Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of state

---->agreement (22)

---->case (43)

---->disorder (30)

---->effect (48)

---->fact (16)

---->permission (5)

---->war (94)

Terminal nodes of state

1 ---->aberrance

2 ---->abjection

3 ---->accord

4 ---->achondroplasia

5 ---->adjuster

6 ---->adjutant

7 ---->adoption

8 ---->adviser

9 ---->aftermath

10 ---->agitation

11 ---->alertness

12 ---->ally

13 ---->alopecia

14 ---->amphictyony

15 ---->anaesthesia

16 ---->anarchy

17 ---->anesthesia

18 ---->angelo

19 ---->anorexia

20 ---->anosmia

21 ---->antiworld

22 ---->apollo

23 ---->apraxia

24 ---->armistice

25 ---->arousal

26 ---->arrearage

27 ---->assam

28 ---->assembly

29 ---->attaché

30 ---->attenuation

31 ---->autarky

32 ---->autism

33 ---->autochthonism

34 ---->automatism

35 ---->autonomy

36 ---->baati

37 ---->bankruptcy

38 ---->bannock

39 ---->basic

40 ---->battle

41 ---->battledress

42 ---->bedlam

43 ---->belligerency

44 ---->betrothal

45 ---->bewilderment

46 ---->bicameralism

47 ---->billfold

48 ---->bind

49 ---->blitzkrieg

50 ---->blockade

51 ---->bobcat

52 ---->bodkin

53 ---->bola

54 ---->bombing

55 ---->bonbon

56 ---->bonito

57 ---->booty

58 ---->bovver

59 ---->bow

60 ---->braveness

61 ---->briefcase

62 ---->brinkmanship

63 ---->bucentaur

64 ---->buckeye

65 ---->bulimia

66 ---->burse

67 ---->busyness

68 ---->butte

69 ---->byproduct

70 ---->cabinet

71 ---->cablegram

72 ---->caffein

73 ---->caffeine

74 ---->calas

75 ---->calciferol

76 ---->calmness

77 ---->campaign

78 ---->carbamazepine

79 ---->carnage

80 ---->carpetbagger

81 ---->carryall

82 ---->carryforward

83 ---->cartridge

84 ---->casualness

85 ---->casuist

86 ---->catafalque

87 ---->caudillo

88 ---->causation

89 ---->causer

90 ---->ceasefire

91 ---->cemetery

92 ---->cenotaph

93 ---->certitude

94 ---->chancellery

95 ---->chariot

96 ---->chaser

97 ---->chemostat

98 ---->chin

99 ---->citizen

100 ---->clause

101 ---->cleanup

102 ---->cloud

103 ---->coffer

104 ---->coliseum

105 ---->coma

106 ---->commis

107 ---->committeewoman

108 ---->commonwealth

109 ---->compatibility

110 ---->complainer

111 ---->confederacy

112 ---->confederation

113 ---->confinement

114 ---->conformability

115 ---->confusion

116 ---->conglomeration

117 ---->consciousness

118 ---->conspicuousness

119 ---->constituent state

120 ---->constitution

121 ---->constitutionality

122 ---->constriction

123 ---->contemporaneity

124 ---->contentment

125 ---->copperhead

126 ---->coquettishness

127 ---->corticosterone

128 ---->counterplot

129 ---->county route

130 ---->covertness

131 ---->crapshoot

132 ---->creakiness

133 ---->crookedness

134 ---->crossness

135 ---->cruiser

136 ---->crusader

137 ---->cruzeiro

138 ---->cumulonimbus

139 ---->curvature

140 ---->cyclothymia

141 ---->cytomegalovirus

142 ---->damage

143 ---->datum

144 ---->deadlock

145 ---->decisis

146 ---->decisiveness

147 ---->defencelessness

148 ---->degeneracy

149 ---->delegate

150 ---->dementia

151 ---->demilitarisation

152 ---->demission

153 ---->demobilization

154 ---->depersonalization

155 ---->deprivation

156 ---->dervish

157 ---->deterioration

158 ---->deterrent

159 ---->detriment

160 ---->devotedness

161 ---->dictum

162 ---->digitisation

163 ---->dilapidation

164 ---->directory

165 ---->disaffection

166 ---->disrepute

167 ---->dissimilation

168 ---->distributorship

169 ---->disunion

170 ---->dixie

171 ---->doughboy

172 ---->dreaminess

173 ---->druginduced akathisia

174 ---->dustiness

175 ---->dysthymia

176 ---->détente

177 ---->egomania

178 ---->egregiousness

179 ---->elk

180 ---->embedment

181 ---->emirate

182 ---->emotion

183 ---->employer

184 ---->encirclement

185 ---->encroachment

186 ---->endemism

187 ---->endpaper

188 ---->engagement

189 ---->enkephalin

190 ---->entanglement

191 ---->entente

192 ---->enthrallment

193 ---->entirety

194 ---->entrepreneurialism

195 ---->epilepsy

196 ---->epistasis

197 ---->epistaxis

198 ---->equality

199 ---->errancy

200 ---->estivation

201 ---->evzone

202 ---->exception

203 ---->exciton

204 ---->excursus

205 ---->exhaustion

206 ---->extradition

207 ---->factualism

208 ---->factuality

209 ---->federal republic

210 ---->federation

211 ---->felon

212 ---->filthiness

213 ---->firewarden

214 ---->fisc

215 ---->fluster

216 ---->football

217 ---->forest

218 ---->fort

219 ---->framer

220 ---->frangibility

221 ---->freeway

222 ---->garboil

223 ---->gaseous state

224 ---->gent

225 ---->gerrymander

226 ---->gibe

227 ---->gid

228 ---->governor

229 ---->grambling

230 ---->greatcoat

231 ---->grotesquery

232 ---->groyne

233 ---->gunlock

234 ---->gunstock

235 ---->habitat

236 ---->hallucination

237 ---->hallucinosis

238 ---->hamartoma

239 ---->hardtack

240 ---->hauberk

241 ---->head of state

242 ---->headnote

243 ---->hegemony

244 ---->helot

245 ---->hepatotoxicity

246 ---->hessian

247 ---->hibernation

248 ---->highway

249 ---->homosexuality

250 ---->honor

251 ---->horniness

252 ---->hula

253 ---->hussar

254 ---->hydrophily

255 ---->hyperthyroidism

256 ---->hypomania

257 ---->hysteresis

258 ---->ihram

259 ---->illegitimacy

260 ---->immanence

261 ---->immateriality

262 ---->imminence

263 ---->incomprehensibleness

264 ---->inconsequentiality

265 ---->increase

266 ---->indehiscence

267 ---->indeterminacy

268 ---->indetermination

269 ---->indifference

270 ---->individualism

271 ---->inhabitancy

272 ---->inherency

273 ---->innocence

274 ---->instance

275 ---->integrity

276 ---->intentionality

277 ---->interstate highway

278 ---->intervenor

279 ---->irrevocability

280 ---->isomorph

281 ---->itemizer

282 ---->jell

283 ---->jihad

284 ---->judge

285 ---->juvenility

286 ---->kadi

287 ---->kale

288 ---->kamikaze

289 ---->kek lapis sarawak

290 ---->khat

291 ---->kleptomania

292 ---->knickerbockers

293 ---->knob

294 ---->knowingness

295 ---->lamian

296 ---->landgraviate

297 ---->landsknecht

298 ---->lawbreaker

299 ---->lawmaker

300 ---->laxative

301 ---->laxity

302 ---->legal opinion

303 ---->lethargy

304 ---->leveler

305 ---->likelihood

306 ---->liquid state

307 ---->liquor

308 ---->lowliness

309 ---->magnetization

310 ---->magnum

311 ---->maharaja

312 ---->malacca

313 ---->mallam

314 ---->malpractice

315 ---->maltiness

316 ---->manageability

317 ---->mandate

318 ---->mandi

319 ---->marker

320 ---->matériel

321 ---->memorandum

322 ---->mezuzah

323 ---->michigan

324 ---->microcephaly

325 ---->militia

326 ---->mindfulness

327 ---->miosis

328 ---->moa

329 ---->mobilization

330 ---->mode

331 ---->monarch

332 ---->mood

333 ---->moonlighter

334 ---->moraine

335 ---->morocco

336 ---->multiparity

337 ---->multiplier

338 ---->multistate

339 ---->multivibrator

340 ---->mutism

341 ---->mydriasis

342 ---->mélange

343 ---->naturalization

344 ---->nature

345 ---->neediness

346 ---->negligence

347 ---->negotiation

348 ---->nemesis

349 ---->new brunswick

350 ---->nitre

351 ---->nizam

352 ---->noil

353 ---->noncompetition

354 ---->nonintervention

355 ---->nothingness

356 ---->numbat

357 ---->nystagmus

358 ---->obduracy

359 ---->obligor

360 ---->ocean

361 ---->odour

362 ---->opponent

363 ---->organzine

364 ---->oversight

365 ---->pacifism

366 ---->pacifist

367 ---->pact

368 ---->padre

369 ---->palace

370 ---->palimony

371 ---->pallbearer

372 ---->pallor

373 ---->palmetto

374 ---->para

375 ---->parahydrogen

376 ---->parallelization

377 ---->parenthood

378 ---->parkway

379 ---->particularism

380 ---->partnership

381 ---->party link party socialist unity centre of india

382 ---->pathological state

383 ---->peace

384 ---->pekan

385 ---->pelerine

386 ---->penality

387 ---->pendragon

388 ---->penna

389 ---->perjury

390 ---->pharmacopoeia

391 ---->philhellene

392 ---->pillage

393 ---->pilosity

394 ---->pipkin

395 ---->pledge

396 ---->plunge

397 ---->pluralism

398 ---->plutocracy

399 ---->podesta

400 ---->poilu

401 ---->polish

402 ---->polity

403 ---->populace

404 ---->positronium

405 ---->possession

406 ---->potentiality

407 ---->precedent

408 ---->predomination

409 ---->preexistence

410 ---->pregnancy

411 ---->preparedness

412 ---->prescriptiveness

413 ---->president

414 ---->presidium

415 ---->profligacy

416 ---->projectionist

417 ---->proof

418 ---->prosecutor

419 ---->protectorate

420 ---->psychopathy

421 ---->psychosurgery

422 ---->pupil

423 ---->purgatory

424 ---->putrefaction

425 ---->putridity

426 ---->puzzlement

427 ---->pyrrhic

428 ---->quandary

429 ---->quiescence

430 ---->quisling

431 ---->rasher

432 ---->ratification

433 ---->ratline

434 ---->reactiveness

435 ---->recency

436 ---->reconstruction

437 ---->redcoat

438 ---->redolence

439 ---->regime

440 ---->regress

441 ---->reorganization

442 ---->repo

443 ---->repudiation

444 ---->research

445 ---->reservoir

446 ---->residentship

447 ---->resister

448 ---->resolubility

449 ---->retrial

450 ---->retroflexion

451 ---->revanchism

452 ---->revery

453 ---->river

454 ---->riviere

455 ---->rouge

456 ---->roup

457 ---->route

458 ---->rustiness

459 ---->sabretache

460 ---->sadness

461 ---->saltpeter

462 ---->samarium

463 ---->sambuca

464 ---->sarpanch

465 ---->satiation

466 ---->scale

467 ---->scarificator

468 ---->schizophrenia

469 ---->schooner

470 ---->scoreboard

471 ---->scuppernong

472 ---->secession

473 ---->secessionist

474 ---->secretary

475 ---->secularity

476 ---->senility

477 ---->separatism

478 ---->sepoy

479 ---->severance

480 ---->shadiness

481 ---->shadow

482 ---->shambles

483 ---->shithead

484 ---->short forms

485 ---->sink

486 ---->sitzkrieg

487 ---->skirmish

488 ---->sleep disorder

489 ---->sleepiness

490 ---->snafu

491 ---->softball

492 ---->solicitude

493 ---->solvency

494 ---->sorrow

495 ---->sovereignty

496 ---->sovkhoz

497 ---->speciousness

498 ---->spending

499 ---->spillover

500 ---->splendiferousness

501 ---->sponsion

502 ---->squeamishness

503 ---->stagnation

504 ---->stasis

505 ---->statehood

506 ---->statolatry

507 ---->sterlet

508 ---->steward

509 ---->stipulation

510 ---->strafer

511 ---->stratocracy

512 ---->stretchiness

513 ---->subjugation

514 ---->subnormality

515 ---->superfluousness

516 ---->supposition

517 ---->survivor

518 ---->suzerain

519 ---->suzerainty

520 ---->sweetie

521 ---->syncope

522 ---->synesis

523 ---->taluk

524 ---->tangency

525 ---->tempore

526 ---->tenno

527 ---->territorialism

528 ---->terror

529 ---->terrorism

530 ---->testimony

531 ---->thalassocracy

532 ---->theomachy

533 ---->thrall

534 ---->thruway

535 ---->torpor

536 ---->towhead

537 ---->trace

538 ---->tranquility

539 ---->tranquillity

540 ---->treasurer

541 ---->trehalose

542 ---->triboelectricity

543 ---->trichology

544 ---->trisoctahedron

545 ---->triunity

546 ---->trivia

547 ---->trooper

548 ---->troopship

549 ---->turtledove

550 ---->type of battle

551 ---->typicality

552 ---->unconsciousness

553 ---->undersecretary

554 ---->unemployment

555 ---->unification

556 ---->united states president

557 ---->unknowability

558 ---->unlimitedness

559 ---->unrest

560 ---->unsentimental

561 ---->unsettlement

562 ---->untouchability

563 ---->uppercut

564 ---->uprising

565 ---->us state

566 ---->vagrancy

567 ---->vanquishment

568 ---->verbiage

569 ---->vibrato

570 ---->vicinity

571 ---->victory

572 ---->vileness

573 ---->villosity

574 ---->visit

575 ---->vomiting

576 ---->wage

577 ---->wakefulness

578 ---->warfare

579 ---->warmonger

580 ---->warmongering

581 ---->wartime

582 ---->weal

583 ---->widowhood

584 ---->woodlark

585 ---->world war

586 ---->written agreement

587 ---->york

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