Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of protein

---->enzyme (89)

Terminal nodes of protein

1 ---->acceptor

2 ---->acetaldehyde

3 ---->acetylation

4 ---->activator

5 ---->adaptor

6 ---->agglutinin

7 ---->alanine

8 ---->albumin

9 ---->aldoxime

10 ---->amino acid

11 ---->amylase

12 ---->antifreeze

13 ---->antigen

14 ---->antisense

15 ---->apoenzyme

16 ---->arginine

17 ---->asparagine

18 ---->assay

19 ---->autoantibody

20 ---->avidin

21 ---->avidity

22 ---->benzaldehyde

23 ---->betaine

24 ---->biliverdin

25 ---->biocatalyst

26 ---->biosynthesis

27 ---->borneol

28 ---->bradykinin

29 ---->capsid

30 ---->carbohydrate

31 ---->carbohydrate antigen

32 ---->carboxylase

33 ---->casein

34 ---->cathepsin

35 ---->cellobiose

36 ---->cellulase

37 ---->centriole

38 ---->centromere

39 ---->chaperone

40 ---->chitin

41 ---->choline

42 ---->chromatin

43 ---->chymotrypsin

44 ---->codon

45 ---->coenzyme

46 ---->collagen

47 ---->cresol

48 ---->cyclic nucleotide

49 ---->cysteine

50 ---->cytidine

51 ---->cytochrome

52 ---->dehydrogenase

53 ---->dipeptide

54 ---->disulphide

55 ---->dna

56 ---->ectoenzyme

57 ---->effector

58 ---->endopeptidase

59 ---->endosome

60 ---->enhancer

61 ---->enzymology

62 ---->erepsin

63 ---->esterase

64 ---->ethanolamine

65 ---->eukaryotes

66 ---->exoenzyme

67 ---->exon

68 ---->exopeptidase

69 ---->exotoxin

70 ---->factor

71 ---->ferritin

72 ---->fibril

73 ---->fibrin

74 ---->fibrinogen

75 ---->fibrinolysis

76 ---->flavine

77 ---->flavoprotein

78 ---->formate

79 ---->galactose

80 ---->gel

81 ---->gliadin

82 ---->globin

83 ---->globulin

84 ---->gluconeogenesis

85 ---->glucosyltransferase

86 ---->glutamate

87 ---->glutamine

88 ---->glutathione

89 ---->gluten

90 ---->glycan

91 ---->glycine

92 ---->glycogen

93 ---->glycolysis

94 ---->glycoprotein

95 ---->glycoside

96 ---->granule

97 ---->guanine

98 ---->guanosine

99 ---->haemoglobin

100 ---->hapten

101 ---->helix

102 ---->hemin

103 ---->hemocyanin

104 ---->hemoglobin

105 ---->hemolysin

106 ---->histidine

107 ---->histone

108 ---->holoenzyme

109 ---->homologue

110 ---->hyalin

111 ---->hyaluronidase

112 ---->hydrolysate

113 ---->hydrolysis

114 ---->hydroxy phosphate

115 ---->hydroxylamine

116 ---->hydroxyproline

117 ---->immunoassay

118 ---->immunoglobulin

119 ---->inducer

120 ---->inositol

121 ---->interferon

122 ---->iodopsin

123 ---->isoleucine

124 ---->karyosome

125 ---->keratin

126 ---->kinase

127 ---->kinin

128 ---->kwashiorkor

129 ---->lactalbumin

130 ---->lactase

131 ---->lactate

132 ---->legumin

133 ---->leucine

134 ---->lipase

135 ---->lipid

136 ---->lipoprotein

137 ---->luteolin

138 ---->lysin

139 ---->malate

140 ---->maltase

141 ---->mannose

142 ---->marasmus

143 ---->membrane

144 ---->menaquinone

145 ---->methionine

146 ---->methylamine

147 ---->modeller

148 ---->monoclonal

149 ---->monomer

150 ---->mucin

151 ---->myc

152 ---->myelin

153 ---->myoglobin

154 ---->myosin

155 ---->nitrocellulose

156 ---->nucleoprotein

157 ---->nucleoside

158 ---->nucleotide

159 ---->oncogene

160 ---->operon

161 ---->opsonin

162 ---->organelle

163 ---->ornithine

164 ---->oxidase

165 ---->papain

166 ---->pathogenesis

167 ---->pathway

168 ---->pectate

169 ---->pepsin

170 ---->peptidase

171 ---->peptide

172 ---->pericardium

173 ---->peroxidase

174 ---->phage

175 ---->phenylalanine

176 ---->phosphate

177 ---->phospholipid

178 ---->phosphorylase

179 ---->photoreceptor

180 ---->pinene

181 ---->plasmin

182 ---->polymerase

183 ---->polypeptide

184 ---->polysaccharide

185 ---->precursor

186 ---->promoter

187 ---->prostaglandin

188 ---->protease

189 ---->protein antigen

190 ---->proteinuria

191 ---->proteolysis

192 ---->ptyalin

193 ---->purine

194 ---->putrescine

195 ---->pyridoxamine

196 ---->pyridoxine

197 ---->quercetin

198 ---->quinone

199 ---->receptor

200 ---->reductase

201 ---->renin

202 ---->rennet

203 ---->rennin

204 ---->repressor

205 ---->retinoblastoma

206 ---->retinoid

207 ---->ribosome

208 ---->ricin

209 ---->scleroprotein

210 ---->serine

211 ---->smell

212 ---->spermatogenesis

213 ---->spermine

214 ---->sphingomyelin

215 ---->splice

216 ---->spongin

217 ---->statocyst

218 ---->substrate

219 ---->subunit

220 ---->succinate

221 ---->superoxide

222 ---->suppressor

223 ---->surfactant

224 ---->synthase

225 ---->synthesis

226 ---->tat

227 ---->thiamine

228 ---->threonine

229 ---->thrombin

230 ---->toxin

231 ---->transcript

232 ---->transcriptase

233 ---->transferase

234 ---->triose

235 ---->trypsin

236 ---->tryptophan

237 ---->tyrosinase

238 ---->tyrosine

239 ---->uracil

240 ---->urea

241 ---->urease

242 ---->uridine

243 ---->urine

244 ---->vaccinia

245 ---->valine

246 ---->vesicle

247 ---->viverridae

248 ---->whey

249 ---->yeast

250 ---->zein

251 ---->zipper

252 ---->zymase

253 ---->zymogen

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