Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of temperature

---->heat (23)

Terminal nodes of temperature

1 ---->amberoid

2 ---->austenite

3 ---->blowlamp

4 ---->brittleness

5 ---->calorimetry

6 ---->climate

7 ---->cloudiness

8 ---->coercivity

9 ---->coldness

10 ---->combustion

11 ---->conduction

12 ---->convection

13 ---->coolant

14 ---->cryostat

15 ---->cupellation

16 ---->dibromide

17 ---->dryness

18 ---->ductility

19 ---->dullard

20 ---->embrittlement

21 ---->evaporator

22 ---->fervor

23 ---->firebrick

24 ---->freeze

25 ---->freezer

26 ---->freezing

27 ---->hardiness

28 ---->heater

29 ---->heatstroke

30 ---->heatwave

31 ---->hotness

32 ---->humidity

33 ---->hypothermia

34 ---->incandescence

35 ---->inversion

36 ---->isotherm

37 ---->luminescence

38 ---->luminosity

39 ---->menthol

40 ---->paragenesis

41 ---->polymer

42 ---->pyroelectricity

43 ---->recalescence

44 ---->repechage

45 ---->resistivity

46 ---->scorch

47 ---->seasonality

48 ---->shiver

49 ---->solubility

50 ---->storminess

51 ---->superconductivity

52 ---->superconductor

53 ---->swelter

54 ---->temp

55 ---->thermion

56 ---->thermistor

57 ---->thermochemistry

58 ---->thermodynamics

59 ---->thermogenesis

60 ---->thermomagnetic

61 ---->thermometry

62 ---->thermoplasticity

63 ---->thermotaxis

64 ---->torrefaction

65 ---->tropopause

66 ---->variability

67 ---->vide

68 ---->viscosity

69 ---->warmer

70 ---->wintertime

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