Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Showing the taxonomy created so far:
Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Terminal nodes of ship

1 ---->afterdeck

2 ---->ancon

3 ---->arethusa

4 ---->ark

5 ---->bacchante

6 ---->badge

7 ---->ballast

8 ---->bap

9 ---->barge

10 ---->barkentine

11 ---->barque

12 ---->barquentine

13 ---->barratry

14 ---->berth

15 ---->bilge

16 ---->bireme

17 ---->boatswain

18 ---->bombard

19 ---->bosun

20 ---->bougie

21 ---->bowsprit

22 ---->brig

23 ---->brigantine

24 ---->builder

25 ---->bulkhead

26 ---->bumboat

27 ---->bundu

28 ---->capstan

29 ---->caravel

30 ---->cardigan

31 ---->cargo

32 ---->carling

33 ---->carrack

34 ---->catamaran

35 ---->centaur

36 ---->chaff

37 ---->chick peas

38 ---->clippers

39 ---->coastguard

40 ---->cofferdam

41 ---->common man

42 ---->companionway

43 ---->conn

44 ---->container

45 ---->convoy

46 ---->coolie

47 ---->corvette

48 ---->cramp

49 ---->crew

50 ---->cruise

51 ---->cutter

52 ---->deckhand

53 ---->decoy

54 ---->destroyer

55 ---->dhow

56 ---->dock

57 ---->draught

58 ---->dreadnought

59 ---->drive

60 ---->dromond

61 ---->dryad

62 ---->dunnage

63 ---->dunt

64 ---->eagre

65 ---->ensign

66 ---->fate

67 ---->finback

68 ---->flagship

69 ---->floe

70 ---->flotilla

71 ---->flotsam

72 ---->flounder

73 ---->flyboat

74 ---->foghorn

75 ---->foredeck

76 ---->foremast

77 ---->forepart

78 ---->forepeak

79 ---->founder

80 ---->foxhunt

81 ---->freeboard

82 ---->freighter

83 ---->frigate

84 ---->futtock

85 ---->galleon

86 ---->galley

87 ---->galloper

88 ---->gangway

89 ---->gunboat

90 ---->gunwale

91 ---->harborage

92 ---->haul

93 ---->hawkbill

94 ---->hawse

95 ---->helmsman

96 ---->hog

97 ---->hoist

98 ---->hovercraft

99 ---->hydrofoil

100 ---->iceberg

101 ---->icebreaker

102 ---->inflatable

103 ---->jigger

104 ---->keel

105 ---->keelson

106 ---->ketch

107 ---->kraken

108 ---->landing

109 ---->lascar

110 ---->lightship

111 ---->livorno

112 ---->longship

113 ---->longshoreman

114 ---->mainmast

115 ---->mariner

116 ---->merchantman

117 ---->military man

118 ---->milquetoast

119 ---->minefield

120 ---->minehunter

121 ---->mizzenmast

122 ---->mothball

123 ---->myrmidon

124 ---->namesake

125 ---->nautilus

126 ---->navigator

127 ---->navy

128 ---->obstructor

129 ---->orlop

130 ---->paddle

131 ---->pediment

132 ---->petard

133 ---->picket

134 ---->pinta

135 ---->pirate

136 ---->plimsoll

137 ---->poop

138 ---->port

139 ---->porthole

140 ---->pratique

141 ---->privateer

142 ---->prow

143 ---->purser

144 ---->pursuer

145 ---->quarterdeck

146 ---->quinquereme

147 ---->razee

148 ---->recoverer

149 ---->refit

150 ---->replica

151 ---->rescue

152 ---->riband

153 ---->rig

154 ---->roadstead

155 ---->romper

156 ---->rumrunner

157 ---->salvor

158 ---->sambur

159 ---->sampan

160 ---->sandbank

161 ---->scupper

162 ---->seacock

163 ---->seafarer

164 ---->seamanship

165 ---->seasickness

166 ---->seaway

167 ---->shakedown

168 ---->shallop

169 ---->shay

170 ---->shellbark

171 ---->shipboard

172 ---->shipbuilder

173 ---->shipload

174 ---->shipmate

175 ---->shipowner

176 ---->shipwreck

177 ---->shipwright

178 ---->shipyard

179 ---->slaver

180 ---->sloop

181 ---->snickersnee

182 ---->speedboat

183 ---->stateroom

184 ---->steamship

185 ---->steersman

186 ---->stevedore

187 ---->straggler

188 ---->taffrail

189 ---->ton

190 ---->tonnage

191 ---->topmast

192 ---->topside

193 ---->torpedo

194 ---->tow

195 ---->trireme

196 ---->tug

197 ---->tugboat

198 ---->umiak

199 ---->vasa

200 ---->wain

201 ---->warship

202 ---->waterhen

203 ---->waterline

204 ---->whaler

205 ---->wheelhouse

206 ---->whelp

207 ---->whydah

208 ---->working man

209 ---->wreck

210 ---->yarrow

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