

131 ---->erysipelas

132 ---->escadrille

133 ---->escudo

134 ---->excuse

135 ---->exeat

136 ---->eyewash

137 ---->faggot

138 ---->fasces

139 ---->fatso

140 ---->fermium

141 ---->fingerprint

142 ---->fluxion

143 ---->forint

144 ---->formation

145 ---->futhork

146 ---->gammadion

147 ---->gasholder

148 ---->gerontocracy

149 ---->gimel

150 ---->git

151 ---->glance

152 ---->gloat

153 ---->glossary

154 ---->glossologist

155 ---->gnu

156 ---->godparent

157 ---->goniatite

158 ---->gook

159 ---->gourde

160 ---->greaser

161 ---->grosz

162 ---->guardsman

163 ---->gulden

164 ---->gyrocompass

165 ---->haemodialysis

166 ---->hai

167 ---->handful

168 ---->hebrew letter

169 ---->hemiterpene

170 ---->hertz

171 ---->heth

172 ---->hexad

173 ---->hidrosis

174 ---->hiragana

175 ---->hokku

176 ---->holmium

177 ---->hooknose

178 ---->hotcake

179 ---->hotchpot

180 ---->hovertrain

181 ---->hyperdulia

182 ---->ibex

183 ---->icon

184 ---->idiot

185 ---->illuminance

186 ---->imp

187 ---->implementer

188 ---->impulse

189 ---->indult

190 ---->inertness

191 ---->inkhorn

192 ---->inkwell

193 ---->installer

194 ---->inti

195 ---->isogram

196 ---->isoprene

197 ---->izzard

198 ---->jailhouse

199 ---->jargon

200 ---->jawboning

201 ---->jumble

202 ---->kaffir

203 ---->kilderkin

204 ---->kinship

205 ---->koph

206 ---->koppa

207 ---->kroon

208 ---->kyat

209 ---->lectionary

210 ---->legwork

211 ---->lek

212 ---->letterbox

213 ---->letterhead

214 ---->letterset

215 ---->leu

216 ---->lev

217 ---->ligature

218 ---->linga

219 ---->linguistic unit

220 ---->litas

221 ---->literator

222 ---->literature in english, british isles

223 ---->livre

224 ---->lodger

225 ---->logomachy

226 ---->logorrhea

227 ---->lumpenproletariat

228 ---->macron

229 ---->magnesia

230 ---->magneton

231 ---->mail

232 ---->majordomo

233 ---->malocclusion

234 ---->manageress

235 ---->marginalia

236 ---->mass unit

237 ---->measurement

238 ---->meeter

239 ---->menorah

240 ---->ment

241 ---->metagalaxy

242 ---->metaphrase

243 ---->metonymy

244 ---->metre

245 ---->microsecond

246 ---->midterm

247 ---->military unit

248 ---->milliliter

249 ---->mina

250 ---->misnomer

251 ---->modifier

252 ---->monetary unit

253 ---->mongo

254 ---->monism

255 ---->monomania

256 ---->mooncalf

257 ---->mopoke

258 ---->morphophoneme

259 ---->mover

260 ---->muckraker

261 ---->multiple

262 ---->multiplexer

263 ---->muntin

264 ---->muskeg

265 ---->neighbor

266 ---->neoconservatism

267 ---->nephron

268 ---->nesselrode

269 ---->nixer

270 ---->nominalism

271 ---->nonce

272 ---->nonfeasance

273 ---->notation

274 ---->noteworthiness

275 ---->nub

276 ---->obelus

277 ---->obreption

278 ---->ofay

279 ---->ogham

280 ---->opprobrium

281 ---->originator

282 ---->orthogenesis

283 ---->ounce

284 ---->overload

285 ---->paisa

286 ---->pallium

287 ---->palstave

288 ---->panzer

289 ---->paratrooper

290 ---->pascal

291 ---->password

292 ---->peacock

293 ---->pelite

294 ---->pelmet

295 ---->pentad

296 ---->pentagram

297 ---->phi

298 ---->phonics

299 ---->phot

300 ---->phrase

301 ---->pickaninny

302 ---->piker

303 ---->pinfold

304 ---->pinko

305 ---->pint

306 ---->pithead

307 ---->plasmolysis

308 ---->plot

309 ---->poetess

310 ---->polyacetylene

311 ---->polymath

312 ---->poof

313 ---->poove

314 ---->portmanteau

315 ---->poseur

316 ---->postage

317 ---->postbag

318 ---->postmark

319 ---->power unit

320 ---->praseodymium

321 ---->proglottid

322 ---->psychoanalyst

323 ---->puffery

324 ---->pul

325 ---->pushbutton

326 ---->qoph

327 ---->quantity

328 ---->quartette

329 ---->refresher

330 ---->rejigger

331 ---->rejoinder

332 ---->relatum

333 ---->rial

334 ---->riel

335 ---->rooinek

336 ---->rosarium

337 ---->sadhe

338 ---->salutation

339 ---->scan

340 ---->scan of the album

341 ---->scanner

342 ---->scantling

343 ---->scumbag

344 ---->seer

345 ---->sennit

346 ---->ser

347 ---->serif

348 ---->sestertium

349 ---->sextette

350 ---->shiksa

351 ---->shill

352 ---->shock

353 ---->shoran

354 ---->shorthand

355 ---->sigil

356 ---->simar

357 ---->slang

358 ---->slur

359 ---->smoko

360 ---->songster

361 ---->sough

362 ---->spahi

363 ---->sparc

364 ---->speller

365 ---->sprechgesang

366 ---->squaw

367 ---->squirearchy

368 ---->stagger

369 ---->stere

370 ---->sucre

371 ---->suffragette

372 ---->swastika

373 ---->swigger

374 ---->swineherd

375 ---->syllabogram

376 ---->symbolism

377 ---->symbology

378 ---->synecdoche

379 ---->syntagma

380 ---->synthetism

381 ---->tagmeme

382 ---->taka

383 ---->tannoy

384 ---->tape

385 ---->tater

386 ---->taupe

387 ---->tautonym

388 ---->tav

389 ---->taxeme

390 ---->teewurst

391 ---->temperature unit

392 ---->testing

393 ---->teth

394 ---->theologian

395 ---->threesome

396 ---->thumbprint

397 ---->ticker

398 ---->time unit

399 ---->tosspot

400 ---->totem

401 ---->tracker

402 ---->triskele

403 ---->triskelion

404 ---->tummy

405 ---->twerp

406 ---->typist

407 ---->unitholder

408 ---->unitization

409 ---->untruth

410 ---->vallecula

411 ---->vav

412 ---->venality

413 ---->versifier

414 ---->volt

415 ---->volume unit

416 ---->wack

417 ---->wanker

418 ---->waybill

419 ---->weasand

420 ---->weight unit

421 ---->wetback

422 ---->williwaw

423 ---->woodlot

424 ---->woodpile

425 ---->word

426 ---->workload

427 ---->written symbol

428 ---->xerophthalmia

429 ---->yodh

430 ---->yogh

431 ---->zaire

432 ---->zayin

433 ---->zealotry

434 ---->zed

435 ---->zee

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