Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of science

---->astronomy (1)

---->biology (9)

---->chemistry (9)

---->computer science

---->engineering (1)

---->geography (2)

---->mathematics (4)

---->medicine (1)

---->neuroscience (6)

---->physical science (1)

---->physics (8)


---->social science (1)

Terminal nodes of science

1 ---->acoustics

2 ---->aerobatics

3 ---->aerobics

4 ---->aerology

5 ---->aeromechanics

6 ---->aeronautics

7 ---->aerostation

8 ---->aetiology

9 ---->agricultural and resource economics

10 ---->agriculture

11 ---->agrobiology

12 ---->agrology

13 ---->agronomics

14 ---->agronomy

15 ---->algebraic geometry

16 ---->allometry

17 ---->altimetry

18 ---->american politics

19 ---->amphibology

20 ---->anaesthetics

21 ---->analogy

22 ---->analytical chemistry

23 ---->anatomical pathology

24 ---->ancient philosophy

25 ---->anesthesiology

26 ---->angelology

27 ---->angiology

28 ---->animal science

29 ---->anthology

30 ---->anthropological linguistics

31 ---->anthropology

32 ---->anthropometry

33 ---->antisodomy

34 ---->apologetics

35 ---->apology

36 ---->applied dynamics

37 ---->applied linguistics

38 ---->applied mathematics

39 ---->applied mechanics

40 ---->applied statistics

41 ---->aquatic ecology

42 ---->archaeology

43 ---->area of mathematics

44 ---->areography

45 ---->artistry

46 ---->astrobiology

47 ---->astrodynamics

48 ---->astrogeology

49 ---->astrometry

50 ---->astronautics

51 ---->astronomy

52 ---->astronomy and astrophysics

53 ---->astrophotography

54 ---->astrophysics

55 ---->astrophysics and astronomy

56 ---->atomic, molecular and optical physics

57 ---->audiology

58 ---->audiometry

59 ---->autography

60 ---->bachelor

61 ---->bacteriology

62 ---->ballistics

63 ---->balneology

64 ---->bathymetry

65 ---->behavioral ecology

66 ---->behavioral economics

67 ---->behavioral neurobiology

68 ---->bibliography

69 ---->bibliology

70 ---->bioastronautics

71 ---->biochemistry

72 ---->biodynamics

73 ---->bioecology

74 ---->bioenergetics

75 ---->bioengineering

76 ---->bioethics

77 ---->biogeochemistry

78 ---->biogeography

79 ---->bioimaging and biomedical optics

80 ---->biological and chemical physics

81 ---->biological psychology

82 ---->bionomics

83 ---->biostatistics

84 ---->biotechnology

85 ---->branch of science

86 ---->bryology

87 ---->cacogenics

88 ---->calligraphy

89 ---->callisthenics

90 ---->cambistry

91 ---->campanology

92 ---->cancer biology

93 ---->cardiology

94 ---->carpology

95 ---->cartography

96 ---->catoptrics

97 ---->cell biology

98 ---->cellular physiology

99 ---->cephalometry

100 ---->ceramic materials

101 ---->cerography

102 ---->cetology

103 ---->cholecystectomy

104 ---->chorography

105 ---->chromatography

106 ---->civics

107 ---->classical literature and philology

108 ---->classics

109 ---->climatology

110 ---->clinical psychology

111 ---->codicology

112 ---->cognitive psychology

113 ---->colloquium

114 ---->colorimetry

115 ---->colostomy

116 ---->communicator

117 ---->community psychology

118 ---->comparative and historical linguistics

119 ---->comparative physiology

120 ---->comparative politics

121 ---->computational biology

122 ---->computational linguistics

123 ---->computer science

124 ---->condensed matter physics

125 ---->coquetry

126 ---->cosmetics

127 ---->cosmetology

128 ---->cosmochemistry

129 ---->craniology

130 ---->craniometry

131 ---->cryobiology

132 ---->cryonics

133 ---->cryptography

134 ---->cryptology

135 ---->crystallography

136 ---->cultural anthropology

137 ---->curriculum

138 ---->cystotomy

139 ---->cytogenetics

140 ---->cytotaxonomy

141 ---->dairy science

142 ---->demography

143 ---->demography, population, and ecology

144 ---->demonology

145 ---->dentistry

146 ---->deontologist

147 ---->deontology

148 ---->dermatoglyphics

149 ---->desuetude

150 ---->developmental biology

151 ---->developmental psychology

152 ---->dialectology

153 ---->dichotomy

154 ---->didactics

155 ---->dietetics

156 ---->dilatometry

157 ---->dioptrics

158 ---->discography

159 ---->discourse linguistics

160 ---->discrete mathematics and combinatorics

161 ---->dittography

162 ---->dolorimetry

163 ---->dosimetry

164 ---->doxology

165 ---->dysgenics

166 ---->dystopia

167 ---->earth science

168 ---->ecclesiology

169 ---->eccrinology

170 ---->ecology

171 ---->economics

172 ---->electrical and electronics

173 ---->electrochemistry

174 ---->electrodynamics

175 ---->electrography

176 ---->electromagnetics

177 ---->electronics

178 ---->electrooptics

179 ---->electrophysiology

180 ---->embryology

181 ---->endocrinology

182 ---->endodontics

183 ---->energetics

184 ---->engineering mechanics

185 ---->engineering physics

186 ---->engineering science

187 ---->enterotomy

188 ---->environmental chemistry

189 ---->environmental microbiology

190 ---->epidemiology

191 ---->epigraphy

192 ---->epistemology

193 ---->eschatology

194 ---->ethics

195 ---->ethnography

196 ---->ethnology

197 ---->ethnomusicology

198 ---->ethology

199 ---->etiology

200 ---->eugenics

201 ---->eurythmics

202 ---->evolutionary ecology

203 ---->evolutionary physiology

204 ---->exactitude

205 ---->exercise physiology

206 ---->experimental psychology

207 ---->farriery

208 ---->feminist philosophy

209 ---->firm

210 ---->fish anatomy

211 ---->floristics

212 ---->fluid dynamics

213 ---->fluid mechanics

214 ---->food biotechnology

215 ---->food chemistry

216 ---->food microbiology

217 ---->food science

218 ---->forensics

219 ---->forest biology

220 ---->forestry

221 ---->french linguistics

222 ---->futurology

223 ---->gastronomy

224 ---->gastrostomy

225 ---->gastrotomy

226 ---->genealogy

227 ---->genetics

228 ---->genomics

229 ---->geodetics

230 ---->geodynamics

231 ---->geography

232 ---->geometry

233 ---->geometry and topology

234 ---->geophysics

235 ---->geopolitics

236 ---->geoscience

237 ---->geriatrics

238 ---->german linguistics

239 ---->glazier

240 ---->gnotobiotics

241 ---->grader

242 ---->graphology

243 ---->gynaecology

244 ---->hagiology

245 ---->haplography

246 ---->health psychology

247 ---->helminthology

248 ---->heroics

249 ---->herpetology

250 ---->heterography

251 ---->heuristics

252 ---->hieroglyphics

253 ---->hierology

254 ---->histochemistry

255 ---->histology

256 ---->historiography

257 ---->history of philosophy

258 ---->holography

259 ---->homology

260 ---->horticulture

261 ---->human geography

262 ---->hydraulics

263 ---->hydrodynamics

264 ---->hydrography

265 ---->hydrokinetics

266 ---->hydrology

267 ---->hydromagnetics

268 ---->hydrostatics

269 ---->hygienics

270 ---->hygrometry

271 ---->hymnology

272 ---->hypnology

273 ---->hypsography

274 ---->hypsometry

275 ---->hysterectomy

276 ---->hysterics

277 ---->ideology

278 ---->ileostomy

279 ---->immunology

280 ---->immunopathology

281 ---->inceptor

282 ---->indoeuropean linguistics and philology

283 ---->industrial and organizational psychology

284 ---->informatics

285 ---->inorganic chemistry

286 ---->international economics

287 ---->intraindustry

288 ---->iodometry

289 ---->iridotomy

290 ---->isagogics

291 ---->isometry

292 ---->kinematics

293 ---->kinesics

294 ---->kinesiology

295 ---->kinetics

296 ---->koniology

297 ---->labor economics

298 ---->laboratory

299 ---->laryngology

300 ---->leucotomy

301 ---->lexicology

302 ---->library science

303 ---->lichenology

304 ---->life science

305 ---->limnology

306 ---->linguistic anthropology

307 ---->lithography

308 ---->logic and foundations of mathematics

309 ---->loxodromics

310 ---->loxodromy

311 ---->macroeconomics

312 ---->magnetics

313 ---->malacology

314 ---->mammalogy

315 ---->mammogram

316 ---->mammography

317 ---->martyrology

318 ---->master

319 ---->materials science

320 ---->mathematics

321 ---->mechanics

322 ---->mechanics of materials

323 ---->medical oncology

324 ---->medical science

325 ---->medicinal chemistry

326 ---->medicinalpharmaceutical chemistry

327 ---->membrane science

328 ---->mentor

329 ---->metamathematics

330 ---->metaphysics

331 ---->metapsychology

332 ---->meteorology

333 ---->methodology

334 ---->metrology

335 ---->microbial ecology

336 ---->microbial physiology

337 ---->microbiology

338 ---->microchemistry

339 ---->microeconomics

340 ---->microelectronics

341 ---->micrometeorology

342 ---->microphysics

343 ---->mineral physics

344 ---->mineralogy

345 ---->ministry

346 ---->molecular biology

347 ---->molecular genetics

348 ---->molecular physiology

349 ---->monology

350 ---->morphology

351 ---->mycology

352 ---->myology

353 ---->myrmecology

354 ---->mythology

355 ---->navigation, guidance, control and dynamics

356 ---->neckpiece

357 ---->necrotomy

358 ---->neology

359 ---->nephology

360 ---->neurobiology

361 ---->neurolinguistics

362 ---->neurology

363 ---->nonlinear dynamics

364 ---->novelette

365 ---->nuclear physics

366 ---->nucleonics

367 ---->numbskull

368 ---->numerology

369 ---->nutritional epidemiology

370 ---->oceanography

371 ---->oceanology

372 ---->odometry

373 ---->ology

374 ---->onomasiology

375 ---->ontology

376 ---->optics

377 ---->optometry

378 ---->organic chemistry

379 ---->organography

380 ---->ornithology

381 ---->orography

382 ---->orology

383 ---->orthodontics

384 ---->orthography

385 ---->osteology

386 ---->otolaryngology

387 ---->otology

388 ---->paedology

389 ---->palaeoanthropology

390 ---->palaeoclimatology

391 ---->palaeography

392 ---->paleobiology

393 ---->paleontology

394 ---->palynology

395 ---->parasitology

396 ---->pathogenic microbiology

397 ---->pedagogics

398 ---->pediatrics

399 ---->periodontics

400 ---->petrochemistry

401 ---->pharmaceutical industry

402 ---->pharmaceutics

403 ---->pharyngology

404 ---->phenomenology

405 ---->philology

406 ---->philosophy

407 ---->philosophy of mind

408 ---->philosophy of science

409 ---->phlebotomy

410 ---->photochemistry

411 ---->photofluorography

412 ---->photolithography

413 ---->photonics

414 ---->photozincography

415 ---->phrenology

416 ---->phycology

417 ---->physical and environmental geography

418 ---->physical chemistry

419 ---->physical science

420 ---->physiography

421 ---->physiology

422 ---->planetarium

423 ---->planimetry

424 ---->plant biology

425 ---->plant genetics

426 ---->plant pathology

427 ---->plant science

428 ---->plasma and beam physics

429 ---->pneumatology

430 ---->polarimetry

431 ---->polarography

432 ---->political ideology

433 ---->political science

434 ---->politics

435 ---->polymer and organic materials

436 ---->polymer chemistry

437 ---->polymer science

438 ---->popularizer

439 ---->population biology

440 ---->pornography

441 ---->potamology

442 ---->poultry science

443 ---->pragmatics

444 ---->primatology

445 ---->proctology

446 ---->prostatectomy

447 ---->prosthodontics

448 ---->protozoology

449 ---->psephology

450 ---->pseudoscience

451 ---->psychoacoustics

452 ---->psychodynamics

453 ---->psycholinguistics

454 ---->psychological science

455 ---->psychology

456 ---->psychotherapeutics

457 ---->public economics

458 ---->pulppaper technology

459 ---->puppetry

460 ---->pure mathematics

461 ---->quantum physics

462 ---->rabble

463 ---->radical prostatectomy

464 ---->radiobiology

465 ---->radiography

466 ---->radiology

467 ---->refractometry

468 ---->regional sociology

469 ---->registry

470 ---->rheology

471 ---->rheumatology

472 ---->rhinology

473 ---->rhythmics

474 ---->robotics

475 ---->rocketry

476 ---->roentgenology

477 ---->rural sociology

478 ---->scapolite

479 ---->scatology

480 ---->scientific discipline

481 ---->scientism

482 ---->scintigraphy

483 ---->sedimentology

484 ---->seismology

485 ---->selenology

486 ---->semasiology

487 ---->semiology

488 ---->serigraphy

489 ---->service industry

490 ---->sexology

491 ---->siderography

492 ---->slipstream

493 ---->social anthropology

494 ---->social psychology

495 ---->social science

496 ---->sociolinguistics

497 ---->sociology

498 ---->sociometry

499 ---->software

500 ---->soil science

501 ---->somatology

502 ---->spanish linguistics

503 ---->sphragistics

504 ---->statics

505 ---->statistical methodology

506 ---->statistics

507 ---->stenography

508 ---->stereography

509 ---->stereometry

510 ---->stichometry

511 ---->stoichiology

512 ---->stomatology

513 ---->strategics

514 ---->structural biology

515 ---->structural materials

516 ---->structures and materials

517 ---->subtropics

518 ---->synecology

519 ---->synectics

520 ---->syphilology

521 ---->systematics

522 ---->tachygraphy

523 ---->talent

524 ---->technics

525 ---->technology

526 ---->telemetry

527 ---->telephotography

528 ---->terrestrial ecology

529 ---->theatrics

530 ---->theology

531 ---->theoretics

532 ---->theory, knowledge and science

533 ---->thermionics

534 ---->thermography

535 ---->thill

536 ---->thremmatology

537 ---->tocology

538 ---->tog

539 ---->tokology

540 ---->tomography

541 ---->topography

542 ---->topology

543 ---->toreutics

544 ---->toxicology

545 ---->tracheotomy

546 ---->tribology

547 ---->trigonometry

548 ---->trilogy

549 ---->tropology

550 ---->typhlology

551 ---->typological linguistics

552 ---->typology

553 ---->ultrasonography

554 ---->uranography

555 ---->urban studies

556 ---->vexillology

557 ---->virology

558 ---->vulcanology

559 ---->wheelwork

560 ---->wood science

561 ---->zoochemistry

562 ---->zoogeography

563 ---->zoography

564 ---->zootomy

565 ---->zymology

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