Kind - The Taxonomy Project

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Disclaimer: this website suffers a considerable amount of vandalism,
and is also affected by spambot activity. All of this is feeding the
database with lots and lots of undesirable terminology. Don't be shocked
for what you may find.

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Subcategories of period

---->day (128)

---->night (46)

---->year (244)

Terminal nodes of period

1 ---->abbot

2 ---->acrimony

3 ---->admirer

4 ---->adult

5 ---->advent

6 ---->aeon

7 ---->afternoon

8 ---->age

9 ---->aggradation

10 ---->alcalde

11 ---->allodium

12 ---->amanuensis

13 ---->ambassadress

14 ---->analemma

15 ---->anestrus

16 ---->annals

17 ---->annates

18 ---->annum

19 ---->anthelion

20 ---->antipope

21 ---->antiquity

22 ---->anuria

23 ---->applecart

24 ---->apprentice

25 ---->archer

26 ---->arrival

27 ---->arriver

28 ---->autumn

29 ---->avalanche

30 ---->baht

31 ---->bailey

32 ---->barber

33 ---->batt

34 ---->beachcomber

35 ---->beagle

36 ---->beaker

37 ---->beechnut

38 ---->behest

39 ---->berg

40 ---->biometry

41 ---->birthdate

42 ---->birthday

43 ---->bivouac

44 ---->black sabbath

45 ---->bliss

46 ---->block

47 ---->bloodsucker

48 ---->blues

49 ---->bonfire

50 ---->boomer

51 ---->boozer

52 ---->breakaway

53 ---->breakpoint

54 ---->breakthrough

55 ---->breakup

56 ---->brunch

57 ---->buccaneering

58 ---->buccellato

59 ---->buckhound

60 ---->burgess

61 ---->caldera

62 ---->calendar

63 ---->calendar month

64 ---->calends

65 ---->calf

66 ---->camper

67 ---->candy canes

68 ---->carnival

69 ---->carryover

70 ---->celebratory

71 ---->centerfold

72 ---->cervelat

73 ---->civvies

74 ---->clanger

75 ---->coalface

76 ---->colonoscopy

77 ---->colt

78 ---->coly

79 ---->comeback

80 ---->comer

81 ---->compère

82 ---->conductorship

83 ---->confrere

84 ---->consulship

85 ---->contagium

86 ---->continent

87 ---->convalescence

88 ---->cookie

89 ---->copywriter

90 ---->corallorhiza

91 ---->cosmos

92 ---->crane

93 ---->daimyo

94 ---->dawn

95 ---->dealmaker

96 ---->debacle

97 ---->decade

98 ---->decemvir

99 ---->decennium

100 ---->decider

101 ---->decrease

102 ---->deferral

103 ---->delay

104 ---->demise

105 ---->detente

106 ---->deux

107 ---->diastole

108 ---->diestrus

109 ---->distillery

110 ---->disuse

111 ---->dogmatics

112 ---->doldrums

113 ---->dolly

114 ---->doodle

115 ---->downtime

116 ---->drizzle

117 ---->drought

118 ---->duo

119 ---->dusk

120 ---->dynasty

121 ---->earthlight

122 ---->effendi

123 ---->eligibility

124 ---->entertainer

125 ---->entrepreneur

126 ---->epoch

127 ---->equinox

128 ---->era

129 ---->espousal

130 ---->estaminet

131 ---->estrus

132 ---->eve

133 ---->exile

134 ---->expiry

135 ---->exterminator

136 ---->feast

137 ---->felony

138 ---->fere

139 ---->fertility

140 ---->fetcher

141 ---->fete

142 ---->fillet

143 ---->filly

144 ---->firecracker

145 ---->firework

146 ---->fisher

147 ---->florescence

148 ---->foolery

149 ---->forenoon

150 ---->foretime

151 ---->forewarner

152 ---->foursome

153 ---->fourteen

154 ---->freethinker

155 ---->fright

156 ---->fuller

157 ---->furlough

158 ---->geological time

159 ---->gestation

160 ---->gig

161 ---->glasnost

162 ---->gloaming

163 ---->goalkeeper

164 ---->goggle

165 ---->gumboot

166 ---->hag

167 ---->hailstorm

168 ---->handing over

169 ---->hare

170 ---->harmattan

171 ---->harvest

172 ---->haste

173 ---->haversack

174 ---->headliner

175 ---->hector

176 ---->heirloom

177 ---->helm

178 ---->hemeralopia

179 ---->hex

180 ---->heyday

181 ---->hiatus

182 ---->hickey

183 ---->historic period

184 ---->hobo

185 ---->holiday

186 ---->hone

187 ---->honorarium

188 ---->hooey

189 ---->hosanna

190 ---->hotelier

191 ---->hubby

192 ---->humdinger

193 ---->hundreds and thousands

194 ---->huntress

195 ---->hurler

196 ---->identikit

197 ---->impala

198 ---->incunabulum

199 ---->infamy

200 ---->inscape

201 ---->intercalation

202 ---->interlude

203 ---->interregnum

204 ---->interwar

205 ---->isocracy

206 ---->itch

207 ---->jail

208 ---->jay leno

209 ---->joey

210 ---->joiner

211 ---->jollification

212 ---->journey

213 ---->jubilee

214 ---->jugful

215 ---->jumpup

216 ---->jurisconsult

217 ---->kakapo

218 ---->kakemono

219 ---->khamsin

220 ---->kindergarten

221 ---->kitten

222 ---->kiwis

223 ---->knacker

224 ---->lakh

225 ---->languor

226 ---->lapse

227 ---->largess

228 ---->latecomer

229 ---->layoff

230 ---->leap

231 ---->lease

232 ---->leno

233 ---->letup

234 ---->leveret

235 ---->levy

236 ---->lifespan

237 ---->limpet

238 ---->linkboy

239 ---->litter

240 ---->locus

241 ---->long time

242 ---->lunation

243 ---->lustrum

244 ---->magician

245 ---->mahzor

246 ---->mailbag

247 ---->mainstay

248 ---->mangabey

249 ---->mastership

250 ---->maverick

251 ---->mediums

252 ---->menarche

253 ---->menstruum

254 ---->metrorrhagia

255 ---->midday

256 ---->midmorning

257 ---->midnight hour

258 ---->midsession

259 ---->midsummer

260 ---->midwinter

261 ---->miler

262 ---->millennium

263 ---->miller

264 ---->milligram

265 ---->miniseries

266 ---->miracle

267 ---->mirth

268 ---->mischief

269 ---->misrule

270 ---->monkey

271 ---->monkhood

272 ---->monotony

273 ---->month

274 ---->moonlight

275 ---->mother

276 ---->multimillionaire

277 ---->musth

278 ---->nationhood

279 ---->natural disaster

280 ---->newcomer

281 ---->nightclub

282 ---->nightfall

283 ---->nightie

284 ---->nighty

285 ---->nones

286 ---->noon

287 ---->nova

288 ---->novena

289 ---->nyctalopia

290 ---->observance

291 ---->octagenarian

292 ---->octocentenary

293 ---->oestrus

294 ---->officialdom

295 ---->omer

296 ---->onset

297 ---->opening

298 ---->orogeny

299 ---->owl

300 ---->panache

301 ---->pandoro

302 ---->parade

303 ---->parole

304 ---->parousia

305 ---->paroxysm

306 ---->peck

307 ---->peeper

308 ---->pendulum

309 ---->perfecto

310 ---->period of time

311 ---->periodization

312 ---->phoenix

313 ---->photoconductor

314 ---->plaudit

315 ---->playmate

316 ---->ploughshare

317 ---->poise

318 ---->polling

319 ---->pomp

320 ---->poort

321 ---->porker

322 ---->portiere

323 ---->praetor

324 ---->preproduction

325 ---->prestrike

326 ---->prezzie

327 ---->pricket

328 ---->pride

329 ---->probation

330 ---->proconsul

331 ---->proconsulship

332 ---->procrastinator

333 ---->profanation

334 ---->prohibitionism

335 ---->promethium

336 ---->protohistory

337 ---->protégé

338 ---->prowl

339 ---->prowler

340 ---->puerperium

341 ---->pulvillus

342 ---->pumpkins

343 ---->quadrennium

344 ---->quadrillion

345 ---->quadruplet

346 ---->quattrocento

347 ---->quintal

348 ---->quip

349 ---->quitter

350 ---->racegoer

351 ---->radiocarbon

352 ---->rain

353 ---->rainstorm

354 ---->ranker

355 ---->ranking

356 ---->receivership

357 ---->redemptioner

358 ---->refractive surgery

359 ---->regional blues

360 ---->release

361 ---->remission

362 ---->rest

363 ---->retainer

364 ---->retest

365 ---->reunion

366 ---->reveller

367 ---->robbery

368 ---->rodeo

369 ---->rookie

370 ---->rouble

371 ---->runagate

372 ---->s holiday

373 ---->saros

374 ---->saunter

375 ---->schoolwork

376 ---->schuss

377 ---->seamount

378 ---->semester

379 ---->semi

380 ---->semla

381 ---->series

382 ---->sesterce

383 ---->sexton

384 ---->sherd

385 ---->shogunate

386 ---->showpiece

387 ---->sickbed

388 ---->sickie

389 ---->sigmoidoscopy

390 ---->sirdar

391 ---->sizzler

392 ---->skald

393 ---->skinful

394 ---->skinner

395 ---->slam

396 ---->sleep

397 ---->slogger

398 ---->slubberdegullion

399 ---->snick

400 ---->snowfall

401 ---->snowstorm

402 ---->sockeye salmon

403 ---->soirée

404 ---->sojourn

405 ---->solitude

406 ---->solstice

407 ---->someone

408 ---->spoilsport

409 ---->springtime

410 ---->stalker

411 ---->statesmanship

412 ---->stint

413 ---->stirk

414 ---->strass

415 ---->stromatolite

416 ---->strutter

417 ---->sulk

418 ---->summer

419 ---->superhero

420 ---->supreme

421 ---->sweet

422 ---->sweets

423 ---->table

424 ---->tacacá

425 ---->tantalus

426 ---->tatterdemalion

427 ---->teg

428 ---->telegraphist

429 ---->tender

430 ---->terminator

431 ---->thanksgiving

432 ---->thimbleful

433 ---->thrasher

434 ---->tical

435 ---->time of day

436 ---->time period

437 ---->tiramisu

438 ---->titania

439 ---->toady

440 ---->today

441 ---->tomorrow

442 ---->trainee

443 ---->transactinide

444 ---->triduum

445 ---->triennium

446 ---->trimester

447 ---->tripper

448 ---->troth

449 ---->truce

450 ---->turmoil

451 ---->turnaround

452 ---->turrón

453 ---->tussle

454 ---->tutorship

455 ---->twain

456 ---->twat

457 ---->twilight

458 ---->ultimatum

459 ---->unit of time

460 ---->upheaval

461 ---->upkeep

462 ---->upswing

463 ---->valentine

464 ---->vasilopita

465 ---->verderer

466 ---->vesperal

467 ---->vigil

468 ---->visa

469 ---->waiver

470 ---->wallace

471 ---->wander

472 ---->washday

473 ---->watchman

474 ---->weekday

475 ---->weeknight

476 ---->whisky

477 ---->whit

478 ---->workday

479 ---->worker

480 ---->workweek

481 ---->wrangle

482 ---->yearend

483 ---->yearling

484 ---->yesterday

485 ---->zodiac

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